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Moving NYS 4-H Forward Cornell Cooperative Extension Executive Leadership Conference March 28 th -29 th, 2012 Ithaca, NY Holiday Inn Valerie N. Adams,

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Presentation on theme: "Moving NYS 4-H Forward Cornell Cooperative Extension Executive Leadership Conference March 28 th -29 th, 2012 Ithaca, NY Holiday Inn Valerie N. Adams,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving NYS 4-H Forward Cornell Cooperative Extension Executive Leadership Conference March 28 th -29 th, 2012 Ithaca, NY Holiday Inn Valerie N. Adams, NYS 4-H Program Leader

2 What is 4-H? 4-H is NIFA's flagship youth development program

3 What is 4-H? 4-H helps youth acquire knowledge, develop life skills, and form attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, contributing citizens.

4 What is 4-H? 5-19 y/o participants Reside in every demographic area—rural, urban, and suburban.

5 “To Make the Best Better”

6 New York State 4-H is the youth development program for Cornell Cooperative Extension –4-H officially operates through the College of Human Ecology (2011).

7 What are the 4-H Mandates ? Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) Health Living Civic Engagement

8 NYS 4-H 2010-2011 Snapshot –167234 Youth served In-School Clubs After-School Clubs Military Clubs Special Interest/Short Term programs School Enrichment Independent Study Mentoring SACC Education Day and Overnight Camping

9 NYS 4-H 2010-2011 Snapshot 15,729 4-H Volunteers + 122081(73%) 4-Hers between K-6 th grade = Opportunity for Impact

10 NYS 4-H Goals Re-engage, establish and strengthen campus-county connections to researched based programming. –Collaborative Efforts –New areas of research –Content Specific Professional Development for Educators Align state programming with mission Mandates –Organize initiatives to align with mission mandates –Review and assess state supported events and curriculum, streamline our efforts to focus on projects, partnerships and opportunities with clear research connections.

11 NYS 4-H Goals Assessment and Evaluation –Identify common measures for 4-H programming Integrate Civic Engagement across mandates i.e. Revolution of Responsibility Increase state office capacity to support educators and volunteers Increase NYS 4-H Educators confidence and ability to serve and work with diverse audiences

12 Moving 4-H Forward NYS 4-H Office –Provide support for securing funding by pursuing: –Federal Funding through NIH, NSF, etc. –i.e. Discovery K-12

13 Moving 4-H Forward NYS 4-H State Office: –Work with the National 4-H Council and the State 4-H Foundation to identify private funding sources Foundations, corporations and private donors

14 Core State Office Team Steve Hamilton, Human Development Professor, Associate Director for Youth Development, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research Valerie Adams, State Program Leader Adam Davis, Administrative Assistant (Office Manager) Nancy Schaff, STEM Specialist

15 Core State Office Team Jamila Simon, Communication/Civic Engagement Program Assistant Ruth Campbell, Financial Assistant Jo Anne Swanson, State Program Administrator (Interim Healthy Lifestyles Liaison)

16 State Office Updates Continue to update our: communication channels-websites, blogs, listservs, and social media. New Location Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Beebe Hall Staff-Hiring Healthy Lifestyle Extension Specialist PT Program Assistant

17 State Office Updates Cont’d NYSAN Steering Committee Membership SET PWT has been renamed to align with our State Identified Mandate and research language

18 State Office Updates Cont’d New Risk & Thriving in Adolescence PWT Co-chairs: Melissa C. Schroeder, off-campus Jutta Dotterweich, on-campus Reactivating and Renaming the YCA PWT to: –Civic Engagement »to align with our State Identified Mandate and research language.

19 References Youth Development & 4-H y/sri/youthdev_sri_4h.html 2010—2011 New York State 4-H Over 6 Hour Enrollment Summary ogram/Documents/10- 11%20Over%206%20Only%20Stat %20Summary%20(Read-Only).pdf New York State External Review Report and Recommendations 1999

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