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Scott Sirowy Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside This work was supported in part by the National Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Sirowy Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside This work was supported in part by the National Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Sirowy Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research Emulation of SystemC Applications for Portable FPGA Binaries Advisor: Frank Vahid

2 2/37 FPGAs – Potential for tremendous speedups Intl Symp. on FPGAs, FCCM, FPL, CODES/ISSS, ICS, MICRO, CASES, DAC, DATE, ICCAD, RAW, … Why? FPGAs implement circuits for i in 0 to 9 loop a = a + c[i]*M[i] end loop; M0 M1 M9 … c0 c1c9 a *** + + + 10s to 100s of cycles 1-5 cycles uP Implementation FPGA Implementation 500 200

3 3/37 FPGAs – Potential for tremendous speedups Xilinx Virtex II Pro. Source: Xilinx SGI Altix supercomputer (UCR: 64 Itaniums plus 2 FPGA RASCs) Intl Symp. on FPGAs, FCCM, FPL, CODES/ISSS, ICS, MICRO, CASES, DAC, DATE, ICCAD, RAW, … FPGAs beginning to enter mainstream AMD Opteron, Intel QuickAssist, Cray, SGI, IBM Cell, etc.

4 4/37 Problem #1: Highly specialized design process “Standard” Microprocessor Design Flow #include int main(){ … } FPGA Design Flow Compiler Linker Loader FPGA +**+ MEM Entity circuit is Port( …. ); Proc. Synthesis Translation Mapping Place and Route Capture in C, C++, Java, etc. Capture in a hardware description language Pentium C-based Synthesis Tools

5 5/37 Problem #2: FPGA binaries are not portable #include int main(){ … } FPGA +**+ MEM Opteron Dual Core Entity circuit is Port( …. ); Proc. Pentium x86 Binary FPGA ++ Proc. FPGA Proc. FPGA Entity circuitA is Port( …. ); Entity circuitB is Port( …. ); Entity circuitC is Port( …. ); FPGA Bitstream 1 FPGA Bitstream 2 FPGA Bitstream 3 Either can run “as-is”, or is dynamically translated (Transmeta) Such a binary is portable

6 6/37 Goal: Portable Circuit Distribution Format FPGA +**+ MEM Entity circuit is Port( …. ); Proc. Pentium FPGA ++ Proc. FPGA Proc. FPGA Entity circuitA is Port( …. ); Entity circuitB is Port( …. ); Entity circuitC is Port( …. ); FPGA Bitstream 1 FPGA Bitstream 2 FPGA Bitstream 3 With FPGAs increasing presence, portable format desirable, and needed Current distribution methods Bitstreams Tightly coupled to specific devices RTL Requires resynthesis/remapping May not use FPGA resources most effectively Higher Abstraction? C code (or any sequential language)? Can yield more effective resource usage Could even run on platforms with no FPGA But also requires resynthesis/mapping X X X X X X X ?

7 7/37 ~~~ Problem: Many FPGA Applications Captured “Spatially” as Circuits, not C Designer captures spatial algorithm as custom circuit for max performance N unsorted Split 1 sorted Split Merge Split 2 sorted 4 sorted … ~~~ … Circuits in FCCM Year 3D Vector Normalization 2001 Regular Expression 2001 RC4 2002 Gaussian Noise Gen. 2003 Molecular Dynamics 2004 Particle Graphics 2005 Shortest Path 2006 ~~~ 70 custom circuits in FCCM’01-’06 alone

8 8/37 Queue 1_1, 1_2, 2_1, 2_2, 4_s, 4_us; Split(16_u.dequeue, 16_u.dequeue, 1_1, 1_2); stage1 = Merge(1_1.dequeue, 1_2.dequeue); Split(16_u.dequeue, 16_u.dequeue); stage1 += Merge(1_1.dequeue, 1_2.dequeue); Split(stage1, 2_1, 2_2); stage2 = Merge(2_1, 2_2); Split(16_u.dequeue, 16_u.dequeue); stage1 = Merge(1_1.dequeue, 1_2.dequeue); Split(16_u.dequeue, 16_u.dequeue); stage1 += Merge(1_1.dequeue, 1_2.dequeue); Split(stage1); stage2 += Merge(2_1, 2_2); Split(stage2, 4_1, 4_2); … Capturing Circuit Level Designs in N unsorted Split 1 sorted Split Merge Split 2 sorted 4 sorted … Can designers’ circuits be reverse-engineered to some form of C code? From which original circuit will be synthesized by “standard” synthesis tools Synthesis Designer captures spatial algorithm as custom circuit for max performance

9 9/37 Is C really for Circuits? YearApplicationType 20013D Vec. NormalizationSpatial 2001Efficient CAM -- 2001Automated SensorTemporal 2001Regular ExpressionSpatial 2002Hyperspectral ImageSpatial 2002Machine VisionSpatial 2002RC4Temporal 2002Set CoveringSpatial 2002Template MatchingSpatial 2002Triangle MeshSpatial 2003Congruential SievesTemporal 2003Content ScanningTemporal 2003F.P and Square RootSpatial 2003Gaussian NoiseSpatial 2003TRNG-- 20043D FDTD MethodSpatial 2004Deep Packet Filter-- 2004Online Floating Point-- 2004Molecular DynamicsSpatial 2004Pattern MatchingSpatial 2004Seismic MigrationSpatial 2004Software Deceleration-- 2004 V.M Window-- 2005Data MiningSpatial 2005Cell AutomataTemporal 2005Particle GraphicsSpatial 2005RadiosityTemporal 2005Transient WavesSpatial 2005Road TrafficTemporal 2006All Pairs Shortest PathSpatial 2006Apriori Data MiningSpatial 2006Molecular DynamicsSpatial 2006Gaussian EliminationSpatial 2006Radiation DoseTemporal 2006Random VariatesSpatial FCCM 2001-2006 70 papers describing fast application on FPGA Examined 35 in depth (every other one) 6 used device-specific features 9 represented expected synthesized circuit from the obvious sequential algorithm 20 were spatially-oriented applications e.g like the earlier Merge Sort

10 10/37 Portable Spatial Applications? Current portable microprocessor binaries – sequential Extensions for threads, processes,... Must support spatial constructs Ports, connections, timing model Adds libraries and macros, still standard C++ Sequential and spatial constructs Compiling links in the simulation kernel Self-executing simulation Intended for SoC simulation

11 11/37 Bytecode Modern portability approach Java, C# Virtual Machine (VM): Program that executes bytecode May JIT compile to native architecture Pentium Opteron Atom Compiler VM Bytecode Java, C#

12 12/37 SystemC Bytecode? Pentium FPGA Compiler VM Bytecode SystemC Opteron + FPGA VM

13 13/37 Portable SystemC-on-a-Chip SystemC Bytecode Compiler SystemC Bytecode SystemC Description Processor FPGA Processor Emulation Engine Emulation Accelerators SystemC bytecode can run on any platform that supports the SystemC emulation engine, without the need for recompilation or synthesis Task: Create a custom circuit to detect edges in an image Emulation Engine Emulation Engine

14 14/37 SystemC Bytecode Compiler class EDGE_DETECTOR : public sc_module { //signal declarations … EDGE_DETECTOR() { SC_method(mainComp); sensitive << dataReady; SC_method(getPixel); sensitive << clock.pos(); } SystemC Description SystemC Bytecode Pinapa Front End (Moy, EMSOFT’05) Extracts architectural features and behavior of each process Uses modified versions of GCC and the SystemC kernel Bytecode Back End Flattens original SystemC circuit Generates SystemC bytecode that preserves architecture and behavioral information Output is a human-readable text file Pinapa Front End ELAB AST Link Bytecode Back End Register Allocation Code Generation SystemC Bytecode Compiler

15 15/37 SystemC Bytecode Sequential Instructions Based on the RISC MIPS instruction set Efficient emulation (Davis 2003) Spatial Instructions Includes meta instructions for defining architectural features, bit width specific computations, and reading and writing signals --header signal clock : 1 signal reset : 1 signal memory_in : 32 signal fb_data : 32 signal leds : 4 process(clock) READ $1 memory_in ADD $2 $0 3 ADD $3 $2 $1 WRITE $3 s1 ADDI $1 $0 1 WRITE $1 dataReady END process(dataReady) READ $5 val6 SW $5 24($0) READ $5 val7 … ADDI $10 $0 0 ADDI $7 $0 0 ADDI $13 $0 8 … END SystemC Bytecode MIPS-like sequential instructions Spatial Constructs

16 16/37 SystemC Emulation Engine USB Download Interface Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory I/O Peripherals Emulation Engine Kernel and Support Peripherals USB Interface Real I/O Peripherals Representative of many systems Emulation Engine Kernel Virtual Machine Discrete Event Kernel Peripheral Access and Hooks Optional USB Download Interface Main Processor

17 17/37 SystemC-on-a-Chip Implementation Xilinx Spartan 3E Virtex4 Ml403 Virtex5 VLX110T Main Processor Bus Platform Main Memory Platform Microblaze (50 MHz) PowerPC (50 MHz) Microblaze (100 MHz) OPB PLB BRAM SRAM SRAM+BRAM Fully implemented 3 SystemC-on-a-Chip Prototypes *Demo

18 18/37 Limits to SystemC Emulation Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Ok for some settings Education Early Prototyping Can be slow Orders of magnitude slower than SystemC simulation Slow Processor Speed Virtual Machine Execution Maintenance of correctness of spatial application on sequential platform Main Processor SystemC Description

19 19/37 SystemC Emulation Performance Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor SystemC Description Virtual Machine Execution Signal Queue Maintenance Event Queue Maintenance Read and Write Signal Updates 10s to 100s of cycles to interpret one SystemC bytecode instruction

20 20/37 Just-in-Time Compilation on Soft-Core Architecture Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor SystemC Description Just-in-Time Compilation Straightforward translation of SystemC bytecode instructions to native processor instructions Fast, one-time process performed when SystemC circuit is loaded Softcore architecture lends well to “JIT Aware” architectural optimizations Emulation Execution Time

21 21/37 Just-in-Time Compilation on Soft-Core Architecture Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor Soft-core Xilinx Microblaze or Altera Nios JIT Memory Compared to emulation instruction memory, JIT memory is built using small and fast single cycle access on-chip block memories Emulation Execution Time

22 22/37 Just-in-Time Compilation on Soft-Core Architecture Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor JIT Memory 27% of execution still on parallel maintenance Emulation Execution Time Signal Queue Emulation Memory Controller Single cycle access signal queue Can maintain signal queue much more efficiently than base emulator Emulation controller can hide latency cost of maintaining signal memories under signal queue maintenance JIT Aware Resources

23 23/37 Just-in-Time Compilation with JIT Aware Resources No JIT Aware Resources With JIT Aware Resources Native Software JIT Compilation with JIT Aware Resources achieves up to 10X performance compared to base SystemC emulation, and about 5X on average Within 4X of Native SW Execution Computationally expensive examples achieved orders of magnitude speedup Execution Time (normalized to microprocessor-only solution)

24 24/37 Limits of JIT Compilation Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor Execution Time Base Emulation JIT Compiled Emulation … … JIT Compilation is faster, but still executes spatial circuit sequentially, and is not reminiscent of actual circuit behavior

25 25/37 Limits of JIT Compilation Emulation Engine Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Main Processor Execution Time Base Emulation JIT Compiled Emulation Parallel Emulation … … More reflective of actual circuit behavior Potentially faster too

26 26/37 SystemC bytecode Spatial Emulation Engine Acceleration Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Main Processor Instruction Memory USB Interface Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA Accelerators can potentially speedup emulation by orders of magnitude If available, use platform FPGA to create bytecode accelerators Execute SystemC bytecode natively Emulation Engine Multiple accelerators can co-exist, enabling spatial emulation

27 27/37 SystemC bytecode SystemC Bytecode Accelerators UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory USB Interface Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA MIPS-like multicycle RISC datapath Communicates to core emulator via memory- mapped registers # of accelerators limited to # of masters allowed on bus Accelerator RISC Datapath Register File Local Mem Bus, start, load logic Emulation Engine Main Processor Input Memory Output Memory Instruction Memory

28 28/37 How to best utilize finite number of accelerators? UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA Emulation Engine Process Queue Edge Blur Edge Blur … Image Processing System ? Emulate on microprocessor, or accelerate using on a bytecode accelerator? Available Accelerators Accelerator Loading Overhead Total Execution Time Dynamically Manage Accelerators Accelerate Every Process Emulate every process on microprocessor Communication and Loading Overhead Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory

29 29/37 How to best utilize finite number of accelerators? UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA Emulation Engine Process Queue Blur Edge Blur … Image Processing System ? Edge Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory Emulation platforms have dynamically changing inputs Compared to simulation platforms Prevents a static analysis of system to improve performance

30 30/37 Emulation Engine Acceleration Management UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA Emulation Engine Process Queue Blur Edge Blur … Image Processing System ? Online Decision Accelerate Edge Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory Process # of uses Edge Emboss Mean Blur Radial History Table 8435284352 Yes No Yes No Currently on Accelerator (decision based only on past and current inputs) Online algorithm also considers accelerator loading time, and communication overhead Algorithm collectively known as Aggregate Gain (AG), first developed by Huang [DAC 2009]

31 31/37 Bypassing the Emulation Kernel Core Acceleration Engine Bus, Start, Load Logic RISC Datapath Register File Local Memory Core Acceleration Engine Bus, Start, Load Logic RISC Datapath Register File Local Memory System Bus Acceleration Engine Kernel Bypass Configuration The direct connections between the core acceleration engine and the adjacent signal cache allow the two acceleration engines to communicate without using a shared bus memory Signals to the main datapath to communicate with the signal cache and not the system bus when configured properly For a limited number of signals, allows single-cycle reading and writing of signals Signal Cache

32 32/37 Experiments and Results (a) Virtex 4 Ml403: 1 Accelerator Microprocessor-Only GreedyInfinite Accelerators Statically Preloaded AG (b) Virtex 5 vlx110t: 3 Accelerators Greedy slower than microprocessor-only emulation because of high reconfiguration cost AG performs 9X better than microprocessor- only emulation Static preloading gives 1.5X improvement Execution Time (ms)

33 33/37 Kernel Bypass- Experiments and Results Without Kernel Bypass Heavy one-way communication results in larger kernel bypass speedups With Kernel Bypass Kernel Bypass improves Online Emulation by 11-12% on average Execution Time (ms) Base platform is running AG Heuristic with 3 accelerators

34 34/37 Publications C is for Circuits: Capturing FPGA Circuits as Sequential Code for Portability. Scott Sirowy, Greg Stitt, and Frank Vahid. FPGA 2008 Portable SystemC-on-a-Chip. Scott Sirowy, Bailey Miller, and Frank Vahid. CODES-ISSS 2009 Dynamic Acceleration Management for SystemC Emulation. Scott Sirowy, Chen Huang, and Frank Vahid. APRES 2009 Online SystemC Emulation Acceleration. Scott Sirowy, Chen Huang, and Frank Vahid. DAC 2010. You’re Just-in-Time SystemC! Scott Sirowy, Andrew Becker, and Frank Vahid. CODES-ISSS 2010. In Review.

35 35/37 Main Contributions Demonstrated the feasibility of a portable and spatial distribution format for FPGA binaries Based on the concept of SystemC bytecode Can run both on an FPGA and a standard microprocessor, increasing portability Developed a fully working framework that executes portable FPGA binaries Can run FPGA binaries without resynthesis or remapping Performs several dynamic optimizations that take advantage of available FPGA resources

36 36/37 Other Contributions – Just-in-Time Synthesis Emulator Input Memory Output Memory UART Buttons LEDs Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Main Processor Instruction Memory Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA SystemC bytecode Send SystemC bytecode to synthesis server FPGA Specific Bitstream Dynamically reconfigure some or all of the FPGA Speedup 30X faster than PC Simulation

37 37/37 Other Contributions… Controlling Time using SystemC for Digital Mockup Execution SystemC-on-a-Chip in the Classroom Traditional Instruction Granularity Debugging BNE $1 $2 5 ADDI $4 $0 83 ADDI $1 $0 1 J 44 ADDI $2 $0 1 BNE $1 $2 5 ADDI $4 $0 99 ADDI $1 $0 2 J 44 BNE $1 $2 5 ADDI $4 $0 83 ADDI $1 $0 1 J 44 ADDI $2 $0 1 BNE $1 $2 5 ADDI $4 $0 99 ADDI $1 $0 2 J 44 Set Break Step Set Break Start No explicit concept of time, and not immediately useful for digital mockup execution Time Granularity Debugging Time Step Set Break Step Lung Pressure Lung Volume Lung Flow … Explicit concept of time, and useful for discovering subtle changes and relationships in digital mockup system variables 2ms 4ms 6ms 8ms Network

38 38/37 Further Performance Improvements: Bypassing the Emulation Kernel Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA … Accelerator n UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Emulation Engine Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory p1 p2 Sample Application p3 p6 p4p5p2 p1

39 39/37 Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA … Accelerator n UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Emulation Engine Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory p1 p2 p3 p6 p4p5p2 p1 Further Performance Improvements: Bypassing the Emulation Kernel Sample Application

40 40/37 Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA … Accelerator n UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Emulation Engine Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory p1 p2 p3 p6 p4p5p2 p1 Further Performance Improvements: Bypassing the Emulation Kernel Sample Application

41 41/37 Accelerator 1 Accelerator 2 Accelerator 3 FPGA … Accelerator n UART Buttons LEDs USB Interface Emulation Engine Main Processor Read Signal Memory Write Signal Memory Instruction Memory Input Memory Output Memory p1 p2 p3 p6 p4p5p2 p1 3 costly bus accesses for just one signal! The effect is exacerbated with more complex examples Further Performance Improvements: Bypassing the Emulation Kernel Sample Application

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