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Future: will, won't I will buy …. I won't buy….(I will not) Will you buy…?

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Presentation on theme: "Future: will, won't I will buy …. I won't buy….(I will not) Will you buy…?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future: will, won't I will buy …. I won't buy….(I will not) Will you buy…?


3 COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (TE) COUNTABLE nouns are for things we can count: BOX, TRUCK, MAN, IDEA have a singular and plural form: 2 boxes, 10 trucks, 4 men, 2 ideas UNCOUNTABLE nouns - for the things that we cannot count: tea, sugar, water, air, rice, equipment, money WITH a singular verb (knowledge is, money is) NOT!!! plural (We cannot say sugars, breads, knowledges) NOT!!! a/an common uncountable nouns: packaging, alcohol, energy, strategy, information, time, money, research, evidence, safety, knowledge, accommodation, advice, behaviour, news, traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work, energy, plastic, sand, electricity, damage, progress

4 GADGETS It‘s for …. ing …. It enables to…. You can ……

5 CAUSE AND EFFECT You have to… When X happens, Y happens If you do X, Y happens X makes Y happen How does the device (a crank, a pulley…) work?

6 Past simple of the verbs BE, HAVE, DO BeHaveDo Iwashaddid Youwerehaddid He, she, itwashaddid Wewerehaddid Youwerehaddid Theywerehaddid I was in Japan last year She had a headache yesterday. We did our homework last night. They weren't in Rio last summer. We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower. We didn't do our exercises this morning. Were they in Iceland last January? Did you have enough money? Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?

7 Past simple of regular and irregular verbs Function: completed action in a time before now (He visited his parents last week.) Signal Words: often, sometimes, always last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago. the other day, ages ago, a long time ago etc. PositiveNegativeQuestionShort answer I worked I spoke. I did not work. I did not speak. Did you work? Did you speak? Yes, I did, No, I didn´t. Regular verb + ed Irregular verb

8 Spelling Exceptions in spelling when adding edExample love – loved, like admit – admitted travel – travelled hurry – hurried, carry

9 Rises and falls VerbNoun Decreasedecrease Reducereduction Fallfall Lowerlowering Dropdrop Cutcut Go up Riserise Improveimprovement Costs decreased by 10%. Costs fell down. Costs were cut by 10%. There was a reduction in costs of 10%. Costs went down to 100.

10 Rise x Raise to RISE [raiz] = go up on their own opposite = to FALL irregular = rise, rose, risen to RAISE [reiz] = go up by st. else oppostie = to LOWER regular = raise - raised

11 Troubleshooting questions Is it switched on / plugged in / blocked / full…..? Have you checked the …………? Have you tried ……/ ing? (Have you tried switching it on? What happens when you …….? How soon can you come?

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