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1 Frank Konieczny AF Chief Technology Officer SAF/A6 Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer March 2011 AF Transformation 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Frank Konieczny AF Chief Technology Officer SAF/A6 Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer March 2011 AF Transformation 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Frank Konieczny AF Chief Technology Officer SAF/A6 Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer March 2011 AF Transformation 2011

2 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e 2 98% of stolen records linked to criminals outside orgs (Verizon 2010 Data Breach Investigation Report) 73,000 new malware strains per day during the first quarter of 2011 (PandaLabs Q1 Report)) Congress budgetary discussions $ 1B+ Cut over the FYDP AF Efficiency Initiatives Congress budgetary discussions $ 1B+ Cut over the FYDP AF Efficiency Initiatives Airman expectations Social Networking Mobility  Thousands of new products and services every year  Global Providers  IT Acquisition Reform  Thousands of new products and services every year  Global Providers  IT Acquisition Reform S ECURITY T ECHNOLOGY C ULTURE F UNDING Major Drivers

3 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Efficiencies Transformations Implementing AF-wide enterprise core services (e.g., email) Consolidating data centers and associated servers Further consolidating AF IT purchases Reducing the number of AF firewalls, Internet gateways, and associated infrastructure, while maintaining or improving security Reducing commercial Satellite Communications (SATCOM) costs by centralized purchasing and provisioning of services Migrating current and developmental applications, services, and data to an AF standardized IT environment Reducing telecommunications costs by integrating voice, video, and data services on the network – Unified Communication and Collaboration 3

4 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Transforming System Development Program-centric Infrastructure As - Is InfrastructureTo - Be Infrastructure Transformation Web Services Increased Flexibility Reduced Duplication Enterprise Authentication & Authorization Increased Security AF-wide Access Virtualization Reduced HW Rqmts Reduced Facilities Costs Blade Processors Reduce Data Center Rqmts Enterprise SW Licenses Increased Standardization Reduced Cost Virtualized Storage Increased Responsiveness Enterprise Data Authoritative Data Sources Data De-duplication Different development teams in the enterprise, if not properly guided or monitored, may tend to choose the path of least resistance or resort to technologies that they are familiar with, which can add to integration complexity. Take Charge of Application Integration Chaos; A-G Magazine, 15 Sep 10 Reliable Messaging Virtualization Layer Blade Processors Virtualized Storage Enterprise Data Windows Authentication Authorization Linux Web Services Web Services Web Services Consolidated Enterprise IT Baseline Based Configuration Program Services Metadata Environment Work Flow

5 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Transformation Cloud Services 5 IaaS - System Infrastructure Services PaaS -App Infrastructure Services SaaS -Application Services Information Services Business Services Cloud Enablers Investigating all service layers IaaS/PaaS architecture specified by the AF (standards, protocols, GOTS/COTS, web services, etc.) AF Consolidated Enterprise IT Baseline drives specification to ensure system networthiness AF determined SLAs Secured Hypervisor Concerns Management & Security

6 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Web Services Delivery Transformation Web services paradigm for optimizing development reuse and cloud performance/ flexibility Web Services for accessing authoritative data sources Security Extensions Policy Based Access Controls – ABAC/RBAC Authentication and Authorization at each access point for exposed web services Security challenge to “ensure” a security (non tampered) path from user to data source and back

7 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Depth in Depth Security Transformation 285 million records compromised in 2009 Verizon 2010 Data Breach Report Data Apps S/W Network Unauthorized or Authorized Access Data Stolen/Altered Applications Compromised Networks Still Targeted Full Spectrum Attacks Securing the “Work” of the Network in Addition to the Network Traditional Focus Shifting Focus

8 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e End-End Security [WS-Security] Application SOAP HTTP TLS/SSL TCP IP MAC Client Application Service Invoker TLS/SSL TCP IP MAC Application SOAP HTTP TLS/SSL TCP IP MAC SSL Endpoint SSL Processor or HTTP Service Implementation Code Service Provider UNTRUSTED NETWORK Intermediaries Web Services Security (Authentication, Integrity, Confidentiality, Non-Repudiation, Access Control (SAML)) SSL (Integrity, Confidentiality) End-to-End 2-Way Authentication

9 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Communication/Collaboration Transformation Rich Presence Willingness, ability and preference of a users’ communication Intelligent voice, messaging, time-sensitive task/doc routing Instant Messaging One-click access and easy escalation to chat, voice and VTC Voice and Voice Conferencing Find contacts quickly, dial and easy escalation to VTC Unified Messaging Voicemail to email/vice versa; chat to e-mail Video P2P and VTC Simple initiation/easy escalation to conf (desk top and suite) Video Broadcast Commanders message, Emergency message, etc Desktop Collaboration Desktop sharing, briefings / presentations and file transfer Mobile User Access Smartphone, LMR, Web, bandwidth tolerant Cross Domain (security, functional) ATRIX 4G Dual Persona Playbook Gesture Recognition

10 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e F-35 F-22 CRC Tact’l Net Ops ASOC Tact’l Net Ops F-15C ADC F/A-18 KC-135 F-35 High Alt Gateway Relay XX X ERMP CAOC DCGS JFACC Op Net Mgt II EC-130 RC-135 B-1 B-52 RQ-4 A-10 F-16 H-60 B-2 TOC DCGS JFLCC Op Net Mgt JFMCC Op Net Mgt Net Enabled Attack / Weapons Anti-access Net Enabled SOF Net Enabled Nuclear Response E-2 Net Enabled MAF Net Enabled C2 ISR E-3 E-8 MQ-1/9 Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN) Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) AF OV-1 MUOS WGS Commercial AEHF B-52 Legacy TDLs C-17 High Capacity Backbone PermissiveContested Net Enabled ISR Voice Link-16 VMF SADL Mid Alt Gateway Relay Advanced TDLs F-15E We must be able to work between layers between networks between environments When required Single Integrated Network Environment

11 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e How Do We Get There? Secure cloud computing solutions Guaranteed information assurance Consolidated Enterprise IT Baseline Library of capability-based services & applications Commoditization of Edge Devices Operational applications Reliability at reduced costs Industry Partnership IRIS: Internet Router In Space X-37B

12 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Questions 12

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