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+ Cambrian School District Local Control Accountability Plan 2015-2018 Cambrian School District June 4, 2015.

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1 + Cambrian School District Local Control Accountability Plan 2015-2018 Cambrian School District June 4, 2015

2 + Our Mission Cambrian School District, a caring and collaborative community, develops creative and critical thinkers who communicate effectively, value diversity and are ready to excel in a global society. “ Exploring Infinite Possibilities for Learning ”

3 + LCAP Stakeholder’s Involvement Process Cambrian School incorporated a four step process to engage with stakeholders in development of our LCAP for the 2015-2016 school year. Step 1. Inform and educate all stakeholder groups of LCFF & LCAP process Step 2. Gather input from all stakeholder groups Step 3. Create a draft LCAP plan Step 4. Revise plan based on final review

4 + Stakeholders Impact on LCAP This four step process ensured that all stakeholders had ample and various opportunities to provide feedback and input. Step 1. The whole community provided relevant feedback on how the district should develop the LCAP plan. Step 2. Stakeholders provided input during listening campaign on areas of identified need, goal setting and strategy development to address needs. These sessions signaled a new way to develop our LCAP plans. Step 3. This phase led to the goals, progress indicators, actions, and data sources/metrics identified with the district priorities. Step 4. This final stage served to review and refine the LCAP based on stakeholder feedback and suggestions.

5 + Local Control Funding Formula 8 State Priorities 1 Basic Services 2 Implementation of State Standards 7 Course Access Conditions of Learning 4 Student Achievement 8 Other Student Outcomes Student Outcomes 3 Parental Involvement 5 Student Engagement 6 School Climate Engagement

6 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey What is your role in the Cambrian School District?

7 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey Which school site do you primarily associate with in CSD? 497 Responded

8 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey Indicate any program that applies to your child? (Parents only) 171 out of 497 Respondents

9 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 1: Basic Services? 346 Respondents 79% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

10 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 2: Implementation of Common Core State Standards? 345 Respondents 68% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

11 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 3: Parent Involvement? 286 Respondents 82% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

12 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 4: Pupil Achievement? 348 Respondents 81% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

13 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 5: Pupil Engagement? 344 Respondents 84% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

14 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 6: School Climate? 348 Respondents 83% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

15 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 7: Course Access? 344 Respondents 80% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

16 + CSD Stakeholder LCAP Survey How well is CSD doing in regards to Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes? 344 Respondents 71% Doing Well or Exceeds Expectations

17 + CSD Stakeholder Impact on LCAP Ranked Priorities for Allocating Resources 1 4 Student Achievement 2 5 Student Engagement 3 6 School Climate 4 2 Implementation of Common Core State Standards 5 1 Basic Services 6 8 Other Student Outcomes 7 7 Course Access 8 3 Parental Involvement

18 + CSD Stakeholder Impact on LCAP Ranked Level of Interest 1. Increase technology access for students and staff 2. Common Core professional development for teachers and staff 3. After school tutoring and enrichment programs 4. Increased communication from District to parents about student progress 5. Common Core information for parents 6. Summer camps 7. Summer School 8. Parent education (computers, student success, etc.) 9. Summer childcare services

19 + CSD Stakeholder Impact on LCAP Student Outcomes Easy access to data Consistent additional support for struggling students Extensions and offerings that meet the needs of all students Interventions and effective strategies to support students with special needs English Learner support Conditions of Learning Stay the course Music and PE Quality professional development CCSS aligned curriculum and resources Lower class size Consistent writing program Time and support for teachers to collaborate and plan Access to technology Integration and PBL Engagement Parent information focus on Common Core Parent education Information on student progress Club offerings and enrichment activities for students with different interests Information in multiple languages Emotional/mental/social support for students

20 + Cambrian LCAP Goals 2015-2018 GOAL 1. Cambrian schools will promote high academic achievement for all students while preparing them for 21 st century college and career readiness. GOAL 2. Cambrian schools English Learner students will attain proficiency in English Language Arts and Mathematics. GOAL 3. Cambrian schools will be orderly, supportive and purposeful environments in which students and staff feel safe and free to learn and work. GOAL 4. Cambrian schools will involve parents, families and community stakeholders as partners in the education of all students.

21 + Goal 1 - HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, Actions & Services Teachers will align all curriculum and instructional strategies with the Common Core Standards. Cambrian School District will pilot and adopt a new Math Curriculum in 2015-2016. Teachers will be trained on new math materials and implement in classroom by 2016-2017 school year. Cambrian School District will conduct a search and possible pilot of ELA materials in 2015-2016. Teachers will be trained on the new ELA/ELD Framework and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

22 + Goal 1 - HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, Actions & Services (Cont.) Professional Development will be given in the area of GLAD instructional techniques. Professional Development will be given in the area of Differentiated Instruction. Professional Development will be given in the area of CCSS aligned Units of Study in Writing by Lucy Calkins. Professional Development will be given in the area of Data Analysis to guide instruction. Professional Development will be given in area of Mathematics with focus on the 8 Math Practices, Number/Math Talks, and Rigor.

23 + Goal 1 - HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, Actions & Services (Cont.) Teachers will develop and administer assessments that will show progress towards mastery of Common Core Standards. Results of SBAC data will be reviewed and analyzed to identify areas of strength and areas that need further remediation. An intervention program for Math & ELA will be administered at all school sites to provide additional or extended day programs focusing on our significant subgroups of Low Socio-Economic, English Learners and Foster Youth. Teachers will deliver technology embedded instruction which will provide students access to a digital learning environment. English Learners Services will be administered at all school sites through pull-out and push-in designated ELD.

24 + Goal 2 - ATTAIN PROFICIENCY FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS, Actions & Services Alignment of ELD instruction with Common Core ELD standards and Features of Designated ELD Instruction from the ELA/ELD Framework. Provide professional development on the new ELA/ELD Framework to all staff. Provide ongoing training and support for GLAD instructional strategies for all staff. An intervention program for Math & ELA will be administered at all school sites to provide additional support on all students, with focus on English Learners. English Learners Services will be administered at all school sites through pull-out and push-in designated ELD.

25 + Goal 3 - ORDERLY, SUPPORTIVE AND PURPOSEFUL ENVIRONMENT, Actions & Services Each school will establish strategies to maintain school attendance rates at a high level. Each school will establish programs and strategies to maintain a positive learning environment; preventing bullying and harassment of students and staff. Consistent language and behavioral standards will be established between all school sites. All school sites will be maintained at a high level and will stimulate a positive learning environment.

26 + Goal 3 – ORDERLY, SUPPORTIVE AND PURPOSEFUL ENVIRONMENT, Actions & Services Schools will offer a variety of clubs offerings and enrichment activities to meet the interests and abilities of all students. Services will be provided to meet the emotional, behavioral and mental health needs of the students. The district will establish a student survey on school safety and climate. The district will survey parents from all school sites on school safety and climate.

27 + Goal 4 – STAKEHOLDERS AS PARTNERS, Actions & Services The District will provide multiple opportunities to parents to provide input to the programs and progress of the Cambrian School District. The District will maintain standing committees in which information is provided and ideas sought concerning the District. Through written communication the District and School Sites will keep parents informed on the transition to the Common Core. The District will conduct a comprehensive annual survey to garner input from parents and community members.

28 + Goal 4 - STAKEHOLDERS AS PARTNERS, Actions & Services All schools will establish communication protocols to utilize both social and traditional media sources. All schools will coordinate with Home & School Club’s for fundraising purposes to meet the needs of and priorities of students. Communication will be established with community businesses, local non-profits and service clubs as accomplishments within the Cambrian School District. Parenting classes and volunteer opportunities will be established to help parents partner in their child’s education.

29 + Cambrian Schools’ Budget Priorities 2015-2016 Conditions of Learning Teacher on Special Assignment Instructional coach/mentor/site support EL, Tier II and GATE Coordination Professional Development EL Services EL Levels 1-5 in Grades 1-5 Kindergarten Instructional Aides ELD Teachers Tier II Intervention Programs RtI Instructional Aides Do the Math Program Leveled Literacy Intervention Compass Learning Elevate Professional Development & Common Core Curriculum GLAD Training of Trainers & Support Units of Study in Writing ELA/ELD Framework CC Mathematics/Formative Assessment Lesson Units CCSS Assessments Technology Integration New Math Adoption School Librarian GATE Services Counseling Services SysOps

30 + Cambrian Schools’ Budget Priorities 2015-2016 Student Outcomes – Measuring Student Achievement California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASP) ESGI for TK & Kindergarten Illuminate CCSS Interim Benchmarks for ELA & Math Using data to drive instruction and informed decision making Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) – Progress Monitoring in Reading Writing Benchmarks MARS Performance Assessment CCSS Report Card Homework Policy Response to Intervention Small group Additional and extended day programs EL Services Title I Services SWIS-PBIS Student Study Teams

31 + Cambrian Schools’ Budget Priorities 2015-2016 Engagement Student activities & club offerings during and after school Flex time Enrichment activities Digital club Summer camps Sports Parent education classes & workshops ESL Parenting classes Volunteering in the classroom Parent volunteer opportunities Project Cornerstone Asset Building Champions Art Vista Garden Adventures School events and CC information nights Principal coffees Family Reading Night, Math Night, Science Night, etc. Title I parent information night Staff Workshops Grade level expectations Interventions Acceleration programs Site & District level Committees H&SC School Site Council English Learner Advisory Committee District ELAC

32 + Moving Forward Adoption of new LCAP & SPSAs June 18, 2015 Submit LCAPs to SCCOE by July 1, 2015 Review and respond to any SCCOE requests for clarification Review potential recommendations Revise LCAPs as needed Implement and monitor plans in 2015-2016 Follow timeline for review and submission to SCCOE for 2016-2017 school year

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