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How to create a listening lesson?. Do you think listening is important or not? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "How to create a listening lesson?. Do you think listening is important or not? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create a listening lesson?

2 Do you think listening is important or not? Why?

3 Among four basic skills of English, listening occupies the first place. _______ is devoted to listening. _______ is devoted to speaking. _______ is devoted to reading. _______ is devoted to writing. 45% 30% 16% 9%

4 Are there any problems to teach listening? What are they?

5 COMMON LISTENING PROBLEMS ⅰ. Speaker factors ⅱ. Text factors ⅲ. Students factors

6 Speaker Factors ◆ Too fast. ◆ Use too many unfamiliar words. ◆ Accents are unfamiliar (also fluency, standard, non-standard) ◆ Stress, rhythm, tone, etc

7 Text Factors ◆ Too long sentences ◆ Text types- news, radio, lectures ◆ Recordings are not always clear and are difficult to follow

8 Students Factors ◆ Student s are lack of cultural or background knowledge- ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar terms. ◆ Motivation, interests

9 Three Stages Method:  Pre-listening stage  While-listening stage  Post-listening stage Good method in teaching listening

10 listening Pre-

11 1. What is pre-listening? 2. What do you often do before listening? 3. What is the purpose of pre-listening?

12 Purpose of pre-listening Set context Create motivation Pre-listening aims to make listening more meaningful and effective so that students can be successful in their listening in the classroom.

13 What are the common pre-listening activities?

14 Pre-listening Activities Predicting Brainstorming

15 Activity 1. Predicting Aim: Students try to guess key information contained in the recording before they listen.

16 1.Using pictures for prediction The teacher can use pictures to activate students’ knowledge. Activity:

17 T: Where are they? What are they doing? What is the relationship between them?

18 2. Using vocabulary for prediction Instruction: You are going to listen to a dialogue on “Environment”. Which of these words do you think you will hear in the dialogue?

19 It may be in the listening dialogue It probably isn’t in the dialogue roses park detective environment recycle prince chocolate

20 Pre-listening Activities Predicting Brainstorming pictures vocabulary How useful is Activity 1 as a technique?

21 Activity 2: Brainstorming Aim: This activity is to stimulate students’ knowledge that they have known

22 Instruction: You will hear a conversation about “I am on a diet to lose weight.” Before you do, discuss with your partner the ways of losing your weight, or your experiences with it etc. 4. Using Mind map for brainstorming

23 on a diet Mind map

24 Using “T” or “F” for brainstorming You are going to listen to an article about “turtles”. How much do you already know about turtles? Read the following statements and write “T” if the statement is true. “F” if it is false.

25 1.___ Turtles are mammals. 2. ___ They have 1 pair of lungs and soft shells. 3. ___ They have no teeth. 4. ___ They have good hearing and poor eyesight. 5. ___ Turtles can go without food. 6. ___ Turtles can make sounds. F F T T F T

26 Pre-listening Activities Predicting Brainstorming Mind map “T”or “F” How useful is Activity 2 as a technique?

27 Pre-listening Activities Predicting Brainstorming pictures vocabulary Mind map “T”or “F”

28 Good pre-listening activities can establish a bridge through to while-listening stage.

29 Instruction : Reorder the words 1 rebltou =_______ 2 alwls =_______ 3 dlrdea =_______ 4 edln =_______ 5 itpna =_______ 6 arlvolse =_______ 7 efrg =_______ 8 acfluer =_______ 9 losahs =_______ 10 onso =_______

30 1 rebltou = trouble 2 alwls = walls 3 dlrdea =ladder 4 edln = lend 5 itpna = paint 6 arlvolse =overalls 7 efrg =fret 8 acfluer =careful 9 losahs =splash 10 onso =soon

31 While-Listening Welcome

32 Introduction What is while-listening? This stage is to help the learners understand the text.

33 While-listening activities relate directly to the text, and students do them during or immediately after the time they are listening.

34 What if the listening materials are too hard for students to understand?

35 Should a recording be played over and over again in the while-listening stage? Why ? How do you design tasks?

36 It is best to give very simple tasks the first time the learners hear a recording, and increasingly difficult ones the second or third times. This is much better than giving them a single, complex task from the start and playing the text over and over again and eventually complete most of the task.

37 What activities do you often use during while- listening stage?

38 Activity 1- Spotting Mistakes The students react by knocking, coughing or underlining when they hear a mistake.

39 listen to a passage about snowflakes. Some of the words given are wrong. Listen to the tape for twice. For the first time, knock on the desk every time you hear a mistake. For the second time, please correct the mistakes.

40 Keys fall – falling losing – lost is – was lives – lived teaches – taught read – reading interesting – interested studied – was studying

41 You can design this activity for certain purposes, such as emphasizing verbs in different tenses, comparative and superlative degrees, words with similar phonetic sounds and so on.

42 Activity 2 Putting pictures in order Listen to part of a story called Inside the Pyramid and put the pictures in the right order.

43 2 1 4 5 3

44 Listen to the introduction of Disneyland World and tell whether the sentences are right or wrong. Activity 3 True or False

45 Stopping and Asking  Introduction Stop whenever it seems appropriate and ask the students what they think is going to happen next. You can also ask them what they would do if they were in that situation.  Example

46 Listen and tick

47 Listen and sequence


49 Some post-listening activities are extensions of the work done at the pre-listening and while-listening stages and some relate only loosely to the listening text itself.

50 1.Speaking activity a.Group discussion Based on the listening text about “the hobby of reading”, what is a proper post- listening activity? Students work in group of four to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of over-reading.

51 b.Giving personal opinion Based on the listening text about “Friendship” and “Birthday party”, what is a proper post listening activity? Talk about your own best friends or your most memorable birthday Parties.

52 c. Role-play Based on the listening text about “Ordering at a restaurant”, what is a proper post listening activity? Students work in groups of four, one waiter and a group of three friends at a table. They should role-play the ordering of the dessert, using the menu in the book.

53 2.Reading activity Based on the listening text about “Forest Fires”, what is a proper post listening activity? Read the following text about “Home Fires” and choose the best answer.

54 3.Writing activity a. Summary completion Based on the listening passage about “The Asian Games Report”, Teachers may ask students to deal with incomplete summary of it.

55 b. Writing reflection Based on the listening text about “Spring School--- one voluntary organization, ”, what is a proper post-listening activity? Write a letter to this organization to become its official member. In the letter, you should point out what you have already known about the organization and clarify the reasons for your choice..


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