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1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, Broadcasting from the historic Sunset Gower Studios, Universal.

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Presentation on theme: "1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, Broadcasting from the historic Sunset Gower Studios, Universal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, Broadcasting from the historic Sunset Gower Studios, Universal Broadcasting Network (UBN) is a transmedia Internet radio network celebrating diverse thoughts and positions With over 600,000 listeners, UBN’s roster of dynamic media industry professionals is the voice for a plethora of demographics representative of global interests and listenership 1

2 1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, 2 MEET DR. MARISSA Dr. Marissa is also a TV commentator featured on numerous ABC, Fox, Discovery and Learning Channel TV specials, speaking on aspects of human dynamics, including “Why People Do Weird Things at Work?!”. Her radio show, “Take My Advice, I’m No Using It: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa” is a show about Hope…and encourages you to have happiness in your life 88 percent of the time. With an average of 10,000 live listeners and 50,000 downloads per month, her voice is an international source of help, hope and happiness. Her Guest Roster includes Fran Drescher, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Pat Allen, Dr. John Gray, Gloria Allred, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and CNN Hero of the Year, Bruno Serato, and 16-time Emmy Award winner Christine Devine,. A best-selling author, her latest creation is a deck of motivational cards called “52 Card Pick (Me) Ups: Stacking the Deck of Life Balance with Dr. Marissa”. Creator and teacher of Balance Tai Qi Qong, a moving meditation on DVD that promotes Inner Peace …one breath at a time is in it’s 3 rd production run. She has also launched a successful YouTube campaign titled, “21 Day Fast from Complaining”- an interactive, viral experience by losing negative weight and gaining joy in this lifetime. With a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology, Dr. Marissa has been speaking, coaching and facilitating to hundreds of Fortune 500 companies like Johnson & Johnson, Wells Fargo, Cedars-Sinai, AT&T, Mattel, Toyota and Bank of America for the past 21 years.

3 1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, 3 Why advertise with Dr. Marissa? Your brand, as advertised with Dr. Marissa, has a nationwide potential reach through all forms of media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, literature, television, web, and radio. Your presence also expands through her many partnerships. Dr. Marissa has appeared on: ABCFox Discovery Channel Learning Channel KTLA Planet Green TV Documentary Channel Listener demographics: 60/40 female/male – 30’s – 60’s Radio: Average of over 10,000 listeners per month Website: 295,776 visitors with 71,890 Facebook likes YouTube 21 Day Fast from Complaining Campaign: 2800 participants LInkedIn Top 5% of 200 million profiles viewed 2012 Listeners can engage via PC, smartphone, iTunes, Stitcher, iPad/iPod, and UBN app. Shows are archived for free downloads on iTunes. Live listeners can also view the show on HD cam. Awards: 2012 Asian Entrepreneur of The Year Award 2007 Remarkable Woman of the Year 2005 Role Model of the Year Award in Business & Media

4 1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, 4 WHY INTERNET RADIO? Both numbers of listeners and time spent tuning in are on the rise. % of U.S. Population Who Have Listened to Online Radio in Last Month Average Time per Week Spent Listening to Online Radio (Hours:Minutes) In the past month, 120 Million Americans (45%) listened to Online Radio, with weekly listeners spending nearly 12 hours tuning in! Source: Arbitron/Edison Research Infinite Dial 2013

5 1438 North Gower Street, Bldg 35, Ste 156, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 330-0662, 5 ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES These packages can be tailored to fit your budgetary needs. For more information, please contact our Marketing Executive, Alexander Rodriguez or Benjamin Viele at or (323) 828-7658. PRICING PACKAGES (3 month contract) PACKAGE A $350 On Show 30 second Commercial spot –once per month Monthly Facebook & Twitter blasts Website logo and link presence Pop Up Live Listener Window Ad- once per month PACKAGE B $1700 On Show 30 second Commercial spot – three times per month Pop Up Live Listener Window Ad –twice per month Monthly Facebook & Twitter blasts Website logo and link presence Banner placement on radio station host page – one month On show product placement – one show per month PACKAGE C $3500 On Show 30 second Commercial spot – weekly Pop Up Live Listener Window Ad – weekly Monthly Facebook & Twitter blasts Website logo and link presence Banner placement on radio station host page – one month On Show Product Placement – two shows Discount on Live Speaking Fee YouTube logo placement – one month

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