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Sexual Expression Pleasure

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Expression Pleasure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Expression Pleasure
Jessica Garcia Adrianna Fonseca Amber Guerrero Eva Gil Rita Mazariegos

2 Sexual attractiveness

3 Sexual Attraction Varies around the world from culture to culture
common characteristics among all: youthfulness good health

4 Physical Characteristics
American Culture Women with slim bodies Moderately muscular men Other Cultures eyes are key to sexual attractiveness weight and height size and shape pf genitals female breasts

5 Can lead to Casual Sex Hooking up Friends with benefits

6 Sexual Scripts

7 What do sexual scripts provide?
Direction for how to feel, behave and think in particular sexual situations Sexual Scripts in our culture are highly gendered, meaning that they strongly influence our sexuality as men and women

8 Sexual Scripts Components
<- Cultural Interpersonal-> Intrapersonal

9 Cultural Script Provides the general pattern that sexual behaviors are expected to take. Emphasizes heterosexuality Gives primacy to sexual intercourse Discourages masturbation It tells us which behaviors are acceptable and which are unacceptable.

10 Interpersonal Scripts
Area of shared conventions, which make sexual activities possible. We make our sexual motives clear by looks we exchange, the tone of our voices, the movement of our bodies, and other culturally shared phenomena.

11 Intrapersonal Scripts
Enable people to give meaning to their physiological responses. Depends largely on the situation. Provide a sequence of body movements by acting as mechanisms that activate biological events and release tension.

12 Autoeroticism

13 Autoeroticism Consists of sexual activities that involve only the self.

14 Sexual Fantasies and Dreams
95% of men and women say they have sexual fantasies More than 1,700 college students reported that 94% of men and 76% of women think about sex at least once a day

15 Masturbation relaxation Relief of sexual tension Physical pleasure
Aid to falling asleep Partner is not available/ Does not want sex

16 19tenth century belief Devices designed to curb Masturbation



19 Do you masturbate? Public Interviews

20 Sexual Behavior with others

21 Sexual Behavior with Others
Vaginal Intercourse Erotic Touching Kissing Oral Sex Anal Sex

22 What is constituted as having "had sex"???

23 4 Couple Sexual Styles Complementary Style Positive sexual voice
Best aphrodisiac is your aroused partner Each person responsible for his/her arousal Partners role is to be an intimate friend

24 Traditional Style Most predictable & stable style
Male wants sex while female wants affection & intimacy Least intimate or erotic sexual style

25 Soulmate Style Highest intimacy and closeness
High priority on meeting each others needs Partners feel loved, desired & desirable

26 Emotionally Expressive Style
Most erotic style Most engaging, exciting, fun& unpredictable Most resilient and engaging

27 Touching Pleasuring - non-genital touching & caressing
Tribidism - "dry humping" or "scissoring Interfemoral - rubbing penis between thighs of a partner

28 Kissing Romantic expression or symbol of affection
Lips & mouth highly sensitive to touch First kiss can be a deal breaker Kissing

29 Sexting

30 Sexting Is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos, primarily between cell phones

31 Sexting Law It is illegal for anyone to knowingly allure or advocate a minor to send a nude or semi-nude photograph of themselves It is also illegal for anyone to have possession of photograph of minors displaying breasts, buttocks, genitals or minors engaged in sexual acts Anything that is considered harmful to a minor is illegal

32 Sexting & Intimacy in Relationships
Sexting can actually be positive for adult intimacy sending explicit, flirtatious text messages and using words ( and images) can be a powerful medium for building intimacy gives you the ability to express yourself in ways that you normally do not sexting allows couples to foreplay some couples find sexting to be a very creative intervention for couples trying to rekindle their relationship

33 Cons of Sexting any pictures or videos you send may end up on the internet, not sure if anything you send is safe what you send can be used against you Sexually explicit text messages, videos, or photos could be considered sexual harassment Some people use sexting as a way to cheat , sexting with someone else is cheating if you are in a committed, monogamous relationship You may regret ever sending the text

34 Pros of Sexting can add spice to your life
Its a great way to connect if you're involved in a long distance relationship gives you an alternative way to open up and express yourself, especially if your shy The reaction an individual has , like positive feedback can help your self esteem

35 Facts About Sexting Teenage girls have a few reasons for why they participate is sexting . 40% do it as a joke 34% do it to feel sexy 12% feel pressured to do it Who will see your sext? 17% of secters share the messages they receive with others 55% of those share them with more than one person Sending semi-nude or nude photos is more common among teen girls 22 %, only 18% of same age boys have send semi-nude or nude photos 24% of high school aged teens 14-17, 33% of college-age students have been involved in a form of nude sexting

36 Q&A

37 What is constituted as having "had sex"???

38 What is sexting???

39 How can sexting build intimacy ???

40 Name 3 of the 4 couple sexual styles.

41 What gender engages more in Sexting???

42 What is another word for “dry humping?”

43 What is the percentage of men and women that say they have sexual fantasies?

44 Name two Pros And Cons about Sexting ???

45 How many sexual scripts are there? Name them all.

46 What is Autoeroticism?

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