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Twin research in Hungary Presented by: Zsófia Drjenovszky Rita Heged ű s András Pári MSZT: 11.2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Twin research in Hungary Presented by: Zsófia Drjenovszky Rita Heged ű s András Pári MSZT: 11.2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twin research in Hungary Presented by: Zsófia Drjenovszky Rita Heged ű s András Pári MSZT: 11.2012.

2 Antecedents MSZT in 2011 3 aspects Make up for the lack Long-range Proposals

3 Twin researchers in Hungary (Saile, Tivadar 1928; Darányi, Gyula 1941; Malán, Milán 1962) Czeizel, Endre Métneki, Júlia (Bagdy, Em ő ke; Mérei, Ferenc) Tárnoki brothers Littvay, Levente

4 About our research Research questions: - Is being twin an asset? - Do demographic characteristics have an effect? Reasons: - Changes in the law and the area of the progress of the medical researches - Relevant literature in Hungary is limited - Sociological point of view In the year 2012: - Contact with the Hungarian researchers - Finding twins and parents of twins

5 Collecting data by questionnaire Reasons for collecting data by questionnaire The questionnaire How could we reach the target group? - twin festivals - snowball method (internet) - invitation Advantages/Disadvantages

6 The twins’ sample Questionnaires filled in at twin festivals: 81 Questionnaires filled in at other places: 141 Online respondents: 123 people (56,7%) Both member of a set of twins: 77 One member of a set of twins: 63 Two or three members of a triplet: 2 (in sum: 5 people)

7 RESULTS – The sample (Twins’ questionnaires) (140 people) Identical twins /fraternal twins: 83 and 55 people Conception: 3 people by artificial ways Gender: 105 female/35 male respondent (75% / 25%) Gender and type of twins: 62 identical females 21 identical males 26 fraternal females 8 fraternal males 20 fraternal, male-female twins (of which 15 female, 5 male respondents) Siblings: beside his/her twin, 103 respondents have one or more siblings (74%) Age: 38,2 years on average

8 The use of ‘twinship’ – questions and methods Question: Is there a difference between twins in that how deeply they feel about being a twin and in the degree and type of the usage of being a twin? So, is ‘twinship’ an asset? Methods: Linear regression Dependent variables: 7 indexes dealing with the features of being a twin (evaluating of being a twin, extrinsic characteristics of use, use of twins’ bonds, active and passive use of the advantages, general use of being a twin) Independent variable: gender, zygozity

9 The use of ‘twinship’ - results 1.‘ Twinship’ is more important for women, they are more involved in the theme. – Not confirmed. 2.Women use their ‘twinship’ as an extrinsic feature more than men. – Confirmed if we controlled for zygozity. 3.Men rather then women use their ‘twinship’ in territories where they have to show results, such as education. – Not confirmed. On the contrary, it was women who do that. 4.Women are inclined to use of their ‘twinship’ in a passive way, while men in a more active way. – Partly confirmed. Women use their twinship more in both an active and passive way. Use of ‘twinship’ – assumptions and results. 1. Gender

10 1.‘Twinship’ is more important for identical twins, and they are those who use the advantage of being a twin more than the fraternal twins. – Confirmed. 2.There is an order in the use of the advantage of being a twin. It is: female identical – male identical – female fraternal – male fraternal – male/female fraternal twins. – Partly confirmed. The real order is: female identical – male identical – male/female fraternal – female fraternal – male fraternal twins. So the ‘mixed’ fraternal twins are more impressed in their ‘twinship’ then the unisexed pairs. Use of ‘twinship’ – assumptions and results. 2. Type of twins

11 The parents and their twins (PARENTS’ questionnaires) PARTICIPATION of 575 PARENTS (92% are mothers): Altogether: 1150 person’s data received (= information on both parent’s socio-demographic background) Respondents are from: 1Individual (personal) request for parents having twins – 48% 2Twin research database (Special thanks for the Dr. Tárnoki’s ) – 23% 3Twin festivals (Szigethalom, Ágfalva, Kunhegyes) – 20% 4Not specified – 9% TWINS: - Age: 1 months old – 18 years old Average age at the sample: 4 yrs 3 months [  since 2006 in each kindergarten group we could statistically find at least one twinpair!] - Gender: first born 51% boy, 49% girl

12 RESULTS – Age, marital status (Parents’ questionnaires) Average age at the birth of the twins: - Mother: 31,2 years old [National average (2010)= 29,1 yrs; Budapest= 31,7 yrs] - Father: 33,8 years old Marital status at the birth of the twins: -Since ’90s the twin births’ rate has increased among married mothers -At age 30-34 the chance of having twins are 4%; Age 35-39 is 5% - 80% of the couples are married

13 RESULTS – The twins in family (Parents’ questionnaires)

14 RESULTS – Rate of assisted reproduction (Parents’ questionnaires) 1. Among lower educated parents the rate of natural conception is higher (76%) and the rate of test-tube babies are lower (19%) 2. Families participated in assisted reproductional treat- ment have far more high (59,5%) family income. 3. Among religious families* the rate of test-tube baies are more less (16%); natural conception rate is 81%! (*religious= attend to religious service, goes to church at least once a month)

15 RESULTS – Assisted reproduction and mother’s age (Parents’ questionnaires)

16 RESULTS – Family income (Parents’ questionnaires)

17 RESULTS – ”Twin being” (Parents’ questionnaires) Almost each respondent are PROUD OF HAVING TWINS (98,8%) BUT! Only 49,7% of the parents said that there are MORE ADVANTAGES than disadvantages (4,2%) having twins. (46,1% „Couldn’t decide”) „TWIN BEING”: 1/3 of the parents thinks that being a twin for the children is VERY IMPORTANT, 46% said that IMPORTANT, but not necessary, 18% opinion is not very important

18 Thank you for your attention!

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