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OVERVIEW Montgomery Coscia Greilich LLP (“MCG”) is a full-service professional accounting firm with expertise in traditional accounting services as well.

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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW Montgomery Coscia Greilich LLP (“MCG”) is a full-service professional accounting firm with expertise in traditional accounting services as well."— Presentation transcript:

1 OVERVIEW Montgomery Coscia Greilich LLP (“MCG”) is a full-service professional accounting firm with expertise in traditional accounting services as well as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and systems consulting. MCG recognizes that the level of success in meeting financial objectives rests with the people making decisions. At MCG, we follow a policy of professional teamwork. With individual areas of specialized skills, knowledge, experience and interests, MCG functions as a financial team. We work in the spirit of cooperation rather than competition and meet frequently and informally to exchange ideas for achieving our common goals: maximum performance for our clients. HOW WE OPERATE MCG is organized along the lines of functional specialization, a fact that distinguishes us from many firms of similar size and experience. Our partners and professionals focus on particular business sectors while maintaining broad general business knowledge. This style of organization permits MCG to serve our clients in the most timely and efficient manner possible, no matter how novel or sophisticated the problem. 2500 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300 Plano, TX 75093 972.748.0300 p

2  Ranked by Accounting Today, as a “Best Place to Work” in 2009 and 2010 AttestationTaxationSales TaxConsulting Services Audits, reviews, compilations Federal and state compliance Sales tax compliance Transaction Advisory External audit support Nexus StudiesTaxability studiesBusiness Advisory Internal audit/SOX Transfer pricingAudit defenseFinancial Accounting Advisory 401(k) auditsTransaction cost analysis Reverse auditsCapital Advisory GAAP & IRFS consulting R&D credit studies Utility studiesValuation Services SAS 70 auditsAudit representation Unclaimed property IT Consulting & Outsourcing Valuation testingFAS 109 supportProcess reviewsFractional Financial Support Forensic accounting Transaction planning Loan staffFamily Office Services WHY SELECT MCG Montgomery Coscia Greilich LLP is structured and organized to ideally serve emerging businesses in need of a variety of high quality resources provided in a collaborative team style. Our mission is to serve our client companies with the highest level of service and value by focusing on what is important to them and significant stakeholders. Just some of the reasons you should choose MCG as your tax, accounting and business advisor includes:  The caliber and experience of our people, which includes prior national firm experience  Able to meet requested timetable  Well respected firm with mature practice  Credibility with major financial markets  Competitive fee structure  Excellent relationships with allied professional organizations, including national accounting firms, banks, attorneys, actuaries and investment banking concerns  Partner accessibility  Engagement team continuity maintained through low firm turnover  Assurance, accounting and tax professionals work together as a team  We use state-of-the-art technology  Experienced tax planning and compliance team with domestic and international experience Our three primary niches are high net worth individuals and their related entities and investments, venture backed companies and other privately held entities and mid-market companies (market capitalizations of $100m to $1.0b) that are typically public and audited by an international firm. KEY MCG PRACTICE AREAS

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