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Implications What are the implications for your county? What do you need to respond to or anticipate? Presenter:__________________ EVENT or CHANGEIMPLICATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Implications What are the implications for your county? What do you need to respond to or anticipate? Presenter:__________________ EVENT or CHANGEIMPLICATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implications What are the implications for your county? What do you need to respond to or anticipate? Presenter:__________________ EVENT or CHANGEIMPLICATION

2 Criteria Alternatives Matrix (CAM): How to get to Work Walk Bike Bus Car ConvenienceGreenTime Total 0 = Worst 3= Best 2 2 1 1 322 631 7 033 Options 4 6 Criteria

3 Criteria Alternatives Matrix (CAM) Criteria #1: ___________________ Criteria #2: ____________________ Criteria #3: _____________________ TOTAL Option #1: _______________________ Option #2: _______________________ Option #3: _______________________ Option #4: _______________________ 0 = Worst 3= Best

4 Implications Matrix Consequences Short TermLong Term High ImpactHow can we mitigate this? What do we have to do to get through? Start working strategically to adapt to this change Low ImpactRide it out…These can sneak up on you, pay attention… Duration

5 Implications Matrix Consequences Short TermLong Term High Impact Low Impact Duration

6 KP U Questions to ask yourself: What assumptions are we making? If this is true, what else must be true? What additional information is needed? By when? What are we solving for? For Whom? What Do We Know?

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