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Comenius Project 2007-2009 Aydin Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Turkey Gesamtschule Brüggen, Germany Pöllönkankaan koulu, Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "Comenius Project 2007-2009 Aydin Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Turkey Gesamtschule Brüggen, Germany Pöllönkankaan koulu, Finland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comenius Project 2007-2009 Aydin Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Turkey Gesamtschule Brüggen, Germany Pöllönkankaan koulu, Finland

2 2006: Coordinators meet in contact seminar and make plans for the project. 2007: Partnership applications are made. All of the countries, which were in the original group did not get their project => new plans

3 Project begins, first meeting is being prepared… (Only teachers are travelling; 4 teachers from Finland, 4 from Turkey)

4 Germany: Planning the programme, deciding who is responsible for each part of the programme, reserving substitutes for teachers, trying to find sponsors for everything that costs, informing the partners, trying to get the needed information from the partners, booking hotels, preparing facilities, planning and booking transportation, informing own staff, planning home visits, planning where to eat, asking information about the allergies, informing every chef of the allergies, preparing evening programs, practising presentations for the welcome party, planning and booking visiting places and the transportation, booking a tourist guide, informing parents and press and everybody you can think of, preparing the pupils to meet the visitors, decorating the school, concidering all the cultural differences that need to be noticed, checking everything twice, making plan B since something has changed… making plan C since something has changed… making plan D since something has changed…

5 You need a Comenius team, nobody can do this alone.

6 Finland & Turkey: booking flights and hotels, reserving substitutes for travelling teachers, preparing ideas for the meeting, (planning and purchasing gifts for the hosts) (planning and preparing lessons)

7 The first meeting in Brüggen, Germany October 2007

8 Face to face for the first time…

9 School: pupils, classes, facilities, educational system… similarities, differences

10 Colleagues

11 Official meetings

12 Decide: what when how

13 MAKE SURE everybody understands (the same way) everyone is being heard

14 *Coordinator meetings *prepare ”a holiday calendar”

15 Planning the project

16 WordPress : Blog based www-magazine PS: Google ”Magazine Factory”

17 Teaching and learning

18 Food, culture, bonding

19 Trips/visits: Introduction to the country,people, culture, art, past and present

20 The WOW factor

21 Food, culture and bonding. The press conference

22 Insight of foreign culture. Getting to know each other. Making friends.

23 Having fun!

24 A home visit

25 On Comenius trips you never get enough sleep…

26 Back home. Working: -Informing staff. -Writing articles for the Share IT-magazine. - Comenius work-shop.

27 February 2008: Meeting in Finland (6 German teachers, 2 Turkish + 4 Turkish pupils)


29 - Preparations for the hosting of Turkish pupils

30 - Planning and training the guides for tours - Interviewing the visitors - Preparing questions for class visits

31 - English and German signs for every classroom and other premises, decorations

32 Work: Feedback on how partners have seen the webmagazine. Planning on how to continue. Lessons in classes. Learning: Free program PhotoStory; how to download, how to use.


34 - ”Finnish night and oldfashioned Finnish sauna ”



37 And back to work: - Magazine. - Teachers share their travel experiences in a meeting. - Europe-day. - Turkish ’cultural mentor’ visits our school.


39 4 Finnish teachers, 6 German teachers + 6 German students in Turkish families

40 Learning: -Moodle; web-based learning platform Learning how to use it. -Planning the Moodle school year calendar and a printable calendar.


42 Trips: Pamukkale area Efesos museum area Kusadasi Izmir

43 … and back home to work

44 Winter 2008-2009: - Working on Moodle platform (some problems) - Share IT Magazine. - Preparing the printable calendar. A lot of e-mailing about Moodle…

45 And also: -Comenius theme day. -International Christmas songs. -Renewing bulletin boards.

46 May 2009: The final meeting in Germany

47 Project ends; summary of the two years. Working on the final report.

48 What did we gain? Experiencing other cultures; new knowledge and understanding

49 Possibilities to practice foreign languages

50 Familiarising with collegues in a new way

51 Finding new ways to work, both with pupils and collegues

52 Precious and unforgettable memories

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