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What factors influence behavior? How does evolution influence behavior? Explain examples of learned vs. innate behaviors? NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOR.

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Presentation on theme: "What factors influence behavior? How does evolution influence behavior? Explain examples of learned vs. innate behaviors? NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 What factors influence behavior? How does evolution influence behavior? Explain examples of learned vs. innate behaviors? NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOR

2 Compare and contrast Bird brains and human brains

3  The nervous system receives and interprets signals  Neurons – specialized cells that receive and respond to stimuli  Nerves – bundles of neurons THE NERVOUS SYSTEM


5 3 categories of neurons: 1.Sensory neurons carry information to the CNS 2.Motor neurons carry information away from CNS toward effector tissue 3.Interneurons are located between sensory and motor neurons THE NERVOUS SYSTEM


7 Sensory receptors – detect sensory input These are neurons or other cells that communicate with sensory neurons They detect changes in conditions inside or outside the body

8  The spinal cord also is a reflex center  Reflexes – automatic responses to stimuli  Reflex arc – prewired circuit of neurons  Sensory neuron receiving stimulus  Interneuron transmitting information  Motor neuron sending message to muscle  Reflexes allow a person to react quickly to dangerous stimuli  Withdrawal reflex – when touching something hot  The pain stimulus travels from the spinal cord to the brain and takes a little longer than the reflex  You have removed your hand from the heat before you feel the pain

9  The brain is where decisions are reached and bodily activities are directed and coordinated  The human brain is roughly the size of a small cantaloupe 21.2 THE BRAIN

10  The brain is housed in the skull and sits inside a liquid bath called the cerebrospinal fluid for protection and cushioning THE BRAIN


12  Largest part of brain  Contains many folds and bumps  Sulci vs. gyri  Corpus callosum is found b/t the L and R  Responsible for reasoning, intellectual fxn and critical thinking CEREBRUM

13 CEREBELLUM  Regulates balance  body position  Posture  Muscle coordination

14  Midbrain  Pons  Medulla oblongata BRAIN STEM

15 MEDULLA OBLONGATA  Vital Reflex center  Visceral activities:  blood pressure, respiratory  cardiac  Part of the brain stem  Injuries often fatal

16 PONS  b/t midbrain and medulla oblongata  Regulates rate and depth of breathing  Homeostatic mechanisms

17 1.The temporal lobe involved in auditory and some visual information; memory and emotion 2.Occipital lobe processes visual information from eyes… 3.Parietal lobe processes information from touch; self-awareness 4.Frontal lobe processes involuntary muscle movements; planning and organizing future expressive behavior CEREBRUM There are 2 hemispheres, each divided into 4 lobes

18  Cerebral cortex – wrinkled outer surface  If unfolded, a human cerebral cortex would be the size of a 16’ pizza  Lots of surface area in a small space  Fissure – deep groove dividing the cerebrum and cortex  Divided into right and left cerebral hemispheres  Corpus callosum – bundle of nerve fibers at base of fissure – linking two hemispheres

19  Functions of the brain are divided between the right and left hemispheres  The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body  The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body  The left hemisphere controls speech, reading and ability to solve mathematical problems  The right hemisphere controls spatial ability and musical and artistic creation THE BRAIN

20 1.Medulla oblongata located here. 2.Regulates balance 3.Cerebral cortex is located here 4.Capacity for intellectual function resides here 5.Breathing rate is regulated here 6.Has folded layers with bumps and grooves 7.Regulates posture 8.Contains the corpus collosum 9.Pons located here 10.Leads to spinal cord CEREBELLUM, CEREBRUM, OR BRAIN STEM

21  Neurons are highly specialized cells that usually don’t divide  Damage to neurons can’t be repaired by cell division – many times results in permanent impairment NEURON STRUCTURE

22  Dendrites  Soma  Axon terminals  Axon

23  Many neurons have axons covered in a protective layer – myelin sheath – that insulates to prevent sideways transmission  Increases speed of transmission (100x)  composed mainly of lipids and is white like animal fat  Nervous tissue of myelinated cells is called white matter NEURON STRUCTURE

24  Gray matter are unmyelinated neurons  Transmit impulses slower NEURON STRUCTURE

25 Potassium channels are ‘leaky’ and allow potassium to passively move to the outside The sodium-potassium pump in the neuron membrane moves sodium out and potassium in Using ATP, the sodium-potassium pump moves 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ in This restores the potassium levels in the cell

26 The depolarization – loss of charge difference – moves in a wave down the cell

27  Repolarization – when potassium ions leave and internal cell state is more negative than outside

28  After traveling along the axon, the signal must be passed along to the next neuron  Most neurons are not physically connected  Synapse – the gap between two neurons SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION



31 ANIMATIONS OF SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION http://highered.mcgraw- w0/chapter10/animation__function_of_t ml

32 What would occur if the neurotransmitter stayed in the synapse?  After the neurotransmitter causes the response  Removed from synapse  Enzymes break down neurotransmitters  Reuptake – some neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the presynaptic neuron  By enzymatically breaking down and reuptake of neurotransmitters, there is no continuous stimulation of the postsynaptic cell SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION 2/addiction/default.htm

33  Chemicals that are released from one neuron at the presynaptic nerve terminal. Neurotransmitters then cross the synapse where they may be accepted by the next neuron at a specialized site called a receptor. NEUROTRANSMITTERS

34  Released from brain and ANS  Adrenal gland  Excitatory  Sense of feeling good  Monoamine  Can be used to manage hypertension NOREPINEPHRINE AKA: ADRENALIN

35 DOPAMINE  Released from brain (CNS)  hypothalamus  Receptors: heart, kidneys, bld vessels  Inhibitory  sense of feeling good  Parkinson’s Disease  amine

36 SEROTONIN  Brain (CNS)  Regulates endocrine activity (hormonal controls)  Leads to sleepiness  Controls sleep/wake cycles  amine  Inadequate amounts:  Severe depression and obsessive/compulsive disorders, anger issues, and eating disorders

37  Neuropeptide  Produced in brain (CNS)  Pain relief: inhibitory  Released in times of pain or stress  Elevated levels cause disease known as Addison’s disease  Structure is similar to???  morphine ENDORPHINS


39  Depression is a disease  Feelings of helplessness and despair and thoughts of suicide  It may involve three neurotransmitters  Serotonin & dopamine (inhibitory) and norepinephrine (excitatory) NEUROTRANSMISSION, ALZHEIMER’S, DEPRESSION, PARKINSON’S, AND ADD

40  Parkinson’s disease is a malfunctioning of neurons that produce dopamine, causing nerve cells to fire without regulation  Tremors, rigidity and slowed movements

41  ADD may be due to abnormal levels of dopamine  Dopamine controls emotions as well as complex movements  May be due to overabundance of dopamine receptors on presynaptic cells – too much reuptake NEUROTRANSMISSION, ALZHEIMER’S, DEPRESSION, PARKINSON’S, AND ADD

42  Ritalin is thought to increase dopamine’s ability to stimulate postsynaptic cells  Block reuptake receptors in presynaptic cells  Dopamine in synapse longer  Stimulants in high doses result in  Euphoric feeling  More energy and endurance  Sense of power  Feeling of mental sharpness  After the stimulants wear off, user feels  Heightened fatigue  Insomnia  Poor concentration  Irritability  Tearfulness  Depression RITALIN ®












54 Components  Behavior: an action that an individual carries out in a response to a stimulus  Stimulus: action or agent that changes activity of an organism  Response: biological reaction resulting from a stimulus Examples  Noise startles  Bacterial produce an immune response ANIMAL BEHAVIOR

55 ANIMAL BEHAVIORS Behavioral Cycles (responds to natural cycles ) Social Behavior (Interactions with others thru) Competition And Aggression Communication (Depends on senses) Seasonal Ex: Migration Daily Ex: Circadian rhythms 1.Courtship 2.Building homes 3.Hunting 4.Protection 5.Fighting rivals Claim or protect territory 1.Visual signals 2.Chemical signals 3.Sound 4.language

56  Survival strategies 1.Foraging: 2.Anti-predator behavior 3.Cyclic behavior (seasoning, circadian rhythms)  How does nocturnal behavior benefit some animals but not others?  Modes of Communication 1.Signals help influence behavior of animals  (chemicals, tough, sound, language)  Reproductive Strategies  Social  Territorial  Courtship (sexual selection, competition)  Prenatal care  Cooperative behaviors CLASSES OF BEHAVIOR

57 HOW DOES THE BODY RESPOND?  Sensory systems gather information about the environment  The info will trigger responses to the nervous system which a produces a response

58 INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOR (INTERNAL VS. EXTERNAL)  Genes (Nature)  May increase the likelihood that an organism will display a behavior  Tongue rolling, nocturnal activity, aggressiveness  Environment (Nurture)  Helps to determine what traits are displayed

59 Natural selection  Traits are favored that increase an individual’s reproductive success.  Over time, those beneficial traits become more and more common in the population Lions  Male lions will kill all lion cubs after taking over a tribe.  Why? EVOLUTION OF BEHAVIOR

60  Natural selection favors traits that increase an organisms reproductive success. EVOLUTION OF BEHAVIOR

61 Innate behavior  Fixed action patterns  Triggered by a stimulus in the environment and do not stop once the behavior has begun. Learned behavior  Habituation  An animal learns to no longer respond to a frequent harmless or unimportant stimulus  Reasoning  Problem solving

62  Classical Condition  Operant conditioning ASSOCIATIVE LEARNING

63  Imprinting  Occurs when an animal develops a particular response to an object or organism only during a brief period early in life.  What are the benefits of imprinting? SENSITIVE PERIODS


65  Woodpecker FORAGING



68 CUCKOO BEHAVIOR  European cuckoos exhibit brood parasitism  Female lays eggs in a nest of another bird  Once the eggs hatch, it reacts to any other object in the nest by pushing it out…thus it receives all the parental care from the surrogate parents  Soon, it becomes larger than the parent that is trying to fee it.

69 Please answer questions on ½ y.o.p. 1.What is the fundamental unit of the Nervous System? 2.What part of the brain is responsible for motor coordination and balance? 3.What part of the brain controls vital organs? (like breathing rate/depth) 4.Describe how do neurons communicate with each other? 5.What are the two categories of animal behaviors? 6.Discuss how behaviors are influenced? REVIEW QUESTIONS

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