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September 2013 Paul Drummond Jennifer Gottlieb Macomb Intermediate School District Next Generation Science Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2013 Paul Drummond Jennifer Gottlieb Macomb Intermediate School District Next Generation Science Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2013 Paul Drummond Jennifer Gottlieb Macomb Intermediate School District Next Generation Science Standards

2 Welcome! While you eat dinner, please take a moment to answer some survey questions. Download the Socrative Student App. Or go to Join Room 591748 and answer the survey questions 591748 Socrative How might you use this in your classroom?

3 Welcome What is the most important take-away from your science class?

4 Objectives for today Explore the vision and structure of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Examine the shifts in instructional practice prescribed by the NGSS

5 Thriving in times of change It is unreasonable to ask a professional to change much more than 10 percent a year, but it is unprofessional to change by much less than 10 percent a year. ~Steven Leinwand

6 GLCE NGSS P.EN.03.21 Demonstrate that light travels in a straight path and that shadows are made by placing an object in a path of light. P.EN.03.22 Observe what happens to light when it travels from air to water. 1-PS4-3. Plan and conduct an investigation to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. MS-PS4.2. Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. Grade Level Content Expectations and NGSS

7 GLCE NGSS P.EN.03.21 Demonstrate that light travels in a straight path and that shadows are made by placing an object in a path of light. P.EN.03.22 Observe what happens to light when it travels from air to water. 1-PS4-3. Plan and conduct an investigation to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. MS-PS4.2. Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. Grade Level Content Expectations and NGSS

8 HSCE NGSS P4.8e Given an angle of incidence and indices of refraction of two materials, calculate the path of a light ray incident on the boundary (Snell’s Law). P4.9B Explain how various materials reflect, absorb, or transmit light in different ways. HS-PS4-1. Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. High School Content Expectations and NGSS

9 HSCE NGSS P4.8e Given an angle of incidence and indices of refraction of two materials, calculate the path of a light ray incident on the boundary (Snell’s Law). P4.9B Explain how various materials reflect, absorb, or transmit light in different ways. HS-PS4-1. Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. High School Content Expectations and NGSS

10 Architecture of the NGSS What do you see? What do you think is going on? What does it make you wonder?

11 Architecture of the NGSS: Performance Expectations Performance Expectations: These describe what a student should be able to do at the end of a unit They are not meant to be lesson sequences or required activities

12 Architecture of the NGSS: 3 Dimensions Scientific and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas

13 Architecture of the NGSS: Connections Connections to: Other content/grade- bands within the NGSS Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and Mathematics

14 NGSS Resources http://www.nextgenscie science-standards http://www.nextgenscie science-standards

15 Architecture of the NGSS What do you see? What do you think is going on? What does it make you wonder? See-Think-Wonder Thinking Routine Making Thinking Visible Ritchhart, Church, and Morrison How might you use this in your classroom?

16 A TREASURE HUNT Digging into the NGSS

17 What’s happening with MDE?

18 May 2013: Anticipated State Board of Education adoption 2013-14: Begin planned implementation of NGSS practices, focusing on areas of current curricula that address NGSS content and cross-cutting concepts 2014-15 & 2015-16: Transitions to new curricula 2016-17: Full K-12 implementation and assessment NOTE: all of this info is subject to change….. 13_410943_7.pdf

19 So I guess we have to focus on the practice standards next year…..what does that look like?

20 Science and Engineering Practices 1. Asking questions (science ) and defining problems (engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

21 Shifts in Practice 1. Asking questions (science ) and defining problems (engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Content Experimentation Scientific Models Social Interactions

22 Content Experimentation Scientific Models Social Interactions Shifts in Practice


24 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Shifts in Practice: Content

25 Force and Motion High School Content Expectations Shifts in Practice: Content mile wide and an inch deep

26 Force and Motion NGSS (Disciplinary Core Ideas) Shifts in Practice: Content Deeper instruction focused on core ideas

27 Force and Motion NGSS Shifts in Practice: Content Deeper instruction focused on core ideas

28 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS MEAP Question Pill bugs can often be found underneath rocks and rotting logs. When exposed to light, they immediately try to find a dark place to hide. This reaction by the pill bugs is a result of A migration. B feeding behavior. C energy requirements. D changing environmental conditions. NGSS Performance Expectation Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways. Shifts in Practice: Content

29 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Overwhelming focus of instruction and assessment is content mastery Learning objectives attend to a broad and comprehensive content coverage Fewer concepts are emphasized and explored in depth Interrelationships of ideas and crosscutting concepts are emphasized Content is put to use to generate and investigate questions or solve problems Assessment centers on the use of knowledge and proficiency of the science practices Shifts in Practice: Content

30 Content How might you shift your practice?

31 SHIFTS IN PRACTICE Experimentation

32 Shifts in Practice: Experimentation

33 Conventional Science Instruction How does the period of the pendulum depend on the amplitude of the swing? Be sure to keep the mass and length constant Click on the button on the lower right which will activate the photogate timer Set the amplitude to 50 o and start the pendulum. Start the photogate timer – this will automatically stop itself when it has recorded the time for one complete swing (period) Enter the amplitude and period in excel – be sure to label the top of each column and the correct units Continue to take readings for 40 o, 30 o and so on down to 10 o Highlight the columns on your spreadsheet and insert a scatter plot of your results. Choose a chart layout that will allow you to give the graph a title and label the axes with complete units Click on the chart itself and look for the layout tab Open the trendline option and then open “more trendline options” Select linear trendline, and display equation and r 2 on graph Try other trendline options, (exponential, etc) until you find the one with an r 2 value closest to 1 Save the table, graph and trendline information

34 Shifts in Practice for NGSS What questions do you have about the motion of a pendulum? How might you use this simulation to answer your questions? What kind of models might you develop to represent the motion of the pendulum? Shifts in Practice: Experimentation

35 Conventional Science Instruction Students read the text to learn vocabulary and background information about clouds. ? Students then observe the cloud in a jar that confirms what they already “know.”

36 Shifts in Practice: Experimentation Shifts in Practice for NGSS Students search for answers to their questions as they read the text. ? Students ask questions about cloud formation and do some investigating on their own.

37 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS A science course begins with a unit on the scientific method Hands-on science instruction is used to demonstrate facts of science and thereby reinforce concept mastery Clear directions are provided for experiments Scientific investigations are designed to generate evidence and answer and inspire questions Students have the opportunity to invent and/or evaluate approaches to investigations Revisions to investigative approaches and multiple attempts are routine Shifts in Practice: Experimentation

38 Experimentation How might you shift your practice?

39 SHIFTS IN PRACTICE Scientific Models

40 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Shifts in Practice: Scientific Models

41 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Shifts in Practice: Scientific Models

42 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Teacher provides formulas: Students use formulas to get answers: Students observe the motion of a car going down a hill Shifts in Practice: Scientific Models v = v o + at x = x o + v o t + ½ at 2 A roller coaster car starts at the top of a hill with an initial velocity of 3 m/s. If the acceleration down the hill is 4.5 m/s 2, and the hill is 20 m long, how long will it take to get to the bottom of the hill? How fast will it be going?

43 Shifts in Practice: Scientific Models Students create graphical and mathematical models of the motion Students apply these models to new situations A roller coaster car starts at the top of a hill with an initial velocity of 3 m/s. If the acceleration down the hill is 4.5 m/s 2, and the hill is 20 m long, how long will it take to get to the bottom of the hill? How fast will it be going? v = v o + at x = x o + v o t + ½ at 2

44 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Physical models are the main type explored by students and they are used to help conceive of scientific ideas Mathematical formulas are used to find answers Models are designed and used to generate evidence, test ideas, and make predictions Students have the opportunity to build mathematical models Shifts in Practice: Scientific Models

45 Scientific Models How might you shift your practice?

46 SHIFTS IN PRACTICE Social Interactions

47 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Shifts in Practice: Social Interaction

48 Shifts in Practice: Social Interaction

49 Shifts in Practice: Social Interaction

50 Shifts in Practice: Social Interaction TABLE 1 Chemical Formula Name NaClsodium chloride K2OK2Opotassium oxide MgCl 2 magnesium chloride AlBr 3 aluminum bromide KIpotassium iodide Cs 3 Ncesium nitride TABLE 2 Chemical Formula Name P2O5P2O5 diphosphorus pentoxide CO 2 carbon dioxide COcarbon monoxide N2ON2Odinitrogen monoxide NF 3 nitrogen trifluoride CCl 4 carbon tetrachloride What patterns do you notice? Develop some conventions for naming compounds, based on the patterns in Tables 1 and 2. Set up opportunities for productive struggle and discourse.

51 Conventional Science Instruction Shifts in Practice for NGSS Group work is used to manage logistical challenges such as the need to share materials Cooperative learning occurs to help with student motivation while mastering content Productive social interaction center on evidence, argumentations, and discourse Norms of discussion are established, practiced, and necessary to support a classroom culture centered on student learning Shifts in Practice: Social Interaction

52 Social Interaction How might you shift your practice?

53 Speed Sharing How might you use this in your classroom?


55 Reflecting on a Science Lesson Is there an opportunity for students to investigate their own questions? Is there an opportunity to use a model to generate evidence, test ideas, or make predictions? Is there an opportunity for students to talk with each other as they analyze and interpret evidence?

56 Tuning Protocol

57 WORK IN GRADE LEVEL/CONTENT AREA GROUPS TO DETERMINE E XCITEMENT W ORRIES N EEDS S TEPS Next Steps Compass Reflection How might you use this in your classroom?

58 Coming soon to MISD! Science Council  October 3, December 4, February 4, April 16  5 – 8 pm  Dinner! Writing and Argumentation in Elementary Science  November 6 & January 29 Writing and Argumentation in Secondary Science  December 10 & February 6

59 Tri-County Collaborative for Science Lots of choices…. including: NGSS Aligned Kindergarten Science Workshop for K-2 Teachers Engineering is Elementary NGSS Practices in HS Physics Register online at

60 Resources Next Generation Science Standards:  standards standards MDE Information:  r_posting_2-8-13_410943_7.pdf r_posting_2-8-13_410943_7.pdf Productive Struggle and Discourse Resources:  

61 PAUL DRUMMOND 586.228.3467 JENNIFER GOTTLIEB 586.228.3464 @jgottlieb2 Questions?

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