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By Rex Muhlestein and Maheshwari Rajesh

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1 By Rex Muhlestein and Maheshwari Rajesh
Moon, Sun, and Earth By Rex Muhlestein and Maheshwari Rajesh

2 The Sun’s Size Have you ever wondered how big the universe is? Well how about you start with how big the Sun is. The Sun’s diameter is 1,392,684 km. Then divide it in half and you get about 695,500 as your radius. On the other hand the Sun’s gravity is 28 times stronger than Earth’s, since the Sun is a lot bigger than the Earth. In spite of this the Sun is able to rotate on its axis. It takes 27 days for it to make a full rotation.

3 Our Orbiting Rock ( The Moon)
Our moon looks tiny but is larger than you’ve seen it (unless you have been on the moon). It is 2,159 miles in diameter, and has 6 times less gravity than the Earth. It takes 29.5 days to revolve around the Earth, and while it’s doing that it takes days to rotate on its axis.

4 The Earth The Earth as we know it is our home. It’s a lot bigger than you would think. The diameter is 12,756 km (7,926 miles). Its gravity is 6 times stronger than the Moon’s. Plus there is 326 million cubic miles of water on the Earth. The Earth even rotates on its axis while revolving around the Sun. It takes 24 hours to make a full rotation on its axis and takes a year to revolve around the Sun.

5 The Sun’s Surface Sunspots- They are dark areas that are cooler than the rest of the Sun’s surface Solar wind- High-speed charged particles constantly blowing off the Sun. Solar flares- Solar flares are quick increases of brightness. They are caused by hydrogen and helium. Temperature- The surface of the Sun is 5500⁰C,but don’t think that’s hot yet. The Sun’s core is 15,000,000⁰C. That’s super hot Don’t forget that the Sun is made of gas and has an atmosphere

6 Moon Stuff Water- There is approximately 148 billion gallons for 40 craters Tides- Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon causing high and low tides Weather- There is no weathering or Erosion on the Moon, but there is some moonquakes, mountains, volcanoes that are “dead”, and craters on the Moon. There is no weather, or life on the Moon because on the Moon there is almost no atmosphere. Craters- Craters are formed by asteroids that crash into them

7 Earth’s Features The Earth’s surface is 75% water and 25% land
The Earth has many land forms, such as mountains, valleys, plains, islands, peninsulas, and plenty more There is weather, weathering, erosion, & an atmosphere on Earth Seasons- The tilt of the Earth on Earth’s axis and Earth’s rotation around the Sun cause seasons Length of a day- 24 hours Length of revolution- one year

8 Moon Phases The Moon has 8 phases that are called... The New Moon, The Waxing Crescent, The First Quarter Moon, The Waxing Gibbous, The Full Moon, The waning Gibbous, The Last Quarter Moon, The Waning Crescent, and the cycle repeats over and over again.

9 Click HERE for a cool video on the Earth, Moon, and Sun

10 Thanks for Watching!

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