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Welcome Class of 2017 Parent Meeting. Introductions Deana Bickel – Counselor Jennifer Brown – Counselor Lynette Copus – Administrative Assistant Mary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2017 Parent Meeting. Introductions Deana Bickel – Counselor Jennifer Brown – Counselor Lynette Copus – Administrative Assistant Mary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2017 Parent Meeting

2 Introductions Deana Bickel – Counselor Jennifer Brown – Counselor Lynette Copus – Administrative Assistant Mary Ann Flaminio – Co-op & Career Center Coordinator Todd Gorsuch – Principal Don Johnson – Midland County CTE Coordinator Dennis Tomko – Assistant Principal

3 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Class of 2017 English – 4 Credits – English 9, English 10, English 11, and English 12 Math – 4 Credits – Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Math/ Math Related Class Senior Year Science – 3 Credits – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Social Studies – 3 Credits – World History/Geography, US History/ Geography, Government (Civics), and Economics Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts – 1 Credit World Language – 2 Credits Health -.5 Credit Physical Education -.5 Credit On-Line Experience – Integrated **21 CREDITS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE**

4 Changes to Graduation Requirements World Language - 2 credits (Must be in the same World Language. Spanish is used as an example) --One World Language Credit may be earned by passing a middle school Spanish program or by passing Spanish 1 at the high school level. --One World Language Credit may be earned by passing a middle school Spanish program or by passing Spanish 1 at the high school level. --Second World Language Credit may be earned by: Earning a Spanish 1 or Spanish 2 credit at the high school (this depends on how the first credit in world language was earned) Earning a Spanish 1 or Spanish 2 credit at the high school (this depends on how the first credit in world language was earned) Substitute an additional Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts credit. Substitute an additional Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts credit. Substitute a formal CTE (career and technical education) course worth at least 1 credit. Substitute a formal CTE (career and technical education) course worth at least 1 credit.

5 Changes to Graduation Requirements The EDP (Educational Development Plan) and the PC (Personal Curriculum) Process may be used to identify students interested in taking a formal CTE Course as a substitute for other eligible required credits as outlined in the Michigan Merit Curriculum. The formal CTE course must meet all of the requirements in order to qualify. Please note that not all formal CTE courses will qualify. Administration will determine when a CTE Course qualifies as a substitute required MMC course.

6 Junior Year: 4 Core Classes -- English 11, Government, Economics, Physics, and Math (Algebra 2/Trig) Have you taken PE, Health, and a credit of Visual, Performing and Applied Arts? Have you completed your World Language requirement? Are all of your 9 th and 10 th grade core class requirements met? Many, many opportunities for BC elective courses that match your career interest Job shadowing opportunities Planning for Your Future

7 Advanced Sciences –Physiology and Advanced Biology Fine Arts – Intermediate, Advanced and Studio Art, Band Industrial Technology-Wood Tech, Metal Tech, Construction Tech, Intro to Engineering Business – Accounting, Computer Applications, Marketing Family and Consumer Science-Child Development and Foods World Language – Spanish I-IV PE/Health – PE 2 and Advanced Health English Electives - Journalism and Drama Social Study Electives – Current Issues, Sociology, and Psychology BC Class Opportunities

8 Personal Curriculum  Opportunity provided by the State of Michigan to alter the Michigan Merit Curriculum and Bullock Creek graduation requirements  Individual for each student  Requested by Parent

9 Valedictorian & Salutatorian Honors  1 Valedictorian and 1 Salutatorian per graduating class  In the event that there are ties based on GPA (formula of GPA combined with state approved assessment-SAT) will be used  Formula determines Graduation Speakers and TV-5 Best and Brightest

10 Michigan Merit Exam  New State Assessment  Early March 2016  3 Components: SAT; ACT WorkKeys; and M-Step  Required for graduation  Study materials available in Career Center or visit,

11 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)  Students must apply to NCAA Clearinghouse to determine if they are academically eligible to participate in college sports  Recommendation to apply on line during spring of junior year 

12 Off-Campus Opportunities  Minimum 2.0 GPA or test scores…depends on program  Criteria for dual enrollment  Excellent attendance  No disciplinary issues  Provide own transportation  Permission Slip and Contract

13 Midland County CTE Programs  Don Johnson, Midland County ESA  Classes offered at Midland Public Schools, Coleman High School, Meridian High School and Delta  Based on availability and meeting scheduling needs

14  Shared Time (see application for course options)  Dual Enrollment  Online Classes (not truly off-campus)  Work-Based Learning/Co-op  Bullock Creek Early College Program  REQUIREMENTS: ◦ Application and Permission Slip ◦ Minimum 2.0 GPA and good attendance ◦ Prerequisites may be needed ◦ Criteria for dual enrollment Off-Campus Programs

15 Offered at Freeland High School Opportunity to learn about a career as a teacher Classroom practicum 5 th and 6 th Hours Daily at Freeland High School and Bullock Creek Schools Education Exploration

16 Dual Enrollment  Opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school  New criteria for eligibility…uses ACT Practice Test, PSAT, ACT or SAT Scores along with grades and attendance  Classes offered at Delta, SVSU, CMU, Northwood, Davenport, and Mid-Michigan Community College, and beyond  Tuition covered up to $558/class – 2014-15 amount; transportation/books responsibility of student

17 Online Opportunities Courses not offered at Bullock Creek High School Dependent upon availability to fit into a student’s schedule May require out of school time to meet course requirements Application required

18 Work Based Learning Work Based Learning  Senior Program  Must have a specific number of credits entering senior year  Create a Portfolio – Cover Letter, Resume, Letter of Recommendation, Transcript, Certificates, Awards  Complete an application  Packet of information/handbook available  This is a pass/fail program. Credit (CR) is received towards graduation if successfully completed. Students WILL NOT receive a letter grade, which may affect their class standing

19 Bullock Creek Early College Program  Program that allows you to earn both high school and college credit (different from dual enrollment opportunity)  All college classes must be taken through Delta  Defer your diploma for one year and take a 5 th year of high school (all 5 th year classes at Delta)  Opportunity to earn up to 60 college credits at the end of your 5 th year  Application process and requirements for admittance will be covered at Parent and Student Informational Meeting – February 11 at 6:00pm

20 QUESTIONS?  Deana Bickel– 631.2418 ext. 1533   Jennifer Brown – 631.2418 ext. 1507   Mary Ann Flaminio – 631.2418 ext. 1534   Don Johnson – 859.3651 

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