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Business Aviation Forum (BAF) Meeting May 8, 2014 A Summary by Jim Dramis and Dave Belastock.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Aviation Forum (BAF) Meeting May 8, 2014 A Summary by Jim Dramis and Dave Belastock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Aviation Forum (BAF) Meeting May 8, 2014 A Summary by Jim Dramis and Dave Belastock

2 CTOP – Collaborative Trajectory Options Program

3 Business Aviation and Alternate Routings Most rerouting is based on weather, high-volume periods, or special events. Playbook routes are typically used when this happens. But General Aviation operators may not know which routes to file in order to avoid delays.

4 Business Aviation and Alternate Routings Who is responsible for researching and selecting alternate routes?

5 Business Aviation and Alternate Routings Who is responsible for researching and selecting alternate routes?

6 FAA Operational Information System (OIS)

7 FAA Operational Information System (OIS)

8 SERMN Routes Given during SWAP only S WAP E scape R outes M etro N Y

9 What you’re normally file…

10 SERMN Routes The “usual” routeSERMN Route During SWAP…good luck. Longer & lower flight, higher fuel burn. But, it beats sitting on the ground.

11 SERMN Routes

12 AZEZU “Deep Water Route” During one period of arrivals to NYC, 49 airliners utilized the offshore AZEZU fix, compared to only 2 G.A. operators. Why is G.A. not requesting this option? Airlines have extensive experience between city pairs, along with dedicated Dispatchers which most business operators cannot cost-justify. Business aviation community needs to engage its flight plan service providers to better communicate the availability of alternative routings. AZEZU Utilization AZEZU Airline: 49GA: 2

13 Summary CTOP will give operators more flexibility to choose alternate routes. Check the FAA OIS site during flight planning. Know about the SERMN routes. Pilots – get ready to do some additional planning.

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