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Subject : English Prepared by : Students of 10 th class (Kajoldeep Kaur, Sukjeet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Komalpreet) Guided By : Satpal (SS Master) Phone.

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2 Subject : English Prepared by : Students of 10 th class (Kajoldeep Kaur, Sukjeet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Komalpreet) Guided By : Satpal (SS Master) Phone : 94635-87952 Govt. High School, Kalyan (Sangrur) Bed Number-29

3 ieh khwxI neIm duAwrw lyKk leI kIqy gey mhwn blIdwn dw vrxn krdI hY[ lyKk iek SOkIAW pytr hY[ iek idn ausdy nwl durGtnw ho jWdI hY Aqy auh AwpxI idRStI guAw bYTdw hY[ hspqwl ivc neIm auus dy vwrf ivc hI hY[ This story describes a supreme sacrifice made by Naeem for the sake of the author. The author is an amateur painter. One day he meets with an accident and loses his eyesight. In the hospital, Naeem is his ward mate. Bed Number - 29

4 He is also known as Number Twenty-nine, which is the number of his bed. He is a very cheerful person. He describes beautiful scenes to the author and encourages him to start painting again. ausnUM nMbr au`xqI vI ikhw jWdw hY jo ik ausdy plMg dw nMbr hY[ auh iek bhuq KuS qbIAq ivAkqI hY[ auh lyKk nUM suMdr idRSW dw vrxn krdw hY Aqy ausnUM dubwrw piytMg SurU krn leI auqswihq krdw hY[ 29 Bed Number - 29

5 Naeem provides him everything for painting. He praises author’s paintings and tells him that nobody could believe they are painted by a blind man. neIm pyitMg leI ausnUM hr cIj aupl`bD krvwaudw hY[ auh lyKk dIAW pyitMgW dI pRsMsw krdw hY Aqy ausnUM d`sdw hY ik koeI vI ies g`l qy ivSvws nhI krygw ik iesnUM iek AMnHy AwdmI ny bxwieAw hY[ Bed Number - 29

6 The doctors operate on the author for the second time. The author has spent his last rupee on this operation. But unfortunately this operation is also unsuccessful. fwktr dUsrI vwr lyKk dw AwpRySn krdy hn[ lyKk ny ies AwpRySn qy Awpxw AMiqm pYsw vI Krc kr id`qw hY[ prMqU bdiksmqI nwl ieh AwpRySn vI AsPl rihMdw hY[ Bed Number - 29

7 With the sale of his paintings the author gets sufficient money for his third operation. This operation is successful and the author is able to see again. He wants to meet Naeem, but Naeem has already left the hospital. AwpxIAW pyitMgW dI ivkrI qo lyKk nMU Awpxy qIsry AwpRyySn leI kwPI pYsy iml jWdy hn[ ieh AwprySn sPl rihMdw hY Aqy lyKk Pyr qo dyK skdw hY[ auh neIm nMU imlxw cwhuMdw hY, prMqU neIm pihlW hI hspqwl C`f ky jw cu`kw hY[ Bed Number - 29

8 Under Naeem’s pillow,the author finds for paintings. These paintings were drawn by Naeem, before he was blind. These showed he was a great artist. neIm dy srwxy dy hyTW lyKk nUM cwr pyitMgW imldIAw hn[ ieh pyitMgW neIm dy AMny hox qo pihlw bxweIAW sn[ ies qo pqw l`gdw hY ik auh iek mhwn klwkwr sI[ Bed Number - 29

9 Questions / Answers

10 Q. : How did the author lose his eyesight ? Ans: He lost his eyesight in a road accident. Q. : What did he do before he lost his eyesight? Ans: He was a painter before he lost his eyesight. Q. : How did he get the money to get operated the third time? Ans: He got the money by selling his paintings.

11 Q. : Why could Naeem not get his treatment done? Ans: Because Naeem lost his money buying the author’s paintings. Q. : How did the author feel when he learnt that Naeem had left the hospital because he had no money for the treatment? Ans: The author was shocked. His eyes were full with tears.

12 Word-Meanings Shriek - cIkxw Struck - Aw ky l`gI Leapt - ku`dxw Dreadful- iBAwnk Depression- idligrI Crash- t`kr Uneasy- bycYnI BrI attendants- krmcwrI

13 Depression- idligrI Crash - t`kr Uneasy - bycYnI BrI Attendants - krmcwrI Minutely- ivsqwr nwl Urge- auqyijq krnw Lash out- Ptkwrnw Moved- bhuq pRBwivq Word-Meanings

14 Miracle - cmqkwr Sketch - ryKw-ic`qr Trembling - kMbdI hoeI Dreamy - supnmeI Minutely - ivsqwr nwl Urge - auqyijq krnw Lash out- Ptkwrnw Moved - bhuq pRBwivq Word-Meanings

15 Bibliography A Text Book of class 10’th

16 Thanks

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