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Android Development Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Page 1 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

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1 Android Development Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Page 1 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

2 ATTRACT, ACQUIRE, ENGAGE Results! This is what the furore is all about. You want results and we provide you with just that. Offering businesses the perfect combination of brilliant designs, cutting edge social media solutions, optimized content, innovative technology and out-of-the-box business consultancy services. Effective communication platforms are the need of the day. We at TreeHouse Consultancy believe in converting probabilities into opportunities through creativity, expertise and dynamism. We are here to transform your business image, increase brand visibility to help you REACH your target AUDIENCE A BOUT US We are a group of visionaries ready to take on any challenge, tackle issues and driving results to your brand. With an unparalleled mix of tech geniuses, brainy creatives and energetic managers, TreeHouse Consultancy provides an inspiring platform to maximize profits by compelling customer perception and decision making. I F OPPORTUNITY DOESN ’ T KNOCK, BUILD THE DOOR ! I NTRODUCTION Page 2 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

3 More and more companies are opting for outsourcing their workload to curb overhead costs, reducing operational risks, delays due to inconvenient staffing processes and therefore meeting challenges. We offer quality services in virtually every facet of your business by providing superior approach to recruitment, contracting and hiring, experts bearing impressive skill sets as well as creating exceptional business strategies and models. Benefits: Stringent Knowledge Transfer  Increased Client Productivity  Operational Excellence C ORE V ALUES : Reliability Commitment Dependability P ERMANENT S TAFFING S OLUTIONS It is all about finding the right person for the right job. With our expertise in the field, you will have the means to hire professionals through conventional as well as creative sources. Benefits: Extensive Search Technique  Creative Hiring Options  Customised Permanent Staffing Solutions O UT S OURCING Page 3 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

4 I NTERIM R ECRUITMENT We offer short and long term temporary solutions in order to assist clients with contractual manpower. Our work ethics is based on matching talent with opportunity. Benefits: Identifying Interim Manpower  Contingent Workforce  Goal-oriented Performance R ESOURCE O UTSOURCING Our company strives at managing high performance outsourcing arrangements (on the customer side) to improve and advance profitability. Our philosophy is to relieve the client’s internal HR to focus on strategy and planning. Benefits: Collaborative Approach  Reliable Resources  Growth-oriented Solutions O N - SHORE /O FF - SHORE R ESOURCE O UTSOURCING Whether you are opting for individual staff hire or fixed-price projects, here at TreeHouse, we offer extraordinary technology expertise both locally as well as via an off-shore work base, which gives customers a significant business edge over competitors. Benefits: Inland & Offshore Business Solutions  Innovation  Inspiring Implementation S ERVICES Page 4 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

5 I NTERIM R ECRUITMENT We offer short and long term temporary solutions in order to assist clients with contractual manpower. Our work ethics is based on matching talent with opportunity. Benefits: Identifying Interim Manpower  Contingent Workforce  Goal-oriented Performance R ESOURCE O UTSOURCING Our company strives at managing high performance outsourcing arrangements (on the customer side) to improve and advance profitability. Our philosophy is to relieve the client’s internal HR to focus on strategy and planning. Benefits: Collaborative Approach  Reliable Resources  Growth-oriented Solutions O N - SHORE /O FF - SHORE R ESOURCE O UTSOURCING Whether you are opting for individual staff hire or fixed-price projects, here at TreeHouse, we offer extraordinary technology expertise both locally as well as via an off-shore work base, which gives customers a significant business edge over competitors. Benefits: Inland & Offshore Business Solutions  Innovation  Inspiring Implementation S ERVICES Page 5 Smart technologies & solutions based company.

6 S TAY WITH US We are a group of visionaries ready to take on any challenge, tackle issues and driving results to your brand. With an unparalleled mix of tech geniuses, brainy creatives and energetic managers, TreeHouse Consultancy provides an inspiring platform to maximize profits by compelling customer perception and decision making. Smart technologies & solutions based company. Page 6 T HANK YOU

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