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Political Social and Cultural Economic Client *Siena Political Poll Mar 2014 **Siena Political Poll Feb 2014 ***Siena Political Poll Oct 2013 *Siena.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Social and Cultural Economic Client *Siena Political Poll Mar 2014 **Siena Political Poll Feb 2014 ***Siena Political Poll Oct 2013 *Siena."— Presentation transcript:


2 Political Social and Cultural Economic Client

3 *Siena Political Poll Mar 2014 **Siena Political Poll Feb 2014 ***Siena Political Poll Oct 2013 *Siena Political Poll Mar 2014 **Siena Political Poll Feb 2014 ***Siena Political Poll Oct 2013 Politicians* Statewide Issues 58% 34% 40% 42% Right Track/Wrong Direction* 63% 32% 43% 53% 43% 53% 56% 40% Hydrofracking* Casino Gambling*** Gun Control* Recreational Marijuana** 46% 43%

4 Index of Consumer Sentiment Consumer Real Estate Sentiment Upstate Business Leader Sentiment

5 Civic HealthQuality of LifeHealth: Tobacco and Public Health Issues Leisure Time Technology



8 *In July 2013, the wording was changed from “computer” to “consumer electronics like a personal computer, cell phone, television or tablet. Cars/Trucks Electronics* Furniture



11 Gas and Food Holiday Spending Holiday Budgets 2007 – 2013 RecessionEffects Is government more of the problem or more of the solution when it comes to the economic issues? 23% 13% Solution Don’t Know 64% Problem


13 Eliminating corruption in state government 15% Working to improve public education 28% Ensuring New York is prepared for future natural disasters 4% Reducing the state's tax burden on middle class families 25% Improving the state's economic climate 25% Siena NY Poll November 2013 Siena NY Poll November 2013 Thinking about those five issues which do you think should be the MOST important item on Governor Cuomo's 'to do' list?

14 Do you think Governor Cuomo has succeeded in creating a business climate that helps New York State businesses be more successful or have his efforts had little effect? Thinking specifically about New York and the relationship between the state government and businesses like yours, overall would you say the government of the State of New York is doing an excellent, good, fair or poor job of creating a business climate in which companies like yours will succeed? Public CEO

15 If You Had to do it All Over Again, Would You Locate in NY or Someplace Else?

16 *Chart includes data from statewide numbers (ICS) and compares to upstate numbers (CEO)

17 SRI conducted the seventh annual Upstate New York Business Leader Survey from October 21 – December 31, 2013. SRI mailed surveys to all private, for-profit businesses with yearly sales approaching $5 million up to $200 million according to publicly available records. The surveys could also be completed online. The survey broke down the businesses into the following industry categories: ServiceEngineering and Construction ManufacturingWholesale and Distribution Retail Food and Beverage Financial SRI interviewed 651 CEO’s (up from 592 last year) of private for profit companies in Buffalo (30%), the Capital Region (24%), Rochester (29%) and Syracuse (14%) 27%17%19%15%12%3%6%

18 How is the Index Compiled? Industry CurrentFuture New York CEO Index

19 The Index ranges from an absolute low of zero to a high of 200. If equal numbers of respondents indicated “better” and “worse” on a series of questions the index would be 100. Therefore any score below 100 points demonstrates more respondents seeing and/or expecting things to worsen as opposed to improve. Upstate New York Business Leaders Index 2007 - 2012

20 Optimistic Business leaders in the optimistic group describe an economy in which they see improved conditions and expect better days ahead. 73% expect increasing revenues and 56% anticipate increasing profits. 63% will invest in fixed assets and 41% will enlarge their workforce. Treading Water (Middle) Business leaders in the middle group are treading water. They tend to feel as though the economy is stable but do not anticipate improving conditions. 39% expect increasing revenues and 25% anticipate increasing profits. 53% will invest in fixed assets and 27% will enlarge their workforce. Pessimistic Business leaders in the pessimistic group feel as though conditions have worsened recently and expect further decline. Only 9% expect increasing revenues and 10% anticipate increasing profits. 37% will invest in fixed assets and 13% will enlarge their workforce. 31% 45% 24%


22 Upstate Total Industry Totals EngineeringFood and BeverageFinancialManufacturing Retail ServiceWholesale & Dist.

23 Looking forward from today through next year... how would you describe your expectations for the economy in NY State? EngineeringFood and BeverageFinancialManufacturing RetailServiceWholesale & Dist. Upstate Total Industry Totals

24 Engineering & Construction Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall41.284.498.487.086.3113.6 Current44.679.292.686.189.9113.6 Future37.789.6104.288.082.7113.6 Siena College Research Institute Food & Beverage Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall28.465.290.591.094.2100.0 Current22.756.578.681.978.3104.8 Future34.173.9102.4100.0110.195.2 Siena College Research Institute Financial Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall38.588.6113.4109.493.6113.8 Current17.384.1108.3104.795.7117.1 Future59.693.2118.5114.291.4110.5 Siena College Research Institute Manufacturing Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall40.683.8106.7106.982.691.4 Current28.870.1107.3101.572.690.8 Future52.497.4106.0112.492.592.0 Siena College Research Institute Retail Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall28.693.2101.598.180.795.0 Current22.782.491.488.376.186.3 Future34.5104.1111.7107.885.3103.8 Siena College Research Institute Service Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall46.589.792.999.486.989.0 Current35.685.591.393.981.188.0 Future57.494.094.5104.892.789.9 Siena College Research Institute Wholesale & Distribution Business Leaders Index 200820092010201120122013 Overall36.086.388.295.688.682.7 Current28.975.078.292.982.577.6 Future43.097.798.398.294.687.8 Siena College Research Institute

25 NY Overall Results Now thinking specifically about your company, what are your expectations for revenue through the year 2014?

26 Now thinking specifically about your company, what are your expectations for profit through the year 2014? NY Overall Results




30 Intend to Invest in Fixed Assets How Will Assets be Financed

31 And continuing to consider the local market, are conditions locally improving, staying the same or worsening for businesses in your industry? The Wholesale and Distribution industry believes local conditions are improving the least at 6%.

32 NY Overall Results Please indicate which of the following are major areas of concentration for your firm now and through 2014: CEO’s main area of concentration was Expansion of Existing Markets (33%)

33 NY Overall Results Now thinking about other challenges that your company faces, which of the following are you concerned with: CEO’s greatest area of concern was Government Regulation (23%)

34 NY Overall Results Thinking specifically about New York and the relationship between the government and businesses like yours, overall would you say the government is doing an excellent, good, fair or poor job of creating a business climate in which companies like yours will succeed? State GovernmentFederal Government

35 CEO’s single biggest issue for the Governor and Legislature to focus on is Spending Cuts (35%) NY Overall Results Of the following, what would you like to see the Governor and Legislature of New York focus on?

36 NY Overall Results For each of the following national proposals indicate whether you support it or oppose it?

37 NY Overall Results If the Tax-Free NY plan were to be implemented, what type of impact do you believe it would have on your business? How confident are you in the ability of the government of the State of New York to improve the business climate for businesses like yours here in New York over the next year? Are you… Not at all confident Somewhat confident Not very confident

38 NY Overall Results Is there an Ample Supply of Trained Local Workers?

39 Is there an ample supply of local workers that are appropriately trained for your employment needs? EngineeringFood and BeverageFinancialManufacturing RetailServiceWholesale & Dist. Upstate Total Industry Totals Percent that Responded “YES”

40 NY Overall Results

41 1 2 PoorFairGood Excellent Realistic About Pay Work Ethic Verbal Professionalism Technical Writing Initiative

42 Poor0Fair1Good2Excellent3 Hiring Hiring: Workforce AmpleHiring: Workforce Not Ample Writing Skills Initiative Realistic About Compensation Work Ethic Verbal Skills Technical Skills Professionalism 1.0 1.3 0.8 1.2 1.7 0.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.0 1.4 1.8 1.1

43 NY Overall Results Which Industry Sectors Will Have a Positive Impact on Your Geographic Area? 57% 56% 43% NY CEO’s believe the sector that will have the single greatest impact is the medical industry (29%) 38% 33%24%12% Technology Medical Education Manufacturing TourismGreen Energy Transportation

44 NY Overall Results

45 Do You Expect the Affordable Care Act to Have a Positive, Negative or No Real Impact? NY Overall Results

46 Have you made any of the following adjustments due to the Affordable Care Act? NY Overall Results

47 Panic is Over, NY is “Open for Business” But, CEO’s ‘won’t get fooled again.’ 2014: Slow cautious growth overall. Most optimistic poised to take off Expect increasing revenues and profits with moderate investment Soft Consumer Sentiment Expect increasing revenues and profits with moderate investment Sorting through the Affordable Care Act Soft Consumer Sentiment Growth in and related to Medical Concentrate on Tech growth Soft Consumer Sentiment Partner with Higher, Secondary Education to prepare workers of tomorrow Combat Brain Drain with Quality of Life and the Quality of Local Opportunity Lessening regulation?

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