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By: Nick Pollard.  Sexual Harassment is exponentially spreading, causing joblessness,and affecting men and women all over the world.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Nick Pollard.  Sexual Harassment is exponentially spreading, causing joblessness,and affecting men and women all over the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Nick Pollard

2  Sexual Harassment is exponentially spreading, causing joblessness,and affecting men and women all over the world.

3  It is a form of sex discrimination based solely on gender.

4  Quid Pro Quo – when employment relies on sexual favors  Hostile Work Environment – actions of workers cause working conditions to be intolerable

5  Staring  Wolf whistles  Sexually explicit gestures  Sexual sneak attack (grabbing breasts)  Demanding (Hey, baby, give me a smile)

6  Displaying pornography in the workplace  Inappropriate invitations (hot tub)  Obscene phone calls  Insisting they wear revealing clothing  Inappropriate gifts (lingerie)

7  Hooting, sucking, lip-smacking, and animal noises  Pressing or rubbing up against somebody  Stalking  Any unwelcome sexual advances


9  The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex  The victim can be man, woman, same sex, or opposite  The harasser can be anybody in the company or school

10  The victim does not have to be the one harassed but anybody affected by it


12  It can happen anywhere from middle school to a large corporate business.  It is common in male dominated environments or female dominated places with male management.

13  It is illegal in employment, housing, and academia.  It’s illegal in any school receiving federal money and companies with 15 or more employees.

14  48% of 7-12 graders have experienced some form of harassment  33% of victims say it affects them or their habits  50% of students don’t say anything about it  9% actually talked to a school staff member

15 Number of cases  1991 – 6,127  1996 – 15,342  2008 – 13,867  2011 – 11,364


17  Poor concentration  Anxiety  Debilitating depression  Sleep/weight problems  Alcohol or drug use

18  Increased absenteeism  Vulnerability to hostile confrontations  Lower staff productivity  Poor staff morale

19  Say “No” clearly  Tell them the conduct is unwelcome  Document the harassment  Explore company channels  File a complaint


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