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27.3 Genetic Disorders Errors in the chromosome number

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1 27.3 Genetic Disorders Errors in the chromosome number
Genetic Disorders and sex chromosomes Genetic Disorders and autosomes Genetic Counseling

2 Errors in Chromosome Numbers
Less than 46 chromosomes OR More than 46 chromosomes Due to mistakes in meiosis Anaphase, chromosomes do not get pulled appart

3 Errors due to Meiosis 4 Possible Gametes Sperm or Egg
*Normal *Normal *Too many *Too few


5 Trisomy Inheriting three copies of a chromosome instead of two
Too many 47 chromosomes


7 Down syndrome Outwardly slanted eyes
Exaggerated fold of skin on the inside of the eye Flat ears set low on the head Flattened face Small teeth Relatively short arms and legs.



10 Edward syndrome Defects of the kidneys, ureters, heart, lungs and diaphragm. Cleft lip or cleft palate. Small skull (microcephaly). Malformations of the hands and feet Neural tube defect, where the spinal cord, meninges and blood vessels protrude through a gap in the vertebrae Malformations of the sex organs


12 Patau syndrome Small skull (microcephaly).
An abnormal opening in the skull. Malformations of part of the brain. Structural defects of the eyes. Cleft lip or cleft palate. Additional toes or fingers Congenital heart disorders, such as ventricular septal defect. Neural tube defect, where the spinal cord, meninges and blood vessels protrude through a gap in the vertebrae Malformations of the sex organs.


14 Monosomy Inherit one copy of a chromosome instead of two Too few
45 chromosomes

15 Monosomy Disorders Turner Syndrome

16 Turner Syndrome condition in females (XX)
Due to an absent X-chromosome short stature sexual underdevelopment physical abnormalities


18 Types of Chromosomes Autosome: a non-sex chromosomes pairs on a karyotype Sex chromosomes: the XX or XY pair 23 on a karyotype


20 Genetic Disorders Carried by Sex Chromosomes: Hemophilia
Carried by Autosomes Dyslexia PKU

21 Hemophilia Disorder Blood can not form clots Found on recessive gene


23 Dyslexia A learning disorder Can not see or write letters and or words
Appear backwards Dominant gene

24 PKU Body lacks the enzyme necessary to metabolize phenylalanine to tyrosine. Causes brain damage and progressive mental retardation


26 Genetic Counseling Provide information and support to families who have members with birth defects or genetic disorders Or to families at risk for a variety of inherited conditions.

27 Counselors They identify families at risk, investigate the problem present in the family, interpret information about the disorder, analyze inheritance patterns and risks of recurrence, and review available options with the family.


29 Pedigree a diagram of family relationships that uses symbols to represent people and lines to represent genetic relationships. Determine the mode of inheritance (dominant, recessive, etc.) of genetic diseases.

30 Pedigree A series of symbols are used to represent different aspects of a pedigree.

31 Pedigree Dominant traits: Never skips a generation
Two affected individuals can give rise to unaffected individuals Recessive traits: may skip a generation two unaffected individuals can give rise to affected individuals

32 Marriage Line I II III IV Children line Siblings

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