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I will play the guitar Grade 6 Lesson 2. MASH is a game to predict your future. I will marry Lee Min Ho. I will live in a mansion in Paris. I will be.

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Presentation on theme: "I will play the guitar Grade 6 Lesson 2. MASH is a game to predict your future. I will marry Lee Min Ho. I will live in a mansion in Paris. I will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 I will play the guitar Grade 6 Lesson 2

2 MASH is a game to predict your future. I will marry Lee Min Ho. I will live in a mansion in Paris. I will be a rock star. I will drive a Lexus. Do you want to play?

3 How to play  Take out a pencil and a piece of paper.  Listen for directions and write each category together.  You MUST write at least 1 thing in each category you don’t like.  Example: What kind of house you will live in…

4 Mansion

5 Apartment

6 House

7 Shack

8 MASH Mansion Apartment Shack House

9 Write ‘MASH’ in big letters on the top of your paper. M (mansion) A (apt) S (shack) H (house)

10 Now think of who you want to marry. **NOT REALLY, JUST FUN** EXAMPLES  Lee Min Ho  Brad Pitt  Former President Lee Myung Bak  Jung Joon Ha

11 Pick From This List (Name):  Boys Name:  김준현  유세윤  엘  창민  찬열  크리스  백현  온유  민호  Girls Name:  오나미  박지선  다솜  윤아  현아  수지  혜리  구하라  설리

12 Now write them in the next row like this…in any order MASH Lee Min HoFormer President Lee Myung Bak Brad PittJung Joon Ha

13 Think of a job or career **Remember, at least 1 job you don’t want** EXAMPLES  Doctor  Lawyer  Beggar  Cat Cafe mascot

14 Write your jobs in the next row MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar

15 Pick From This List (Career):  Career:  Dancer  Cook  Teacher  Soccer Player  Doctor  Lawyer  Sign Holder  Cat Café Mascot  Nose Picker

16 Think of a place/city to live in EXAMPLES  Seoul  Paris  California  China

17 Write the places in the next row MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia

18 Pick From This List (Places):  Places:  Dumpster( 대형 쓰레기통 )  Seoul  America  India  River  Zoo  Paris  Ireland  Canada

19 For the last row, think of cars / transportation EXAMPLES  Bike  BMW convertible  Mercedes Benz  Old beater car( 고물차 _)

20 Pick From This List (Transportation):  Transportation:  Bike  Walking  Airplane  Skipping( 뛰기 )  Crawling ( 기어가기 )  Scooter  Running  Car  Horse

21 Now write the cars in the last row MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car

22 Are you ready to find out your future?  I will marry name.  I will live in a(n) type of house in place/ country.  I will be a(n) career/job.  I will drive(ride) a type of car/transportation.

23 Think of your favorite number between 3 – 10 ….. mine is 7 MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car

24 You are going to cross out every 7 th (or your number) box. **WATCH** MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car 1234 5 6

25 Then you count again **WATCH** MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car 1 234 5 6

26 Continue, skipping the X’s **WATCH** MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car 1 2 3 45 6

27 When you get to the last item in each row, circle it and skip it next time **WATCH** MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car 1 2 345 6

28 Keep going until you circle 1 in each row **WATCH** MASH Lee Min Ho Former President Lee Myung Bak Brad Pitt Jung Joon Ha Cat Café mascot DoctorLawyerBeggar ParisChinaSeoulCalifornia BMW convertible Mercedes Benz BikeOld beater car

29 Read your future…here’s mine.  I will marry Former President Lee Myung Bak.  I will live in a(n) shack in Paris.  I will be a(n) Lawyer.  I will drive(ride) a old beater car.

30 What’s your future??  Share with your partner / friends  Volunteer to come share at the front?  Did you have fun?

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