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PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS Backward Design. Performance Assessments: Assessment Structure Unit Assessments Formative Informal Formal Summative Traditiona.

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2 Performance Assessments: Assessment Structure Unit Assessments Formative Informal Formal Summative Traditiona l Test Performance Assessment

3 Performance Assessments: Assessment Structure Unit Assessments Formative Informa l Forma l Summative Traditional Test Performance Assessment

4 Performance Assessments: Backward Design Unit Assessment Lesson Objectives & Activities Unit Goal

5 Performance Assessments: A Summary Purpose: To provide a culminating Unit assessment in which students demonstrate Unit Goal critical-thinking and Unit Concept attainment through performance of a task Basis: Students with different learning styles can demonstrate achievement in a holistic way that differs from the typical Traditional Test.

6 Performance Assessments: Construction Projects and presentations are performance assessments only if: They allow students to demonstrate achievement of the Unit Goal The performance at the level of the Unit Goal is attempted independently & individually (I&I) and on previously unseen material (students in 3 rd grade and beyond). Younger students and ELLs may benefit from scaffolds and graphic organizers. Good performance assessments often allow students to make decisions about the content.

7 Performance Assessments: Examples 2 nd Grade Social Studies Unit Concept: Caring for Earth’s Resources Unit Goal: SWBAT describe natural resources and how to care for the Earth Performance Assessment: Students will construct a small book about the Earth that depicts landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and how to care for the Earth

8 Performance Assessments: Examples 4 th Grade Social Studies Unit Concept: Regions of Arizona Unit Goal: SWBAT describe the regions of Arizona based on climate and geographic characteristics. Performance Assessment: Students will create three postcards from distinct regions of Arizona, depicting and describing their climate and geographic characteristics.

9 Performance Assessments: Examples 7 th Social Studies Unit Concept: Who is Civilized?: Settling the Americas Unit Goal: SWBAT interpret the motivations, actions, and results of early European presence in the Americas using primary sources. Performance Assessment: Assuming the role of a historian in a History Channel interview, SWBAT apply knowledge of perspective and historical context to the interpretation of two contrasting primary sources, both authored by settler John Smith, to create and defend an argument responding to the question of whether or not Pocahontas saved Smith’s life.

10 Performance Assessments: Examples U.S. History (11 th Grade) Unit Concept: The Progressive Era Unit Goal: SWBAT analyze the political atmosphere of Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Era. Performance Assessment: Students will analyze how a political cartoon embodies the political atmosphere of Roosevelt’s Progressive Era through the artist’s use of size, text and features.


12 Performance Assessments: Examples 2 nd Grade Math Unit Concept: Regrouping Unit Goal: SWBAT add two digit numbers with regrouping. CCMS 2.NBT.6,9 Performance Assessment: Students will solve a story problem using two-digit addition with regrouping and explain their answer.

13 Performance Assessments: Examples 5 th Grade Math Unit Concept: Data Analysis Unit Goal: SWBAT use informational graphs and probability to describe trends in a data set. CCMS 5.MD.2 Performance Assessment: Students will write an informational essay analyzing the results of a self- developed survey using graphs, statistics, and probability.

14 Performance Assessments: Examples Pre-Algebra (8 th Grade Math) Unit Concept: Ratios and Proportions Unit Goal: SWBAT apply proportional reasoning to convert measurements and rates and to compare similar figures. CCMS 8.EE.5 Performance Assessment: Picturing a walk around the high school campus late in the afternoon, students will utilize similar triangles to figure out the height of various objects (flag pole, baseball backstop, football goalpost, etc.), SWBAT explain in paragraph form how and why this method of indirect measurement works.

15 Performance Assessments: Examples HS Algebra II Honors Unit Concept: FUNction Operations Unit Goal: SWBAT apply basic function operations including compositions and inverses to solve common situations. CCMS HS-F-BF-4-5 Performance Assessment: SWBAT use compositions and inverses to write functions that convert different currencies.

16 Performance Assessments: Examples 3 rd Grade Language Arts Unit Concept: Opinions and Persuasions Unit Goal: SWBAT develop opinions and persuasions in writing to express themselves to others. CCELAS 3.W.1 Performance Assessment: Students will write an opinion or persuasive piece of writing for publication in a class newspaper.

17 Performance Assessments: Examples 5 th Grade Language Arts Unit Concept: Tall Tales Unit Goal: SWBAT connect tall tale figures and stories to specific regions of the United States. CCELAS 5.RL.3,9,10, 5.RI.9-10, 5.W.3 Performance Assessment: Students construct a sequel of an established tall tale figure and story that takes place in modern day United States.

18 Performance Assessments: Examples 8 th Grade Language Arts Unit Concept: Theme: Southern Drama (The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams) Unit Goal: SWBAT compare different pieces of Southern Literature in regards to conflict, theme, characters, and tradition. CCELAS 8.RL.1-3, 5, 8.W.1,4, Performance Assessment: In an expository essay, students compare The Glass Menagerie and other Southern literature in terms of conflict, theme, characters, and tradition.

19 Performance Assessments: Examples 11 th Grade American Literature Unit Concept: The American Teenager & The Catcher in the Rye Unit Goal: SWBAT analyze the enduring appeal of The Catcher in the Rye by considering multiple themes and the critical reception of the novel. CCELAS 11-12.RL.1-3,9, 11-12.RI.1-3,7, 9, 11- 12.W.1,4,8 Performance Assessment: Students will write an in-class essay analyzing the enduring appeal of The Catcher in the Rye using their own understanding of the novel and two scholarly analyses of the novel's popularity with American teenagers.

20 Performance Assessments: Examples Kindergarten Science Unit Concept: Pushes and Pulls and Motion Unit Goal: SWBAT apply appropriate force in order to move an object. Performance Assessment: Students will design a toy which can move if the appropriate force is applied.

21 Performance Assessments: Examples 5 th Grade Science Unit Concept: Structure of Matter and Mixing of Substances Unit Goal: SWBAT develop a model to describe matter as made of particles too small to be seen and investigate whether mixing substances creates new substances. Performance Assessment: Students will write an analysis of how their model explains their investigation.

22 Performance Assessments: Examples MS Life Science Unit Concept: Ecosystem Viability Unit Goal: SWBAT argue from empirical evidence that changes to the components of an ecosystem affect populations and evaluate competing design solutions for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services.*. Performance Assessment: SW argue with evidence for the most effective designs solution.

23 Performance Assessments: Examples HS Chemistry Unit Concept: Reaction Rate Factors Unit Goal: SWBAT use a model to analyze the relationship among energy, temperature and concentration on reaction rates. Performance Assessment: SW write an analysis of an investigation into the effects of changes in either concentration or temperature on reaction rates.

24 Performance Assessments: Take Home Points Performance Assessments: Measure holistic achievement of the Unit Goal and Unit Concept Provide an alternate means of showing achievement of the Unit Goal Are often based on authentic or real-life situations Are graded with a rubric

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