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Presented by: FTC 4140 Fish in the Boat. Overview How to get and install RobotC How to connect to your robot Download firmware Building schematic and.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: FTC 4140 Fish in the Boat. Overview How to get and install RobotC How to connect to your robot Download firmware Building schematic and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: FTC 4140 Fish in the Boat

2 Overview How to get and install RobotC How to connect to your robot Download firmware Building schematic and debugging Resources

3 How do I get it? Provided by Carnegie Mellon Version: RobotC 3.0 for Mindstorms

4 How do I get it? Program Download from the website Buy a License from the website

5 How do I get it? Templates 1. 2.

6 How do I get it? Templates Required to work with FCS (rule RS03) Comes with your download of RobotC

7 Firmware Install Firmware Plug in the NXT to the computer Robot  Download Firmware  Standard File (or) Last Downloaded

8 Firmware Select brick Click ‘F/W download”

9 Platform Type Make sure to change it to “LEGO NXT + TETRIX/MATRIX’ or else your pragmas, debugging windows and programming will not work.

10 User Type Change it to “super user” so that you get more menu options. This will be more useful when we get to the debugging section of this presentation

11 Connecting to NXT USB Most reliable / Least convenient Bluetooth Pairing / Reliability Wi-Fi – FCS Requires Samantha and Router w/ FCS

12 Connecting to NXT


14 Pragmas What are they?

15 Pragmas There’s a wizard!

16 Pragmas What configuration are your controllers in??

17 Debugging RobotC provides a whole series of debugging windows (This is with your menu level set as basic)

18 Debugging You get more debugging windows in “super user” mode

19 For the tournament Samostat Sample programs  NXT  Samantha Module Program Chooser Sample programs  NXT  Try Me Program Source

20 Resources ex.htm ex.htm Lessons on different concepts Official website, offers some basic lesson Forum that is helpful to almost every aspect of FTC

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