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International Business Briefing Regional Hubs – Ireland Tuesday 17 th September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "International Business Briefing Regional Hubs – Ireland Tuesday 17 th September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Business Briefing Regional Hubs – Ireland Tuesday 17 th September 2013

2 2 Neil Squires BBS, FCA Partner, Squires & Co. Dublin, Ireland Neil is a Chartered Accountant and fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland having qualified in 1997. Prior to co- founding Squires & Co. in 2002, Neil held a number of senior financial positions in Irish subsidiaries of publicly quoted multinational companies in both the pharmaceutical and IT industries. Neil has significant experience providing accounting, payroll and HR services to our NIS Global clients. His team’s practical, reliable and hands-on approach has made them very popular with clients. E: T: +353 1 634 5451 NIS Global member for Ireland since 2007

3 3 Overview of doing business in Ireland What do our clients ask What do potential clients want to know Introduction

4 4 Location

5 5 Small Open Economy, Western Europe Population of 4.5m Time zone GMT: San Francisco – 8 hours Member of European Union Currency Euro (EUR €1 = USD $1.3) English is the main language Irish & European Law applies Ireland

6 6 Who?

7 7 Who else?

8 8 Branch of a Foreign Company Limited Company (Subsidiary) Start up requirements Compliance and governance obligations How?

9 9 1.Taxation Overview of taxation and incentives 2.Workforce & Employment Law Human resource pool and labour laws 3.Environment & Culture Business Environment What to expect doing business in Ireland

10 10 Tax residency – decision making and control Tax rates – 12.5% or 25% Start up exemption from tax Research & Development tax credit Calculation of taxable profits (losses) Intellectual property Holding company incentives Administration and filing requirements 1. Taxation

11 11 Quality and depth of labour pool Employer taxes and costs Employee taxes and costs Work Permits Employee Contracts and rights ‘What makes Ireland Great’ – IDA video 2. Workforce & labour law

12 12 Business friendly environment Access to 500m European consumers Workforce work ethic and loyalty Clustering of Multinational Companies Government assistance (IDA) Regulated environment Common law jurisdiction 3. Environment & Culture

13 13 Value Added Tax (VAT) Transfer Pricing – Arms Length Thin Capitalisation Rules Conclusion Questions and Answers Other Matters & Conclusion

14 14 Start up advisory services Entity incorporation and registration Human resources and payroll Accounting and monthly reporting Taxation Audit and Assurance services Year end compliance and reporting Services we can provide

15 15 This presentation is intended for general guidance only. It cannot cover every situation and should not be used for decision making without professional advice. The authors accept no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication.

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