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Chapter 35 Plant Structure, Growth & Development.

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1 Chapter 35 Plant Structure, Growth & Development

2 Flowering plants: 2 main groups Monocots: Eudicots: See Fig. 30.12

3 Monocot (e.g., corn) seedlings each have 1 cotyledon (seed leaf); in monocots the cotyledon often remains within the confines of the seed

4 Eudicot (e.g., bean & peanut) seedlings each have 2 cotyledons (seed leaves)

5 Organ systems of flowering plants See Fig. 35.2

6 Primary root – first to appear Eudicot Taproot system Monocot Fibrous root system Organs of flowering plants

7 Root hairs are extensions of epidermal cells Organs of flowering plants

8 Root hairs dramatically increase a root’s surface area for absorbing water and nutrients

9 Food storage is a function of all roots, but some (e.g., carrot taproots) are highly modified for storage Organs of flowering plants

10 Aboveground (aerial or prop) roots give extra support Organs of flowering plants

11 “Breathing” roots conduct oxygen to waterlogged roots Organs of flowering plants

12 The roots of many orchids are photosynthetic Organs of flowering plants

13 Organ systems of flowering plants See Fig. 35.2

14 Organs of flowering plants Some plants have specialized water-storage stems Baobab trees Saguaro cacti

15 Organs of flowering plants Stolons (“runners”) are horizontal, wandering, aboveground stems

16 Organs of flowering plants Rhizomes (e.g., edible base of a ginger plant) are horizontal, belowground stems

17 Organs of flowering plants Tubers (e.g., potatoes, yams) are the swollen ends of rhizomes, specialized for food storage

18 Organs of flowering plants Bulbs are vertical, underground stems consisting mostly of the swollen bases of leaves specialized to store food

19 Organs of flowering plants Thorns are rigid, sharp branches that deter potential herbivores (especially mammalian browsers)

20 Organ systems of flowering plants Terminal buds generally exercise apical dominance over axillary buds See Fig. 35.2

21 Organs of flowering plants See Fig. 35.6

22 Organs of flowering plants Some arid-adapted plants have succulent leaves Aloe vera

23 Organs of flowering plants Leaves specialized into spines help defend against herbivores

24 Organs of flowering plants Tendrils are specialized leaves or stems that twist around structures to lend support

25 Organs of flowering plants Leaves specialized to trap animals occur in carnivorous plants

26 Organs of flowering plants Leaves specialized to trap animals occur in carnivorous plants

27 Organs of flowering plants Leaves specialized to trap animals occur in carnivorous plants

28 Organs of flowering plants Leaf hairs (trichomes) help reduce water loss and provide some protection against herbivores

29 Organ systems of flowering plants Undifferentiated meristematic cells occur in buds Whole plant growth is indeterminate, but growth of some organs is determinate See Fig. 35.2

30 Organ systems of flowering plants When a cell divides, the daughter cells grow… and they may differentiate (specialize), depending especially on where they are located during development See Fig. 35.2

31 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Dermal tissue (epidermis) Generally a single cell layer that covers the plant Absorption in root system Water retention in shoot system, aided by waxy cuticle See Fig. 35.8

32 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Vascular tissue Xylem – transports water and dissolved minerals Phloem – transports sugars dissolved in water See Fig. 35.8

33 Vascular tissue Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Xylem Cells are dead at functional maturity See Fig. 35.9

34 Vascular tissue Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Phloem Cells are alive at functional maturity See Fig. 35.9

35 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Ground tissue All non-epidermal, non- vascular tissue Three principal cell types: Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma See Fig. 35.8

36 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Ground tissue Parenchyma Thin-walled, live cells Perform most metabolic functions of plant –photosynthesis –food storage –synthesis and secretion

37 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Ground tissue Collenchyma Cells with unevenly thickened walls that lack lignin Alive at maturity Grouped into strands or cylinders to aid support without constricting growth

38 Differentiated cells contribute to 3 tissue systems Ground tissue Sclerenchyma Very thick walls, hardened with lignin Dead at maturity Give strength and support to fully grown parts of the plant Fibers occur in groups Sclereids impart hardness to nutshells and the gritty texture to pears

39 Primary growth in roots Primary growth in roots lengthens roots from the tips The root cap continually sloughs off See Fig. 35.12

40 Primary growth in roots The apical meristem produces three primary meristems See Fig. 35.12

41 Primary growth in roots The cells are produced… See Fig. 35.12

42 Primary growth in roots The cells are produced… then elongate… See Fig. 35.12

43 Primary growth in roots See Fig. 35.12 The cells are produced… then elongate… and finally mature & differentiate

44 Primary growth in roots Protoderm cells become the epidermis See Fig. 35.12 The cells are produced… then elongate… and finally mature & differentiate

45 Primary growth in roots The cells are produced… then elongate… Protoderm cells become the epidermis Ground meristem cells become the cortex See Fig. 35.12

46 Primary growth in roots The cells are produced… then elongate… and finally mature & differentiate Protoderm cells become the epidermis Ground meristem cells become the cortex Procambium cells become the vascular stele See Fig. 35.12

47 Primary growth in roots Pericycle Outermost layer of stele These cells retain meristematic capabilities, and can produce lateral roots See Fig. 35.12

48 Primary growth in roots Endodermis Innermost layer of cortex These cells regulate the flow of substances into the vascular tissues of the stele See Fig. 35.12

49 Primary growth in roots Endodermis Innermost layer of cortex These cells regulate the flow of substances into the vascular tissues of the stele Casparian strip disallows flow of substances except through the endodermal cells themselves

50 Primary growth in shoots Primary growth in shoots lengthens shoots from the tips The apical meristem produces the same three primary meristems as in the roots: Protoderm Ground meristem Procambium See Fig. 35.15

51 Primary growth in shoots Primary growth in shoots lengthens shoots from the tips Leaves arise from leaf primordia on the flanks of the apical meristem See Fig. 35.15

52 Primary growth in shoots Primary growth in shoots lengthens shoots from the tips Axillary buds (that could produce lateral branches) develop from islands of meristematic cells left at the bases of leaf primordia See Fig. 35.15

53 Primary growth in shoots Procambium cells develop into vascular bundles See Fig. 35.16

54 Primary growth in shoots Procambium cells develop into vascular bundles See Fig. 35.17

55 Primary growth in shoots Procambium cells develop into vascular bundles The “veins” in leaves

56 Primary growth in shoots Protoderm cells develop into epidermis See Fig. 35.17

57 Primary growth in shoots Protoderm cells develop into epidermis Some epidermal cells are guard cells surrounding stomata See Fig. 35.17

58 Primary growth in shoots Protoderm cells develop into epidermis Some epidermal cells are guard cells surrounding stomata See Fig. 35.17

59 Primary growth in shoots Ground meristem cells develop into ground tissues See Fig. 35.17

60 Primary growth in shoots Ground meristem cells develop into ground tissues In dicot stems these are the pith and cortex See Fig. 35.16

61 Secondary growth in stems Girth growth See Fig. 35.18

62 Secondary growth in stems Primary growth at a branch tip lays down apical and axillary meristems for further lengthening, as well as a lateral meristem: the vascular cambium See Fig. 35.18

63 Secondary growth in stems The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside See Fig. 35.18

64 Secondary growth in stems A second lateral meristem develops from the cortex: the cork cambium Cork cambium produces cork cells that replace the epidermis See Fig. 35.18

65 Secondary growth in stems As the stem continues to expand its girth, the tissues outside the cork cambium rupture and slough off See Fig. 35.18

66 Secondary growth in stems As the stem continues to expand its girth, the cork cambium reforms in deeper layers of cortex tissue, and then in secondary phloem when the primary cortex is gone See Fig. 35.18

67 Secondary growth in stems Periderm: Cork cambium and cork Bark: All tissue outside vascular cambium See Fig. 35.18

68 What is “wood”? wood = secondary xylem

69 Heartwood: No longer conducts water, but strengthens stem Sapwood: Conducts water and minerals See Fig. 35.20

70 Why do trees have rings?

71 Seasonal differences in the rate of xylem production produce annual rings

72 Summary of 1 o and 2 o growth in a woody stem

73 Growth – increase in mass by cell division and cell expansion Differentiation – specialization Development – all the changes that progressively produce an organism’s body (growth, differentiation, etc.) Morphogenesis – the development of body form and organization

74 If all cells of a body contain the same set of genes, how do they differentiate, and how does morphogenesis occur? Differential expression of genes owing to differences in the environment each cell experiences

75 If all cells of a body contain the same set of genes, how do they differentiate, and how does morphogenesis occur? For example, positional information determines whether the cells produced by an apical meristem become protoderm, ground meristem, or procambium

76 If all cells of a body contain the same set of genes, how do they differentiate, and how does morphogenesis occur? Every step in development requires input from both genes and the environment!

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