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NCEP NAQFC Verification System Perry Shafran,Binbin Zhou, Caterina Tassone Jeff McQueen,Geoff DiMego NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Jerry Gorline NOAA/NWS/MDL 15 June.

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Presentation on theme: "NCEP NAQFC Verification System Perry Shafran,Binbin Zhou, Caterina Tassone Jeff McQueen,Geoff DiMego NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Jerry Gorline NOAA/NWS/MDL 15 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCEP NAQFC Verification System Perry Shafran,Binbin Zhou, Caterina Tassone Jeff McQueen,Geoff DiMego NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Jerry Gorline NOAA/NWS/MDL 15 June 2015 1

2 2 NCEP Verification System

3 - made up of several parts: Editbufr – edits input prepbufr files to output only the preferred obs to be verified Prepfits – interpolates model output to ob location and writes out model-ob pairs Gridtobs – calculates partial sums and writes out sums in VSDB file FVS (Forecast Verification System) – calculates final statistics and produces plots 3

4 4 The NCEP Verification System NAM vs NAM-X Temperature Bias vs Pressure Profile Graphic

5 5 NAQFC Verification ParameterModelObservationStatisticWeb site 1 & 8 hr avg ozone hrly CMAQAIRNOW monitors Partial sum (bias, RMSE..) b/aq/fvs/web/html 1 & 8 hr avg ozone daily maximum (4z-4z) CMAQAIRNOW monitors Threshold skill scores (fraction correct, CSI) 50,60,65,70,75,85,105, 125,150 ppb “ 1 hr avg PM2.5 hrly CMAQAIRNOW monitors Partial sum (bias, RMSE..) “ 1 & 24 hr avg PM2.5 daily maximum CMAQAIRNOW monitors Threshold skill scores (fraction correct, CSI) 12,15,35,55,75 ug/m3 “ 1 hr column integrated Smoke and dust HYSPLITNESDIS GASP gridded smoke/dust mask Threshold skill scores (1,2,5,10,15,20 ug/m3) b/aq/hysplit/fvs/web/html

6 6 NCEP Verification Regions

7 7 Editbufr Input – A standard prepbufr file What it does – Inputs observations and trims the prepbufr file based on: 1) Ob type – surface obs, raobs, profilers, ships, pibals, satellite, etc 2) Time window – center obs +/- 15 min, 30 min, up to 90 min 3) Grid region – Use standard NCEP grid number or user-defined grid box Output – A thinned prepbufr file

8 8 Prepfits Input – the thinned prepbufr file from Editbufr - all the model grib files that verify at this time What it does: 1) Reads in model variables 2) Reads in obs variables 3) Interpolates model variables to the ob site using a bilinear interpolation 4) Writes out the model and obs pair at the same location to a new bufr file called the “prepfits” file, for each forecast time Output – The prepfits file – the model-ob pairs file

9 9 Gridtobs Input: The prepfits file What it does: 1) Reads in model-ob pairs 2) Reads in user-defined control file that controls: a) What variables to verify (Z, T, etc...) b) What ob types to verify (surface, upper air, etc...) c) What forecast hours to verify (12-hr, 24-hr, etc...) d) What levels to verify (1000 mb, 500 mb, etc...) e) What statistic type is verified (RMSE/bias types, FHO, etc...) f) If FHO – what thresholds to verify 3) Calculates and writes out the partial sums An ensemble version (gridtobsE) is available as well. Output: A VSDB (Verification Statistical Data Base) file

10 10 Available variables Upper air (raobs, profiles, aircraft) - geopotential height - temperature - specific humidity (raobs only) - relative humidity (raobs only) - wind (vector, speed, direction) - PBL height (discussed later) - CAPE, CIN, LI - Precipitable water - Tropopause height Surface/near surface - sea level pressure - 2-m temperature - 2-m dew point - 2-m relative humidity - 10-m wind - visibility - heat index - wind chill - total cloud - Surface Ozone - Surface PM2.5 - Total Column Smoke and Dust

11 11 FVS – Forecast Verification System Input – VSDB files What it does: 1) Reads in VSDB files 2) Reads in user-defined control file 3) Reads in menu-based options to control a) The statistic (RMSE, bias, etc...) b) The look of the plot (axis labels, plot title, etc...) c) Plot smoothing d) Output type (plot on screen, postscript, gif, etc..) 4) Calculates final statistic 5) Produces plot using on Gempak-based subroutines Output: A statistical plot!

12 12 Statistics available - Root mean square error - Simple ob vs. model plot - Bias - Anomaly correlation - Variance - Standard deviation - Difference plot - Equitable threat score - Bias score - Mean absolute error - Mean squared error - S1 score (g2g only) Plot types - Time series - Diurnal cycle - Profiles - Histograms - ROC diagrams - Reliability diagrams - Talagrand diagrams - Equally likely diagrams - Ensemble spread FVS – Forecast Verification System

13 13 Daily Ozone and PM Maximum Threat Score Plots July 2014 CMAQ-Prod : CB-IV chemistry, no Aerosol CMAQ-V4.6.2: CB05 chemistry, AERO-IV CMAQ-V4.6.3: CB05 chemistry, AERO-IV, real-time smoke/dust sources

14 Model PBL height NAM/NAMB: 1. Based on TKE profile (TKE=0.2) 2. Based on Ri number approach (critical Ri=0.25); no fluxes (same as from obs) 3. Mixed layer depth (where TKE production equals dissipation) CMAQ: ACM2 PBL – enhanced Ri number approach; sfc fluxes used 14

15 PBL Analysis : Observations  RAOBS, ACARS and CAP Profilers: Bulk Richardson Number (RIB) approach (Vogelezang and Holtslag,1996): PBL height is defined as the level where the RIB exceeds the Richardson Critical Number (0.25) Ozone, Aerosol and PBL Verification System at NCEP RAOB Observations Model output NAM Forecast Verification System PBL height Statistics PBL calculation Profiler Aircraft TKE PBL Mix Layer Ht Ri PBL/fluxes Ri PBL/no fluxes CMAQ AIRNOW Ozone PM2.5 Aerosol Ozone MYJ PBL scheme: 1) TKE PBL 2) Mixed layer depth Post-processing: 3) Ri number approach Ri number approach Ri CR = 0.25 (Vogelezang and Holtslag, 1996) Derivation of PBL height from aircraft observations (M.Tsidulko) - ACARS level data (U,V,T,P) - Surface Observation - Moisture analysis from model - QC Evaluation of ACARS - Good diurnal variation of PBL height - Evaluation with DC 2009 experiment: Good agreement with measurements (Radiosondes, lidars). Underestimates PBL height in early afternoon and some QC control issues ACARS 15

16 ACARS – hourly: diurnal cycle, 12 km TKE PBL higher in NAMB for CONUS, EAST, WEST 4 km TKE PBL lower than 12 km PBL for CONUS and EAST; less evident for WEST Almost no difference for RI PBL 16

17 Improvements to ACARS PBLH Verification The data used for the Richardson number computations do not represent a truly vertical profile 1. Distance between PBL Height and surface measurement location, especially for inhomogeneous surface (e.g. sea-land transition) 21.00z PBLH=1350m 20.51z PBLH=500m 2.Vertical profiles of u,v,T and q different due to difference in aircraft trajectories. Miami-PBLH within 9 minutes Attach closest surface observation to aircraft track ---> more representative of underlying surface influence Flag observation when PBLH over water ---> for increased weighting of background 17

18 Derivation of PBLH from CAP  Attach a surface  Interpolate temperature to winds levels and wind to temperature levels  Use surface pressure and hydrostatic equation to derive pressure at data levels  Compute PBLH using Richardson Number method  QC: RIN > 0.25 between 2 nd and last level and z(2)-z(1) < 300m (11 stations left) Boundary Layer profiler and RASS data acquired in near-realtime. BL profilers: Doppler radars that measure vertical profiles of horizontal winds. Wind measurements from 100m up to 3-5 km; range from 60 to 400m. RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System): virtual temperature between 200 m and 1 km Cooperative Agency Profilers (CAP) Evaluation: (29 Oct to 5 Nov 2010) - Statistics  no diurnal variation detected because of lack of lower and higher levels - Comparison with nearby ACARS - Comparison with BL profilers 18

19 Comparison with ACARS Different behavior for different stations: Baltimore: CAP always underestimates PBLH. More studies are needed. Lunenburg: not enough data Seattle: big spread Los Angeles and Sacramento : good Los Angeles  Many CAP data have been eliminated by QC  High number of ACARS data  Location of CAP profilers and airport very close 19

20 Comparison with Boundary Layer profilers Boundary Layer Profilers (L.Bianco and Wilczak, 2002) BL depth is automatically determined using SNR (Signal-to-noise Ratio), vertical velocity and turbulence intensity. Good agreement between ACARS (KSMF), CAP and BL profilers at SAC (Sacramento) and between CAP and BL profilers at CCL (Chowchilla) and at CCO (Chico) 20

21 21 Derived PBL Height from ACARS Time Series Plot

22 22 NCEP Grid-to-Grid Verification System

23 23 Prepg2g (shell progra) Automatically search model & truth data according to path setup Climate GRIB data file Region and North America definition files User-defined Control (created by user) 9 fields, such as: verification time, forecast hours obs type stats types (SL1L2, VL1L2, FHO, etc) variables (defined by GRIB PDS-5,6,7), thresholds Levels …. VSDB files Output files store partial sum of statistics over region (s)

24 24 Example: SL1L2 VSDB Record (total cloud ~ AFWA satellite data) Hdr mod fcst_hr valid_time truth grid stats variable level grid# f o fo ff oo V01 NAM 06 2010112100 AFWA G212 SL1L2 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931 58.9 40.5 2831.6 5349.3 2691.6 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 SL1L2 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931 59.3 40.5 2834.7 5383.9 2695.6 V01 NAM 18 2010112100 AFWA G212 SL1L2 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931 60.1 40.5 2845.5 5476.7 2691.6 V01 NAM 24 2010112100 AFWA G212 SL1L2 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931 60.8 40.5 2894.4 5545.9 2691.6 f,o – forecast and observation average over all grid#. Based on f,o,f*o,f*f and o*o, SL1L2 stats (rmse, bias, etc can be computed) e.g.: Bias = f – o ; rmes = sqrt (ff -2*fo + oo); Example: FHO VSDB Record (total cloud ~ AFWA satellite data) Hdr mod fcst-hr valid-time truth grid stats>thres variable level grid# F H O V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>10 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..671.549.758 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>20 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..643.459.633 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>30 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..624.390.533 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>40 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..606.328.444 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>50 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..587.277.368 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>60 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..560.223.298 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>70 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..535.178.237 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>80 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..506.128.171 V01 NAM 12 2010112100 AFWA G212 FHO>90 TOTCLD ATMOS = 19931..473.086.109 F, H, O – forecast, hit and observed rates ( x grid# = forecast, hit and observed grid points), based on which POD, FAR, CSI, ETS can be computed e.g.: POD = H/O; FAR=1-H/F; CSI=H/(O+F-H)

25 25 Model/System Analysis as truth Variables NCEP-GFS, ECWMF and other GFS (UKmet, Canada, France) GDAST, RH, Wind, etc at 850mb, 500mb and 250mb NAM, GFS RTMASfc T, Td, Wind, SLP, etc NAM, GFS AFWA satellite data Total cloud NAM, GFS CLAVR satellite data Total cloud NAM, RUC, High-res WRF MOSAIC radar data Reflectivity & echo-top NAM, RUC ADDS Visibility/fog SREF, VSREF ADDSVisibility/Fog probability SREF, VSREF MOSAIC radar data Reflectivity probability HYSPLITNESDIS smoke/dust detection smoke/dust AOD CMAQNESDIS AOD detection Aerosol Optical Depth SCIPUFF MM5-dose analysisSCIPUFF dose probability G2G Verifications at EMC/NCEP

26 26

27 27

28 28

29 NWS MDL Verification 8h avg Daily Maximum Ozone Spatial Plots FC=0.773 TS=0.362 POD=0.766 FAR=0.593 Predicted in dark blue Observed as red dots Four-day outbreak of 2008, day 3, 188 observed exceedances 29

30 NWS MDL Verification 1h avg daily Max PM Spatial Comparisons 30

31 NWS/MDL AQ Verification 2x2 contingency definitions  FC = (a + d)/(a + b + c + d)  TS = a /(a + b + c) Thresholds Used:  POD = a/(a + c) Ozone: 76 ppb  FAR = b/(a + b) Aerosols: 35 ug/m 3 31

32 NWS MDL Verification Long term NAQFC PM Bias Trends 32

33 NWS/MDL Verification CMAQ PM2.5 scatterplots CMAQ Raw PM2.5 predictions Feb. 2015 CMAQ Bias-Corrected PM2.5 predictions Feb. 2015 33

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