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Published byPhyllis Cross Modified over 9 years ago
Fall 2011 Pilot Project Module Three State Standards and Assessment Connections 1
What are the TEKS? State-mandated curriculum framework ‐ 74th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 1 ‐Texas Education Code - Chapter 28 Establishes what every student, from kindergarten through high school, should know and be able to do Assessed through the Texas Assessment Program Drives Graduation Requirements 2
State Board of Education (SBOE) adopted on July 11, 1997 Statewide implementation began in 1998-1999 school year 3
According to SBOE rule, the state-mandated curriculum is reviewed and revised on an adopted schedule. 4
Classroom teachers School administrators Parents Business people National experts 5
Texas Education Agency TEKS Page 6
Align curriculum development Direct instructional material and resource selection Steer lesson planning Inform families and members of the community about what is being taught in schools 8
Content and skills needed to master TEKS may not be covered in textbooks. ‐Publishers are not accountable for students’ test performance. ‐Publishers are in business to earn profits. Contextual alignment probably doesn’t exist. ‐Textbooks/workbooks may not teach or allow students to practice in the TAKS/STAAR format ‐Contextual alignment requires supplemental materials. 10
So far…… What points do I want to remember? 11
Foundation Areas Enrichment Areas Introduction Strands Essential Knowledge and Skills Statements Student Expectations 12
English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Mathematics Science Social Studies *Pre Kindergarten Guidelines 13
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Health Physical Education Technology Applications Career and Technology Education Fine Arts 14
SE EKS SE Introduction Strand 15
Key contextual information Brief overview of the essential knowledge and skills for a grade or course 16
TEKS Strands provide organizers for the essential knowledge and skills statements. 17
5 - English Language Arts and Reading 6 – Mathematics 5 – Science 8 – Social Studies 18
Form a content group Assign each group to one of the following foundation areas: ‐English Language Arts and Reading ‐Mathematics ‐Science ‐Social Studies Highlight the following: ‐Critical attributes of the introduction ‐Content area strands Discuss findings with the whole group 19
Listening and Speaking Reading Writing Research Oral and Written Conventions 20
Number, operation, quantitative reasoning Patterns, relationships, algebraic thinking Geometry, spatial reasoning Measurement Probability, statistics Underlying processes, mathematical tools 21
Scientific investigations and reasoning Matter and energy Force, motion, and energy Earth and space Organisms and environments 22
History Geography Economics Government Citizenship Culture Science, technology, society Social studies skills 23
Knowledge is the content or substance that comprises the body of information in a discipline Skills include the techniques, processes, and procedures that are applications of the knowledge of a discipline For example: Mathematics 8.2 - Number, operations, and quantitative reasoning. The students selects and uses appropriate operations to solve problems and justify solutions. 24
Demonstrate the concepts and skills learned For example: Mathematics 8.2 - Number, operations, and quantitative reasoning. The students selects and uses appropriate operations to solve problems and justify solutions. The student is expected to: appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers and justify the selections; B.use appropriate operations to solve problems involving rational numbers in problem situations; C.evaluate a solution for reasonableness; and D.use multiplication by a given constant factor (including unit rate) to represent and solve problems involving proportional relationships including conversions between measurement systems.
Briefly review the English III, English IV and/or Chemistry TEKS student expectations at your table. Observations? Questions? 26
Adopted in December 2007, the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) require teachers in content areas to assist English Language Learners in acquiring learning strategies and increasing their English proficiency in the areas of speaking, reading, writing, and listening as they learn grade-level content. 27
Identifies content to be taught Focuses and connects the work of classroom teachers K-12 through vertical alignment Identifies the role of technology Integrates responsibility for English acquisition of LEP students across content areas 28
Allows for local schools and teachers to make decisions about how to teach specified content Provides students with the skills to solve complex problems related to the world outside of school Does not provide an instructional sequence Does not provide a course or subject outline
TEKS Instruction Leads to Texas Assessment Success 31
Assessments should match the level of rigor and relevance in the curriculum and the instruction Performance-based assessments are most effective Challenges with state assessments: ‐Need to be easy to score ‐Content may be tested in isolation ‐Do not always allow application/performance 32
Federal Assessment System TAKS TAKS-(Accommodated) TAKS-M (Modified) TAKS-Alt (Alternate) LAT ( Math, Reading, Science) TELPAS (2-12 Reading Test; K-1 Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing; 2-12 Listening, Speaking, and Writing) State Assessment System TAKS TAKS (Accommodated) TAKS-M (Modified) TAKS-Alt (Alternate) Early Reading Assessments (TPRI / Tejas LEE / Other) End of Course INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEMS Developed & Provided by: Education Service Center Region XI 33
All state assessments are aligned to TEKS. Assessments serve as a measure of student achievement in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science. Most are used as a component of state accountability. Some are used for performance measures in NCLB adequate yearly progress (AYP). 34
Senate Bill 1031 (80 th Texas Legislature, 2007) ‐Required the development of end-of-course assessments for secondary courses ‐Limited the frequency of stand alone field testing ‐Required changes to the assessment administration window 36
House Bill 3 (HB 3, 81 st Legislature, 2009) ‐Required new grade 3-8 assessments ‐Required performance measures across grade levels ‐Required end-of-course results be used in final course grades ‐Increased rigor of testing with the mandate to develop assessments with a “fewer, deeper, clearer” focus 37
More rigorous than TAKS with greater emphasis on alignment to college and career readiness Grades 3 – 8 ‐Tests are in same grades and subjects as TAKS ‐Spanish versions available in grades 3-5 High school ‐Twelve end-of-course assessments covering four subject areas replace grade- level tests 38
3-8 mathematics 3-8 reading 4 and 7 writing 5 and 8 science 8 social studies 39 Implemented in 2011-2012 School Year
English I, English II, English III Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Biology, Chemistry, Physics World Geography, World History, U.S. History 40 Starts in 2011-2012 school year with students entering 9 th grade
All assessable Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for a subject/course have been identified as either Readiness Standards or Supporting Standards 42
In general, Readiness Standards ‐Are essential for success in the current grade or course ‐Are important for preparedness for the next grade or course ‐Support college and career readiness ‐Necessitate in-depth instruction ‐Address broad and deep ideas 43
In general, Supporting Standards ‐May be emphasized in a subsequent year, although introduced in the current grade or course ‐May be emphasized in a previous year, although reinforced in the current grade or course ‐Play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course, but not a central role ‐Address more narrowly defined ideas 44
Geometry Assessment—Eligible TEKS— Reporting Category 5 (G.11) Similarity and the geometry of shape. The student applies the concepts of similarity to justify properties of figures and solve problems. The student is expected to A.use and extend similarity properties and transformations to explore and justify conjectures about geometric figures Supporting Standard B.use ratios to solve problems involving similar figures Supporting Standard C.develop, apply, and justify triangle similarity relationships, such as right triangle ratios, trigonometric ratios, and Pythagorean triples using a variety of methods Readiness Standard D.describe the effect on perimeter, area, and volume when one or more dimensions of a figure are changed and apply this idea in solving problems Readiness Standard 45
Readiness and Supporting Standards ‐Readiness and Supporting Standards are identified in the assessed curriculum documents. ‐These documents are posted on the TEA student assessment website at 46
Readiness Standards ‐Encompass 30–40% of the eligible TEKS ‐Will make up 60–65% of the assessment Supporting Standards ‐Encompass 60–70% of the eligible TEKS ‐Will make up 35–40% of the assessment 47
49 Provided by: Education Service Center Region XI 2010–20112011–20122012–20132013–20142014–20152015–2016 GR 3–8TAKS STAAR GR 9TAKS STAAR GR 10TAKS STAAR GR 11TAKS STAAR GR 12 & Out-of-School Students TAKS STAAR or TAKS STAAR or TAKS
Participants will ‐Highlight the EOC standards in the TEKS documents. ‐Discuss which TEKS are assessed and not assessed. ‐Debrief with the whole group. 50
EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies English IAlgebra IBiologyWorld Geography English IIGeometryChemistryWorld History English IIIAlgebra IIPhysicsU.S. History 52
According to graduation requirements currently in place, students entering 9 th grade in 2011-2012 must achieve a cumulative score at least equal to the product of number of assessments taken in that content area and scale score that indicates satisfactory performance. For each of four core content areas, cumulative score ≥ n x passing scale score, where n = number of assessments taken. 53
For students on Minimum High School Program ‐Cumulative score is based on number of courses taken for which an end- of-course assessment exists. ‐Cumulative score requirement may vary by subject area. 54
In addition to meeting cumulative score requirement in each of four core content areas, students on the Recommended High School Program have to perform satisfactorily on – ‐Algebra II assessment ‐English III assessment 55
STAAR End-of-Course High School Assessments In addition to meeting cumulative score requirement in each of four core content areas, students on Distinguished Achievement Program have to perform satisfactorily on college-readiness component of – ‐Algebra II assessment ‐English III assessment 56
Each EOC STAAR assessment will have a satisfactory cut score and an advanced cut score. There will also be EOC minimum scores set below, but within a reasonable range of the satisfactory scores, that will be used to determine whether a student’s score on an EOC assessment may count toward his/her cumulative score in that content area. 57
Level I Level II Level III PERFORMANCE Advanced Academic Performance Satisfactory Academic Performance Unsatisfactory Academic Performance 58 Minimum Score
Performance at the highest cut score will be interpreted differently depending on the assessment. ‐The highest cut will indicate college readiness for Algebra II and English III. ‐It will indicate advanced course readiness for Algebra I, English I, and English II. ‐It will indicate advanced performance for the remaining courses. 59
It is anticipated that the satisfactory performance standards for STAAR will be phased in over several years, but the advanced standards (including the college readiness standards for Algebra II and English III) would not be phased in, but applied as approved when STAAR becomes operational. Performance standards will be reviewed at least every three years, as required by state statute. 60
Student is not required to retake course as a condition of retaking assessment. School district shall provide accelerated instruction to each student who fails to perform satisfactorily on assessment. 61 STAAR End-of-Course High School Assessments
Student’s score on assessment must be worth 15% of student’s final grade for that course. School district is not required to use student’s score on subsequent administrations to determine student’s final grade for that course. 62
In the future, TEA is planning multiple administrations of EOC assessments for ‐students who complete the course at different times of the year ‐retest opportunities TEA is planning EOC administrations at the end of ‐Spring ‐Summer ‐Fall 63
Classroom TEKS-based formative assessment Quality classroom instruction Classroom success for all Wider opportunities for future success in life Success on TEKS-based assessments for all students And lead to 65
InstructionCurriculum Standards Assessment Alignment of CIAS 66
Two Types of Alignment: Content Does the test item and its skills and knowledge base appear in the curriculum, textbook, or Texas assessment instruments? Context Does the test item format appear in the curriculum, textbook, or Texas assessment instruments? 67
a chart textbook correlation a scope and sequence a curriculum guide a TAKS/STAAR plan These are strategies that help us attain alignment. 68
Focus on TEKS Understanding the relationship of the TEKS to the Texas assessment objectives Examination of instructional process K-12 perspective A commitment and shared responsibility to enhance student learning Working towards high achievement for all students Ensuring essential student expectations Securing the appropriate and necessary professional development to ensure alignment 69
understands what is expected of students; understands these expectations within the context of the K-12 program, and accepts responsibility for these expectations. 70
71 student.assessment 71
Assessment Information Booklets Released Tests Test Blueprints Writing Rubrics and Writing Samples Best Practices Clearinghouse Teacher Toolbag 72
Student Success Initiative Personal Graduation Plan Drop Out Prevention 4 by 4 Graduation Requirements College Readiness Initiatives Texas Reading Initiatives Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies Response to Intervention Science and Mathematics Collaboratives Texas Mathematics and Science Diagnostic System PK-16 Initiative School Readiness Integration 73
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