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© TNTP 2013 ACE Observer Training Vasquez For observers new to TNTP and the ACE Instructional Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "© TNTP 2013 ACE Observer Training Vasquez For observers new to TNTP and the ACE Instructional Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 © TNTP 2013 ACE Observer Training Vasquez For observers new to TNTP and the ACE Instructional Framework

2 / 2 Objectives By the end of this session, you will: Accurately match observation evidence to performance areas Practice rating in all ACE Framework performance areas Evaluate your own alignment to the master ratings and flag areas for self- development 1 2 3

3 / 3 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning

4 / 4 Student Engagement Proficient - 4  The pacing of this lesson is quick, particularly at the beginning, and routines and procedures (turn-and-talk, passing back papers) are quick and seamless.  We see very few instances of off-task behavior that are minor – for example, one student fails to track because he’s focused on answering the problem, but he’s quickly corrected by a directional snap from the teacher.  All students are engaged in lesson activities consistently throughout the lesson. This engagement is often active (e.g., holding up white board, snapping agreement, turning/talking with a partner)  We see no idle time.

5 / 5 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning

6 / 6 Essential Content Proficient - 4  This content fits squarely in the major work of grade 6 math, addressing a variety of Grade 6 standards.  Lesson activities are sequenced to lead students to mastery – the lesson starts with a “pepper” review that covers key concepts about factors, percentages, and ratios. Although the question on absolute value does not directly relate to unit ratios, absolute value is part of the major work of the grade.  This review primes students to answer the question of the day, which asks students to apply knowledge of fractions and factors to solve a real-world problem. Although this doesn’t directly address the objective around unit rate problems, the content knowledge required to answer this question is prerequisite for successfully working unit rate problems.  The video closes as students are establishing criteria for success on an appropriately rigorous unit rate problem.

7 / 7 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning

8 / 8 Academic Ownership Proficient - 4  Students do the cognitive work of answering a significant number of challenging questions during the lesson – the teacher uses several TLaC techniques like 100% and Stretch It to push students to persist in answering questions and think more deeply about their answers. The teacher occasionally guides or narrates a student’s answer, but overall the students do the majority of the thinking and cognitive work in this lesson.  Students respond to one another’s thinking by snapping agreement, and occasionally the teacher asks a student to explain what another was thinking in arriving at his answer.  Students persist in arriving at the right answer – on at least two occasions, the teacher gives appropriate wait time and asks a student to restate his answer until he a) arrives at the correct answer, and b) says it appropriately in a full sentence.  Teacher requires students to explain the process they use for solving the problem using CASIO and criteria for success, which requires them to think through and plan the process of solving before they actually dive in.

9 / 9 Submit Poll Rating For…. Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning

10 / 10 Demonstration of Learning Proficient - 4  CFU’s are pervasive in this lesson through the use of the playbook and whiteboard. The teacher sees not only whether students have the correct answer but how they arrived at that answer.  Students have extensive opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the various math concepts – they complete ~9 pepper questions during the first 9-minute review, one “problem of the day,” and are starting on three independent problems. Every student is required to answer and show their work on these problems.  Students are also asked to discuss and generate their own criteria for success on the upcoming problems using the CASIO method.  The teacher comments several times that he sees 100% accuracy on the whiteboard problems; it is clear that all students are on track to master the content necessary to work toward the learning objective on unit rates.

11 / 11 Master Ratings Student Engagement Essential Content Academic Ownership Demonstration of Learning 4 4 4 4

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