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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Microprocessor Organization Portions of these.

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1 Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Microprocessor Organization Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD2e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18-347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted Image source: Intel Corporation

2 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview2 Outline - Course Overview  Administrative Details   Computer Systems Overview  Types of Computer Systems  High-Level Organization - The “5 classic components”  High-Level Operations - the “fetch/execute cycle”  Common Abstractions  “Under the Hood” of some example computer systems  Course Overview  Roadmap - subjects to be covered  Course Objectives  Project Details

3 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview3 Textbook and References  Textbook:  David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 3nd Edition, Morgan-Kafumann, 2004.  References (not required):  Michael Ciletti, Modeling, Synthesis, and Prototyping with the Verilog HDL, Prentice-Hall, 1999.  R. Bryant and D. O’Halloran, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective Prentice-Hall, 2002.  John L. Hennessy and David A Patterson, Computer Architecture-A Quantitative Approach, 3rd Ed., Morgan-Kaufmann, 2003.  Links on ECE 313 Web Page

4 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview4 Administrative Details  Grading  Take-Home Entry Exam 0%  2 In-Class Exams40%  Final Exam25%  Projects25%  Homeworks10%  Office hours - TBD  My schedule: ECE 313MWF 10:00-10:50 ECE 491MR6:00-7:20 T9:00-12:00 W6:00-9:00

5 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview5 “Official” Prerequisite - ECE 212  Digital design  Combinational logic: Gates Common building blocks: multiplexers, adders, etc  Sequential logic: Flip-Flops, FSMs Controller/datapath systems Timing  Microcontroller Organization & Programming  68HC11 Organization - Registers, Memory, Etc.  68HC11 Machine Language  68HC11 Assembly Language

6 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview6 “Unofficial” Prerequisite - CS 102  High-Level Language (Java) Programming  Variables, Primitive Data Types, and Expressions  Assignments, Conditionals, Loops, etc.  Classes, Objects, & Methods  Basic Input/Output  Arrays & Basic Data Structures

7 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview7 Roadmap for the Term: Major Topics  Computer Systems Overview   Technology Trends  Instruction Sets (and Software)  Performance  Logic and Arithmetic  Processor Implementation  Memory Systems  Input/Output

8 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview8 Outline - Course Overview  Administrative Details  Computer Systems Overview   Classes of Computer Systems  High-Level Organization - The “5 classic components”  High-Level Operations - the “fetch/execute cycle”  Common Abstractions  “Under the Hood” of some example computer systems  Course Overview  Roadmap - subjects to be covered  Course Objectives  Project Details

9 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview9 Classes of Computer Systems Embedded Desktop Server Image sources: Dell Computer Rackable Systems www.rackablecom Apple Computer

10 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview10 Desktop Computer Systems  For “General-Purpose” Use  Word-Processing, Web surfing, Multimedia, etc.  Computation and Programming  What’s in the box  Microprocessor  Memory - Synchronous DRAM  Hard disk(s), CDROM/DVD, etc.  I/O - mouse, keyboard, video card, monitor, network, etc.  Important Issues:  Performance - how fast is “fast enough”?  Basic capabilities (and expandability)  Cost

11 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview11 Server Computer Systems  Large-Scale Services  File storage  Computation (e.g., supercomputers)  Transaction Processing, Web  What’s in the Box(es)  Microprocessor(s)  Hard disks  Network Interface(s)  Important issues:  Performance  Reliability, availability  Cost One Rack-Mount PC Unit (Google uses ~ 10,000)

12 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview12 Embedded Computer Systems  Computer as part of larger system  Consumer electronics, appliances  Networking, telecommunications  Automotive / aircraft control  What’s in the box  Microcontroller / Microprocessor  Memory: RAM, ROM; Disk  Special-purpose I/O (including analog stuff)  Important issues  Cost, Power Consumption  Performance (against real-time constraints)  Reliability and Safety

13 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview13 Computer System Organization  “Five classic components” Processor Control Datapath OutputInput Memory 1001010010110000 0010100101010001 1111011101100110 1001010010110000

14 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview14 Computer System Operation  Executing Programs - the “fetch/execute” cycle  Processor fetches instruction from memory  Processor executes “machine language” instruction Processor Control Datapath 1001010010110000 0010100101010001 1111011101100110 1001010010110000 Memory 1111011101100110 1001010010110000 next instr Load Data Perform Calculation Store Results Address Instruction

15 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview15 55EF Abstractions in Computer Systems  Designers use abstraction to manage complexity  Focus on pertinent information  Suppress unnecessary detail  Example: Auto controls  Well-understood interface (inputs, outputs)  Details suppressed

16 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview16 Machine Language 00000000001000100100000000100000 High-Level Language (C) c = a + b; Assembly Language add R8,R1,R2 AssemblerCompiler Software Abstractions - Languages

17 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview17 Software Abstractions - System Software  Operating system  Insulates programmer from low-level details Manages system resources Manages file system  Coordinates operation of multiple programs  Protects from system from damage by user programs (accidental or malicious)  Programs interact w/ OS through system calls  Libraries  Provide programmer access to high-level “primitives”  Programs access through well-defined interface (API)

18 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview18 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) - The Hardware-Software Interface  The most important abstraction of computer design Logic - gates, state machines, etc. Circuit - transistors, etc. Layout - mask patterns, etc. Hardware ProcessorI/O System Software Compiler Application Programs Operating System Application Instruction Set Architecture Interface between SW & HW

19 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview19 Architecture vs. Organization  Architecture: features visible to programmer Registers and memory model Data types Instructions  Organization: system implementation  Processor design: Datapath, Control, “microarchitecture”  System design: Processor + Memory, I/O

20 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview20 Example Architecture: MC68HC11 ADDA 42 ABA BEQ 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0xfffe 0xffff 8 bits Memory (Max 65KB) AB X Y SP PC=0x0002 CCR 16 bits 8 bits Registers 16 bits opcode pre-opcodeopcode operand opcodeoperand opcode Instruction Formats

21 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview21 Example Architecture: MIPS Memory (Max. 4GB) 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000008 0x0000000C 0x00000010 0x00000014 0x00000018 0x0000001C 0xfffffffc 32 bits 32 General Purpose Registers R0 R1 R2 R30 R31 PC = 0x0000001C 32 bits Registers 32 oprsrtoffset oprsrtrdfunctshamt opaddress Instruction Formats

22 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview22 Example Architecture: 80x86 (IA-32) Instruction Formats not shown (1-17 bytes in length) EIP(PC)=0x0000001C (condition codes) EAX ECX EDX EBX ESP EBP ESI EDI CS SS DS ES FS GS EIP EFLAGS 32 32 bits Registers Memory (Max. 4GB) 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000008 0x0000000C 0x00000010 0x00000014 0x00000018 0x0000001C 0xfffffffc 32 bits

23 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview23 Top 5 Reasons to Study MIPS 5.It’s in the book 4.It’s used in many applications 3.Learning its architecture and implementation exposes you to important concepts 2.It’s relatively simple and easy to implement (compared to other architectures) 1.Ideas presented using MIPS generalize to other architectures (even the 80x86!)

24 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview24 Under the Hood: The Pentium 4 Image sources: Intel Corporation Package Die Photo

25 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview25 Pentium 4 Microarchitecture Source: “The Microarchitecture of the Pentium® 4 Processor”, Intel Technology Journal, First Quarter 2001

26 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview26 Under the Hood: A Desktop PC  Display (CRT or LCD)  Keyboard, Mouse  “The Box”  Power Supply  Motherboard (see next slide) Memory Graphics card Standard bus card slots (e.g. PCI) Standard I/O connectors (e.g. USB, Parallel Port, etc) Disks, CDRW, etc.

27 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview27 Organization of a Desktop PC

28 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview28 Typical Motherboard (Pentium III) Rear Panel Conn. Processor Memory N. Bridge S. Bridge IDE Disk Conn. AGP BIOS ROM Floppy Conn.Power Conn. PCI Cards

29 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview29 Under the Hood: Apple iPod Source: EE Times,

30 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview30 Outline - Course Overview  Administrative Details  Computer Systems Overview  Types of Computer Systems  High-Level Organization - The “5 classic components”  High-Level Operations - the “fetch/execute cycle”  Common Abstractions  “Under the Hood” of some example computer systems  Course Overview   Roadmap - subjects to be covered  Course Objectives  Project Details

31 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview31 Roadmap for the Term: Major Topics  Computer Systems Overview  Technology Trends  Instruction Sets (and Software)  Logic and Arithmetic  Performance  Processor Implementation  Memory Systems  Input/Output

32 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview32 Computer Systems Overview  Types of Computer Systems  Abstractions used in Computer Systems  Architecture vs. Organization  Common Architectures  “Under the Hood” - chips and systems

33 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview33 Technology Trends  Historical Notes  Current Technology (CMOS VLSI)  Trends (Moore’s Law) Image Source: Intel Corporation

34 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview34 Instruction Sets (and Software)  General principles of instruction set design  The MIPS instruction set  Software concerns: procedures, stacks, etc. oprsrtoffset oprsrtrdfunctshamt opaddress

35 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview35 Logic & Arithmetic  Quick review: binary numbers and arithmetic  Adder & ALUs; multiplication & division  Floating Point A B F(A,B) Operation Select ALU

36 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview36 Performance  Response Time vs. Throughput  Measuring performance using individual programs  Combining measurements  Benchmarks

37 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview37 Processor Implementation  Basic implementation  Single-Cycle  Multicycle  Pipelined implementation  Advanced techniques

38 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview38 Memory Systems  Memory Technology Overview  Memory Hierarchy  Cache Memories - making access faster  Virtual Memory - making memory larger using disk RegistersCache Memory ProcessorDisk

39 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview39 Input/Output  I/O Overview  Impact of I/O on Performance  Buses  Interfacing Image Source: Seagate Technolgy LLC

40 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview40 Course Objectives  Students should be able to...  Describe high-level organization of computer systems  Understand and use performance metrics  Understand representation of instructions in memory  Understand the fetch/execute cycle  Understand the concept of Instruction Set Architecture  Understand how computers represent data  Design simple arithmetic circuits: adders, ALUs, etc.  Design simple processor implementations  Understand memory organization  Understand input/output

41 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview41 About the Projects  Design modeling and simulation using synthesizable Verilog HDL *  Modeling basic components  Single-cycle processor design  Multi-cycle processor design  Pipelined processor design (group project)  Design tool of choice: Synapticad Verilogger  Demonstration version works with up to 1K lines  Nice GUI for simulation and debugging  Free for installation on your own PCs ( ) or download locally from ECE 313 website * HDL = Hardware Description Language

42 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview42 Top 5 Reasons for Learning Verilog HDL 5.It’s syntax is close to C/C++/Java, making it easy to learn (compared to VHDL) 4.It may help you get a job 3.It’s the key to high-level design of processors, ASICs, and FPGAs 2.It will give you experience working with simulations of complex digital circuits 1.It will reinforce your understanding of computer organization concepts and their implementations

43 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview43 Roadmap for the Term: Major Topics  Computer Systems Overview  Technology Trends   Instruction Sets (and Software)  Logic and Arithmetic  Performance  Processor Implementation  Memory Systems  Input/Output

44 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview44 Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 – Microprocessor Organization Lecture 2 - Technology Trends Fall 2004 Reading: 1.4-1.6 Image Source: Intel Corporation Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD2e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18-347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted

45 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview45 Roadmap for the Term: Major Topics  Computer Systems Overview  Technology Trends   Instruction Sets (and Software)  Logic & Arithmetic  Performance  Processor Implementation  Memory systems  Input/Output

46 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview46 Outline - Technology Trends  Brief History of Computer Technology   Today’s Technology: VLSI CMOS  VLSI Technology Trends

47 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview47 A Brief History of Computer Technology  1940s-50s - Vacuum Tubes  1950s-60s - Discrete Transistors  1960s-70s - Discrete ICs (e.g., TTL)  1970s-present - LSI and VLSI microprocessors

48 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview48 Computer History - 1940s-1960s ENIAC - 1940s (Vacuum Tubes) IBM 360 - 1960s (Transistors)

49 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview49 Computer History - 1970s DEC VAX 11/780 - 1970s (Discrete IC’s) Intel 4004 - 1970s (First Microprocessor)

50 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview50 Computer History - 1970s MOS Technology 6502 Apple II Computer

51 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview51 Computer History - 1980s Intel 8088 (LSI Microprocessor) Original IBM PC

52 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview52 Outline - Technology Trends  Brief History of Computer Technology  Today’s Technology: VLSI   VLSI Technology Trends

53 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview53 Today: VLSI Microprocessors PowerPC 7400 (G4) 6.5M transistors / 450MHz / 8-10W L=0.15µm Pentium® III 28M transistors / 733MHz-1Gz / 13-26W L=0.25µm shrunk to L=0.18µm

54 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview54 Today: VLSI Microprocessors Pentium® 4 42M transistors / 1.3-1.8GHz 49-55W L=180nm Pentium® 4 “Northwood” 55M transistors / 2-2.5GHz 55W L=0.130nm Area=131mm 2 Process Shrinks Pentium® 4 “Prescott” 125M transistors / 2.8-3.4GHz 115W L=90nm Area=112mm 2

55 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview55 Today: VLSI Microprocessors PowerPC® 940 (G5) 58M transistors / 2GHz / 97W L=130nm Area=118mm 2 Image courtesy International Business Machines All Rights Reserved Intel Itanium® 2 410M transistors / 1.3GHz / 130W L=130nm Area=374mm 2 Image source: Intel Corporation

56 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview56 VLSI Technology Overview  Fabrication of multiple transistors on a chip  Dominant technology: CMOS  Other technologies:  Bipolar (e.g., TTL)  Bi-CMOS - hybrid Bipolar, CMOS  GaAs - Gallium Arsenide (for high speed)  Si-Ge - Silicon Germanium (for high speed, RF)

57 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview57 2002: L=130nm 2003: L=90nm 2005: L=65nm? VLSI Technology - CMOS Transistors Transistor length L shrinks over time!

58 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview58 VLSI Technology - CMOS Logic Gates NAND NOR  What logic functions do these gates perform?

59 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview59 VLSI Processing (book Fig 1-14)

60 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview60 VLSI Design Tradeoffs  Cost - related to chip size  Amount of logic  Current technology  Non recurring engineering (NRE) cost vs. unit cost  Performance  Clock speed  Implementation  Application  Power consumption  Power supply voltage  Clock speed

61 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview61 Outline - Technology Trends  Brief History of Computer Technology  Today’s Technology: VLSI  VLSI Technology Trends 

62 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview62 VLSI Trends: Moore’s Law  In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that transistors would continue to shrink, allowing:  Doubled transistor density every 24 months  Doubled performance every 18 months  History has proven Moore right  But, is the end in sight?  Physical limitations  Economic limitations I’m smiling because I was right! BUT… No exponential is forever! Gordon Moore Intel Co-Founder and Chairmain Emeritus Image source: Intel Corporation

63 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview63 Microprocessor Trends (Intel) Source:, EE Times

64 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview64 Microprocessor Trends Alpha (R.I.P) P4N, G5 Sources: Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation,, EE Times I2M

65 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview65 Microprocessor Trends (Log Scale) Alpha (R.I.P) P4N, G5 G4 Sources: Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation,, EE Times I2M

66 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview66 DRAM Memory Trends (Log Scale) Source: Textbook, Industry Reports

67 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview67 Performance Trends Source: Hennesy & Patterson Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3rd Ed., Morgan-Kaufmann, 2002. Vax 11/780

68 Processor Performance Trends Microprocessors Minicomputers Mainframes Supercomputers Year 0.1 1 10 100 1000 19651970197519801985199019952000

69 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview69 Summary - Technology Trends  Processor  Logic capacityincreases ~ 30% per year  Clock frequencyincreases ~ 20% per year  Cost per functiondecreases ~20% per year  Memory  DRAM capacity: increases ~ 60% per year (4x every 3 years)  Speed: increases ~ 10% per year  Cost per bit: decreases ~25% per year  Disk  Storage capacityincreases ~60% per year

70 ECE 313 Fall 2004Lecture 1 - Course Overview70 Roadmap for the Term: Major Topics  Computer Systems Overview  Technology Trends  Instruction Sets (and Software)   Logic & Arithmetic  Performance  Processor Implementation  Memory systems  Input/Output

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