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 Primary sex characteristics – the genitals; used to reproduce the species  These are the sex characteristics that are visible at birth  Secondary.

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Presentation on theme: " Primary sex characteristics – the genitals; used to reproduce the species  These are the sex characteristics that are visible at birth  Secondary."— Presentation transcript:


2  Primary sex characteristics – the genitals; used to reproduce the species  These are the sex characteristics that are visible at birth  Secondary sex characteristics – bodily development that differentiates the male and female of the species  These characteristics begin to be visible at puberty

3  Sex refers to the biological distinction between females and males. (XX) (XY)  Gender is the socially learned behaviors and characteristics associated with a particular sex.

4  Intersexed –  Refers to those whose bodies (including genitals) have both male and female characteristics.  Also referred to as hermaphrodites (This term is actually rarely used today.)

5  Transsexuals  Refers to those who feel they are the opposite sex of their biological sex (trapped in the wrong body)  Transgendered – disregard traditional expectations of gender and may change their appearance and/or behavior to match the way they feel

6  Berdache –  Found in many less modern cultures (term may be different)  Member(s) of the society who live their lives as a person of the opposite sex

7  Showing Affection  U.S. – kiss in public  China – kiss only in private  Maori – rub noses  Nigeria – don’t kiss at all

8  Privacy of the Body (women)  Islamic women cover face  Laotian women cover breasts  Samoan women cover navel  Sumatran women cover knees  European and U. S. women cover breasts with one hand and genital area with the other


10  Heterosexuality – attraction to someone of the opposite sex  Homosexuality – attraction to someone of the same sex

11  Bisexuality – attraction to people of both sexes  Asexuality – lack of attraction to people of either sex

12 Is it a product of society or biology?

13 Society Biology  Sociologist Michel Foucault – category of “homosexual” did not exist until the latter half of the 1800s  Many cultures have varying patterns of homosexuality  Scientific evidence has shown a strong biological link to homosexuality › Smaller hypothalamus in gay men › Possible “gay gene” – genetic patterns on the X chromosome ; unusually high number of homosexual relatives on mother’s side

14  How many homosexual people are there in the US?  9% of men and 4% of women have engaged in homosexual activity at some time in their lives (much of which occurred prior to puberty)  2.8% of men and 1.4% of women define themselves as partly or entirely homosexual  1% describe themselves as bisexual

15  Teen Pregnancy › Teen pregnancy rates are higher in the US than in any other high income nation (twice that of Canada). Why? › Rate of teen pregnancy higher in 1950s, but most married. Why?

16  Pornography – Sexually explicit material intended to cause sexual arousal  Moral issue?  Power issue?  Free speech

17  Prostitution – selling of sexual services  Call Girls  “Massage Parlors” or Brothels  Streetwalkers  Is it a victimless crime?  Who should be arrested – sex workers or johns?  Should it be legalized?

18  Rape  Official government definition: “the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will”  Men represent 10% of reported rapes.  Many (most?) rapes go unreported. Why?

19  Date Rape (acquaintance rape)  Forcible sexual violence against women (men) by someone they know  A study found that 20% of high school girls reported being the victim of sexual or physical violence by the boy they were dating.

20 Myths about Rape  Most rapes are perpetrated by strangers.  About 2/3 of reported rapes involve people who know one another.  Victim must have done something to encourage the aggressor  Rape is about power more so than sex  Nothing a woman (man) does justifies being raped

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