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Taxation-1 Institute of Chartered Accountants Bangladesh

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1 Taxation-1 Institute of Chartered Accountants Bangladesh
Md. Shakhawat Hossain Articled Student Howladar Yunus & Co.

2 Introduction to Bangladesh income tax
Bangladesh Tax Structure Sources of tax law and practice Scope of Bangladesh Income Tax Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984 Objectives and Importance of Income Tax Role of Income Tax in Economic Development of Bangladesh Some Definitions The Concept of Income Capital or Revenue Tax and Income Tax Different Rates of Tax Liability to tax Some significant issues of income tax

3 Bangladesh Tax Structure
Direct Tax: (income tax, gift tax, land development tax, non-judicial stamp, registration, immovable property tax, etc) Indirect Tax: (customs duty, excise duty, motor vehicle tax, narcotics and liquor duty, VAT, SD, foreign travel tax, IT, electricity duty, advertisement tax, etc) taxes.

4 Sources of tax law and practice
Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 The Income Tax Rules, 1984. The Value Added Tax Act, 1991. Finance Act Case law NBR Publication (NBR makes available some forms, notifications, brochures, and guidelines of income tax, VAT and customs through its websites and other forms of communication for public at large. There are many SROs and circulars on income tax and VAT published by NBR providing guideline for tax purpose.

5 Scope of Bangladesh Income Tax
The Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 Income Tax Rules, 1984 Finance Act SRO (Statutory Regulatory Orders): Income Tax Case Law

6 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
Chapter Title Sections I Preliminary Administration 1-2 II Administration 3-10 III Taxes Appellate Tribunal 11-15 IV Charge of Income Tax 16-19E V Computation of Income 20-43 VI Exemption and Allowances 44-47 VII Payment of Tax before assessment 48-74 VIII Return & Statement 75-80

7 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
Chapter Title Section IX Assessment 81-94A X Liability in Special Cases 95-103A XI Special Provisions relating to avoidance of tax XIA Transfer Pricing 107A-107J XII Requirement of furnishing certain information XIII Registration of firms 111 XIV Powers of Income Tax Authorities XV Imposition of Penalty XVI Recovery of Tax

8 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
Chapter Title Section XVII Double Taxation Relief XVIII Refunds XVIIIA Settlement of Cases 152A-152E XVIIIB Alternate Dispute Resolution 152F-152S XIX Appeal and Reference XX Protection of Information 163 XXI Offences and Prosecution XXII Miscellaneous F XXIII Rules and Repeal

9 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
The First Schedule Part A: Approved Superannuation Fund Part B: Recognised Provident Funds Part C: Approved Gratuity Fund The Second Schedule Rate of Income Tax in Certain Cases Non Resident (maximum rate) Capital Gain Winnings

10 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
The Third Schedule Computation of depreciation allowance The fourth Schedule Computation of The profits and gains of Insurance Business The Fifth Schedule Part A Computation of the profit or gains from the Exploration and production of petroleum and the determination of the Tax thereon Part B Computation of Profits and gains from the exploration and extraction of Mineral deposits (other than oil and oil gas) in Bangladesh

11 Structure of IT Ordinance, 1984
The Sixth Schedule Part A Exclusions from Total Income Part B Exemptions and Allowances for Assesses Being Resident and Non-Resident Bangladesh The Seventh Schedule Computation of Relief from Income Tax by way of credit in respect of foreign tax

12 Objectives and Importance of Income Tax
Revenue collection Re-distribution of income Increase in savings Increase in capital investment Economic development

13 Role of Income Tax in Economic Development of Bangladesh
Tax Holiday Scheme Investment allowance Accelerated Depreciation Allowance Tax incentives for Small & Cottage Industries Tax incentives for encouraging savings Tax exemptions in certain expenditures Tax incentives for foreign investors Allowance for scientific research Tax incentives for remittance to Bangladesh

14 Some Definitions Agricultural income [U/S 2(1)]
Annual Value [U/S 2(3)]: Appellate Joint Commissioner [U/S 2(4)]: Assessee [U/S 2(7)]: Assessment [U/S 2(8)]: Assessment Year [U/S 2(9)]: Business [U/S 2(14)]: Capital asset [U/S 2(15)]: Charitable Purpose [U/S 2(16)]: Child [U/S 2(18)]: Company [U/S 2(20)]:

15 Some Definitions Deputy Commissioner of Taxes [U/S 2(23)]:
Dividend [U/S 2(26)]: Employer [U/S 2(27)]: Employee [U/S 2(28)]: Fair Market Value [U/S 2(30)]: Fees for Technical Services [U/S 2(31)]: Income [U/S 2(34)]: Income Year [U/S 2(35)]: Interest [U/S 2(38)]: Market Value [U/S 2(40)]:

16 Some Definitions Non-resident [U/S 2(42)]: Perquisite [U/S 2(45)]:
Person [U/S 2(46)]: Profits in lieu of salary [U/S 2(50)]: Recognized Provident Fund [U/S 2(52)]: Resident [U/S 2(55)]: Royalty [U/S 2(56)]: Tax [U/S 2(62)]: Total income [U/S 2(65)]: Transfer [U/S 2(66)]: Year [U/S 2(69)]:

17 The Concept of Income Income should be received in the form of money or money’s worth. Income should be in the form of revenue nature. It should arise from some definite source or a source with some sort of regularity. It should be derived from a person other than the recipient. Income tainted with illegality is also classified as taxable income under tax law.

18 Capital or Revenue Income tax is levied on income and not on capital receipts. While ascertaining the profits of a business or profession, the revenue expenditure and not the capital expenditure is deductible from the trading receipts. Whether a particular expenditure is incurred solely to earn profit or whether it is a capital expenditure depends in each case on the nature of business, commercial practice, the nature of the expenditure and other relative circumstances. No rigid rules can be laid down in this connection.

19 Tax and Income Tax Income tax is a tax on income
tax" means the income tax payable under the Ordinance and includes any additional tax, excess profit tax, penalty, interest, fee or other charges leviable or payable under the Ordinance." Therefore, income tax is any tax, additional tax, excess profit tax, penalty, interest, fee or other charges leviable or payable on any income or deemed income under the Ordinance.

20 Different Rates of Tax Tax Rates for Individual, Firms, Association of Persons (AOP), Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) and Artificial Juridical Person: Small and cottage industries Tax Rates for Companies Publicly Traded Company: Non-Publicly Traded Companies Bank, Insurance and Financial Institutions Cigarette manufacturing companies Mobile Phone Operator Company

21 Different Rates of Tax Inter-Corporate Tax Rate (Tax Rate on Dividend)
Tax Rate for Non-Resident Capital Gain Tax Rate (Paragraph 2 of the Second Schedule) Tax Rate on Winning Lesser Tax Rate for special industry

22 Liability to tax Individuals income from salary
income from interest on securities income from house property agricultural income income from business or profession which he operates as a sole trader or as a member of a partnership firm capital gains and income from other sources Value added tax (VAT) as the supplier of goods and services (if a sole trader) or as the final consumer of goods or services

23 Liability to tax Partnerships
Each partner is liable to tax on his share of income of the partnership in an income year, but not for tax on the shares of income of the other partners. Tax Deducted at source Value added tax (VAT) as the supplier of goods and services or as the final consumer of goods or services Companies Corporation tax (CT) on its income

24 Some significant issues of income tax
Income Year & Assessment Year Accounting year ends on Income year Assessment year

25 Some significant issues of income tax
Exceptions to the rule of Assessment Year Income of discontinued business Persons leaving Bangladesh Income of non-resident shipping companies

26 Some significant issues of income tax
Residential status of an assessee An individual stays in Bangladesh for - 182 days or more of an income year? Resident Yes 90 days or more of an income year? No 365 days or more during 4 immediate preceding years? Non-resident Is the assessee is Bangladeshi citizen? Non resident Bangladeshi (NRB) Non resident Foreigner (NRF)

27 Some significant issues of income tax
Taxation implication of resident or non-resident To determine the amount of total income To determine minimum limit of taxable income Tax rate Income tax rebate Tax liability

28 Thanks Howladar Yunus & Co. Md. Shakhawat Hossain Articled Student
Taxation & Legal Compliance Department

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