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Google Confidential and Proprietary Dmitry Korchagin Google Strategic Partnerships – Commerce.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Confidential and Proprietary Dmitry Korchagin Google Strategic Partnerships – Commerce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Confidential and Proprietary Dmitry Korchagin Google Strategic Partnerships – Commerce

2 Google Confidential and Proprietary Demo Video 2

3 Google Confidential and Proprietary Миссия Google Организовать информацию всего мира и сделать ее универсально доступной и полезной 3

4 Google Confidential and Proprietary Google Shopping как часть этой миссии 4 Результаты поиска оптимизируются под запросы пользователя eiffel tower Trailer harry potter Barack ObamaTv lcd

5 Google Confidential and Proprietary Google Shopping начинается здесь 5

6 Google Confidential and Proprietary Google Shopping и универсальный поиск 6

7 Google Confidential and Proprietary Google Shopping - страница результатов 7

8 Google Confidential and Proprietary Google Shopping - страница товара 8

9 Google Confidential and Proprietary Итак Google shopping – это часть Google web search experience Google shopping агрегирует информацию под потребности пользователя 9

10 Google Confidential and Proprietary Q&A Questions?

11 Google Confidential and Proprietary ANNEXES 11

12 Google Confidential and Proprietary СПАСИБО! 12

13 Google Confidential and Proprietary Requires more than 30 review with an average rating higher than 4.0 Shown in ads automatically (opt-out possible) Sources can be found by clicking on the Seller Ratings Seller reviews

14 Google Confidential and Proprietary Product Reviews

15 Google Confidential and Proprietary Search results annotated with ratings provide shoppers with essential information to make buying decisions Organic results annotation

16 Google Confidential and Proprietary 65% пользователей США ищут online перед покупкой US Online and Web-influenced Retail Sales (in Billions) Source: Forrester Research Web-Influenced Retail Sales Forecast, 12/09 (US) Поведение пользователей – поиск online, покупка offline

17 Google Confidential and Proprietary ResearchBuySearch What kind of product do I need? What are the different models? Which one is best for me? Where can I find it? Is it available? How much does it cost? Will it be compatible with x? Should I buy it online or locally? How can they ship it to me? What is the return-policy? Shopping decision process

18 Google Confidential and Proprietary Nearby stores integrated to the Shopping results

19 Google Confidential and Proprietary If the user clicks on “Nearby store” (along with Shopping) 19

20 Google Confidential and Proprietary Integration in the product pages

21 Google Confidential and Proprietary In stock nearby functionality

22 Google Confidential and Proprietary Back up screenshots just in case 22

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