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1 Universal Recording System for the Stations of Cosmic Rays Gvozdevsky(2) B., Kartyshov(1) V., Klepach(1) E., Eroshenko(1) E., Sarlanis(4) H., Smirnov(1)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Universal Recording System for the Stations of Cosmic Rays Gvozdevsky(2) B., Kartyshov(1) V., Klepach(1) E., Eroshenko(1) E., Sarlanis(4) H., Smirnov(1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Universal Recording System for the Stations of Cosmic Rays Gvozdevsky(2) B., Kartyshov(1) V., Klepach(1) E., Eroshenko(1) E., Sarlanis(4) H., Smirnov(1) D., Shchepetov (3) А., Yanke(1) V. (1) Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia (2) Polar Geophysics Institute RAS (IPG),Apatity, Russia (3) Physical Institute RAS (FIAN), Moscow, Russia (4) Nuclear and Particle Physics Section, Physics Department, Athens University, Greece On the basis of series producing modules of input-output (firm Octagon Systems, Fastwel) the universal system for data collection from the cosmic ray station network MARS-08 has been created. The main part of module UNIO96-5 is 4 Field-Pprogrammable Gate Array, that allows them to be used easy for solving the problem of different kind of data collection. In dependence on loaded managing software this device may be implemented in different ways :

2 2 1) as 96-channel system of data gathering, for example, from neutron super monitor, 2) as recorder of multiple neutrons generated in the neutron monitor, 3) as multichannel system of data collection from muon telescopes, combined with a system of selection by double coincidence. These three operating modes can be realised simultaneously, using various logic microcircuits FPGA from 4 possible. The system of data collection is organized completely on the hardware level without using of the processor resources, thus it is distinguished by the high speed operating (up to 50 MHz). The modules are fulfilled in a format MicroPC (the format PC-104 is also possible) and aimed for usage within temperature range -40 - +85 °C. They may be exploited as carrying out in combination with other modules of MicroPC, and within a personal computer as well.

3 3 Input-output module UNIO96-5 the basis of system for data collection The main part of module UNIO96-5 is 4 Field- Pprogrammable Gate Array, that allows them to be used easy for solving the problem of different kind of data collection.

4 4 Working window of system program Mars08с/Windows. On the top panel - window for operating conditions, on the bottom – working window in a debugging mode.

5 5 Name of versionLoaded module OSInterface programming language Functionality Mars08сc00WindowsDelphi 16-digit impulse counter (up to 96 channels) LinuxС++ Mars08nn04LinuxDelphithe detector of pulse-separation and multiple neutrons DOSС Mars08xxCCWindowsDelphithe integrated scheme of coincidence and the detector of the muon telescope data, two planes - 3х3 detectors on each LinuxDelphi Comparative functionality of system for data collection on the basis of the module UNIO96-5.

6 6 A shortcoming of the controller UNIO96-5 – it is executed in standard ISA bus. But it can become advantage with ARS Technologies Inc offer - USB2- ISA card to convert your USB port to a virtual ISA slots. The external system of information gathering to the laptop through USB port or to any modern PC can be easily created on the basis of such device. There is one alternative of such connector. Controller usb2isa-x3 works under the OS Windows 98, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista or Linux. Controller USB2-ISA-x3

7 7 On the basis of series producing modules of input-output the universal system for data collection from the cosmic ray station network MARS-08 has been created. The main part of module UNIO96-5 is programmable logical micro scheme. It allows to use the system for solving different problems of physical experiment data collection. Worked out: 1) multi-channel (up to 96) system for data collection under the OS Windows and Linux, for example neutron supermonitor in account impulses mode,; 2) detector of multiple neutrons generated into neutron monitor, DOS-based; 3) multi-channel system for telescope data collection combined with a system of selection by double coincidence, DOS-based; In the first case the system is organized completely on the hardware level, in the second and the third cases – on the hardware and program level. At hardware level it is necessary to develop an additional module of programmed logic loading x24m. Conclusions

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