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Proposal FoF2014.1.a_R&I Collaborative and mobile manufacturing UPLINK Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge Presented By Gash Bhullar Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal FoF2014.1.a_R&I Collaborative and mobile manufacturing UPLINK Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge Presented By Gash Bhullar Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal FoF2014.1.a_R&I Collaborative and mobile manufacturing UPLINK Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge Presented By Gash Bhullar Control 2K Limited Member of Technology Application Network (TANet) 1 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

2 WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015 5. Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) ii. Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing An Extract of the interest area is as follows: Collaborative and mobile manufacturing: –Development of agile collaboration tools for process optimisation of manufacturing assets across the supply chain towards the Cloud-enabled Manufacturing Business Web. –Research should address scalable real-time architectures to master complexity and data security of the supply network and underlying logistics resources. In an integrated approach focusing on end-to-end integration of the entire manufacturing processes and the supply networks –Research issues to be addressed include: –IoT-based continuous data collection from real-world resources –Resource virtualisation –Real-time, modular architectures for interoperability of intra plant and extra plant processes in conjunction with mobile, collaborative tools for data sharing, data analytics and knowledge-based systems, at factory and at supply network level. –The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 5 and 8 million would allow this area to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. FoF 1 – 2014: Process optimisation of manufacturing assets (R&I Actions) 2 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

3 PPP: FoFTopic FoF-2014.1.a_R&I Title: UPLINK (Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge) Collaborative and mobile manufacturing Objectives : The project proposal idea is: o to create a vertical paradigm (a platform of platforms analogy) o to link from top level ERP systems right the way down the shop floor o to integrate Smart objects at various horizontal layers by connecting MES, OPC and I/O bus systems, such as PROFINET, SERCOS, DeviceNet, via Web-Services. Expected Results : A clear visualisation system will be incorporated for the human counterparts to indicate the data and process flows. Scalable CPS architectures for adaptive & smart manufacturing systems to dynamically enable the continuous design, configuration, monitoring and maintenance of: o Operational capability o Quality and efficiency of data o Information flows Organisation NameContact person:E-mail:Phone: Control 2K LimitedMr. Gash

4 Known Partners S.NoPartner NameTypeCountry Control 2K LimitedSMEUK Technical University of DresdenACD Platte ConsultSMED AscoraSMED IntrasoftSMED CADCAMationSMECH Required Partners S.NoProfileTypeCountry End User PPP: FoFTopic FoF-2014.1.a_R&I Title: UPLINK (Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge) Organisation NameContact person:E-mail:Phone: Control 2K LimitedMr. Gash

5 The Project Proposal idea is to create a vertical paradigm (a platform of platforms analogy) to link from top level ERP type systems right the way down to Smart objects by connecting to the various horizontal layers for standard and recognised MES, OPC and I/O bus systems such as PROFINET, SERCOS, DeviceNet etc via Web-Services. A vision of Future Global Manufacturing has challenges of lead time and cost whilst maintaining high quality. This includes resources located globally to meet a specific manufacturing order. Closed loop systems within smart work centres across many platforms require interaction with each other in a flexible and interactive way utilising advanced control and new modelling and simulation technologies. CPS-based process optimisation for adaptive and smart manufacturing systems, through a strategy or framework, is needed to understand the complexities of these interactions with other stakeholders in differing locations with smart logistics capabilities. Methods for integrative control and robust optimization of discrete and continuous processes supporting engineers in their aim of detecting, measuring and monitoring the variables, events and situations which affect the performance, energy-use and reliability of manufacturing systems. Project Proposal Idea (1) 5 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

6 Existing mechanisms need to be integrated into the real time negotiations of creating the supply network and subsequently monitoring for efficiencies and perturbations (breakdowns). Collaboration cyberspaces will be needed for optimisation of routing of all data between stakeholder resources to eliminate or drastically reduce delivery constraints. Previously used assumptions in manufacturing lines and supply chains will be challenged, especially the concept of fully defined resource planning. The approach will incorporate an Open Vertical Paradigm (OVP), open receptors and restful web interfacing to allow an agile extensible support for legacy system connectivity. Alongside legacy systems, all the current and future technologies in smart sensor technologies, smart system design, embedded systems, cognitive technologies and advanced control will be incorporated and considered in the scope of the framework. A clear visualisation system will be incorporated for the human counterparts to indicate the data and process flows. Scalable CPS architectures for adaptive and smart manufacturing systems to dynamically enable the continuous design, configuration, monitoring and maintenance of operational capability, quality, and efficiency. Project Proposal Idea (2) 6 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

7 Self-learning systems with feedback loops between production and design will be included. UPLINK will simplify the complexities of the multidimensional dataflow and highlight the bottlenecks, breakdowns and constraints present in the ecosystem through scalable real-time architectures to master complexity and data security of the supply network and underlying logistics resources. UPLINK will provide an integrated approach focusing on end-to-end integration of the entire manufacturing processes and the supply networks, research issues to be addressed include: IoT- based continuous data collection from real-world resources, resource virtualisation, real-time, modular architectures for interoperability of intra plant and extra plant processes. Mobile, collaborative tools for data sharing, data analytics and knowledge-based systems, at factory and at supply network level. Development of agile collaboration tools for process optimisation of manufacturing assets across the supply chain towards the Cloud-enabled Manufacturing Business Web will provide supply chain data and having a visualisation on the complete information flow will provide the confidence that the system is working as optimally as possible. Project Proposal Idea (3) 7 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

8 Copyright UPLINK Consortium - Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion 8

9 16/12/2013Copyright UPLINK Consortium - Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion 9 “Achieve a genuine single market for knowledge, research and Innovation” “Facilitate collaborative and industry-driven research, streamline the instruments, radically simplify access, reduce time to market and further strengthen excellence” - REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL Establishing Horizon 2020

10 UPLINK Consortium (So far) Control 2KGash Bhullar, UK FITMAN TUDMartin Wollschlaeger, D PLANTCockpit Platte ConsultEllen Legziel, D PLANTCockpit AscoraSven Abels, D ADVENTURE IntrasoftRaimund Broechler, D IMAGINE CADCAMationVan Khai Nguyen FoFdation Use case partners: Siemens, Dragan Obradovic, D (tbc) 10 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

11 Copyright UPLINK Consortium - Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion 11 Keeping in mind "Cross-cutting Key Enabling Technologies“ With the potential of tapping into European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for pilot production lines developed for high industrial interest and innovation potential as proposed by the High-level Group on KETs: high-performance production, embedded energy, smart structures, and industrial processes using renewable resources. ICT Links

12 ENGINEERING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COMMISSIONING RECYCLING INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING Copyright UPLINK Consortium – DRAFT ONLY – Not for General Distribution Sensor Level Field Level Control Level Process Management Level Enterprise Level Plant Level LOGISTICS DATA DATA IN SUPPLY CHAINs PLM DATA HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION VERTICAL INTEGRATION MULITPLANT PLANT COCKPIT ADVENTURE Sense & React FoFdation IMAGINE UPLINK PROVIDING: Event Management - Open Connectors - Dynamic Data - Optimisation Highly Graphical Dynamic Enterprise View of Data Highly Graphical Dynamic Enterprise View of Data Showing areas of critical concern regarding data flow bottlenecks, communications breakdown Showing areas of critical concern regarding data flow bottlenecks, communications breakdown Near-Time Data PLM / ERP /MES Data Integration Near-Time Data PLM / ERP /MES Data Integration Manufacturing Business Web Dynamic Data and Event Management Alerts Dynamic Data and Event Management Alerts Predictive Maintenance Areas Process Optimisation Overall Equipment Effectiveness Data Predictive Maintenance Areas Process Optimisation Overall Equipment Effectiveness Data UPLINK DATA CONNECTOR API Application Programming Interface For DATA CONNECTIVITY and DISPLAY 12 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

13 Thank you! FoF2014.1.a_R&I Collaborative and mobile manufacturing UPLINK Universal Platform for LeveragIng Network Knowledge Presented By Gash Bhullar Control 2K Limited Member of Technology Application Network (TANet) 13 Private and Confidential - Not for General Distribution or Discussion16/12/2013

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