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CONTACT SEMINAR TAORMINA (Me) Sicily -Italy 15th December 2011 COMENIUS MULTILATERAL SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP “ YOUNG EUROPEAN CITIZENS: AN INTECULTURAL DIALOGUE BETWEEN EUROPEAN PUPILS ”(YOUCIS) SCHOOL YEARS 2009 – 2011 Ms. Giuseppa Lipera (partner school Coordinator teacher) Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE “ENRICO BOGGIO LERA” – CATANIA (ITALY) Consists of 3 buildings, located at a short distance one another in the city centre The main building was the Benedectine Monastery of the Holy Trinity, built in the 18th century, still keeping remains in the Baroque style Offers three courses of studies to the students: scientific, foreign languages and applied science Provided with modern, well-equipped laboratories Duration of each course: 5 years Students: 1600 Teachers: 136 Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Experiences of EU Projects at the Boggio Lera The school has participated in a lot of Comenius projects and been granted since 1996-97: Bilateral school partnenships Multilateral school partnerships Individual mobilities of pupils (France) In-Service Teachers’ Training: Foreign Language Teachers and Maths’ Teachers (CLIL) Partner of “Euroschoolnet 2000” Member of ELOS Project coordinated by the European Platform (NL) Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Partner Schools 1.IGHannover-Linden, Hannover (Germany) – Coordinator 2.Liceo Scientifico Statale “E. Boggio Lera”, Catania (Italy) 3.Raayland College,Venray (The Netherlands) 4.7th Secondary School “Sveti Sedmochislenitsi”, Sofia (Bulgaria) 5.Kalvarijos Gymnasium, Kalvarija (Lithuania) 6.Scoala “Avram Iancu”, Satu Mare (Romania) 7.Secondary Bilingual Support Unit, Glasgow (United Kingdom) 8.College “Notre dame de l’Assomption”, Bavay (France) 9.Secondary School T.S. Reja, Bielsko Biala ( Poland) 10.Rotary 100, Yil Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul (Turkey) 11.IES Senda Galiana, Torres - Madrid (Spain) 12.Terakki School, Istanbul ( Turkey ) an associated but independent partner Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVES ACHIEVEMENTS (1) 1.Enlarging pupils’ competences to act as young citizens within the goals of the EU and Turkey. 2.Learning about children’s lives and life chances within the EU and Turkey 3.Learning about the cultural, geographical and social settings of a variety of urbanised/rural worlds within the EU, specifically within the 11 countries of the partnership. 4.Learning about the European Convention on Children’s Rights. 5.Becoming aware of child rights issues, such as “conflicts”, “discrimination” and “violence”, and the need to think ahead to shape the future chances for young people. 6.Participating at a local, or regional, or national, or European level in public decision-making aiming at improving opportunities for young people Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVES ACHIEVEMENTS(2 ) 7. Joining the discussion between young people on Children’s Rights through European internet network channels. 8. Becoming more reflective and responsible to the needs of others within the world of young people living in the EU and Turkey. 9. Providing a positive international learning environment for pupils and teachers to develop and enhance their abilities of communication and understanding in an open European world. 11. Accepting and tolerating cultural diversity within the world of young people in the EU and associated states 12. Challenging discrimination, racism and racial harassment locally and globally. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Main Themes and Teaching Modules First Year : “The Diversity of Culture within one European Family” Teaching Module 1 “Being a European Citizen”: Who Am I”– “The People of my region/ country” Teaching Module 2 ”Intercultural Differences within The EU and Turkey”: “Eating Habits” - “Newspapers and TV” - “No-verbal communication” Teaching Module 3 “Urban/Rural Life in Europe”– Migrations Second Year “Participation in the Local, Regional and European World”: Teaching Module 1 “The European Convention on Children’s Rights” Teaching Module 2 “Children in Conflict-Discrimination-Violence against Children” Teaching Module 3 “How to inform myself” -“How to speak out” “How to take action” Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CLASSROOM OUTCOMES(1) FIRST YEAR Thematic Field :”The Diversity of Culture within one European Family” Module 1: “Being a Young European Citizen”- “Who Am I” Pupils collected biographical information about themselves, their families, their school life, their world. Products: powerpoint presentations, videos, flyers “A Photo Gallery of my Country” Module 2:”Intercultural Differences within The EU and Turkey” – “What’s for Lunch?” Pupils described their eating habits, learned what food is healthy/unhealthy, researched typical recipes of their region, learned cultural differences in food. Products: Powerpoint presentation, recipe booklets Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CLASSROOM OUTCOMES(2) Module 3: “Migrations in the past and in the present” Pupils studied /discussed/analysed the history of populations who settled in Sicily in the past. They interviewed immigrant school peers to understand the situation of immigrants at local level nowadays. Products: word document, interviews, powerpoint presentations. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CLASSROOM OUTCOMES (3) SECOND YEAR Thematic Field: “Participation in the Local, Regional and European World” Module 1: “The European Convention on Children’s Rights”- “Draw me a Right” Pupils read and studied all Children’s Rights of the EU Convention, designed drawings to describe them, created texts on reasoning for the choice of the rights. Products: posters, powerpoint presentations, word documents. Module 2: “ Children in Conflict”-Discrimination-Violence against Children “ Pupils researched, gathered information about facts afflicting children, in order to be aware of conflicts, discrimination and violence at local and international level, wrote articles, reports Products: word doc, multimedia presentations, videos. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CLASSROOM OUTCOMES(4) Module 3 Children’s Participation at local/Regional/National/European Levels: 1) “How to inform myself” Pupils met the authorities of the “House of the People”, an Institution run by the Local Government and got information about immigrant children without parental care, about actions/initiatives undertaken by the authorities for the integration of immigrants in the local community Products: interviews, reports Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
WEBSITES Online-Platforms Accessible to partner schools and invited visitors A body of approximately 3,200 uploads as a collection of materials, covering the design/development/planning/organising of processes with respect to content- and structure-related project items and classroom outcomes. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
ONLINE- CHATS Teachers’ Regular four-weekly online-Chat Conference: to organise, discuss, share relevant issues, e.g. teaching process of the project modules/outcomes/pupils’ online-meetings. Chat protocols were published on Pupils’ Regular Online-Chat Conference: To carry out online-meetings after a learning period of 8 weeks per module. to discuss and exchange information with peers about the results in the classroom according to an arranged group of 2-3 pupils with other pupils of the project schools during school lesson time Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CONFERENCES (1) 1.Venray Project meeting for Teachers (07/10/2009): Developed/wrote concepts of teaching modules for the first year Established a plan for pupils’ internet contacts with peers Organised teachers’self-learning ICT, activities Evaluated the meeting 2. Kalvarija project Meeting for Teachers and Pupils (23/02/2010): Teams developed concepts for raising abilities, competences, motivation, monitoring progress Organised pupils’ workshops Organised a further educational learning session on the classroom use of eTwinning with the eTwinning team from Vilnius Evaluated workshops and the meeting Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Workshop “Dance and Music” - kalvarija Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CONFERENCES (2) 3. Sofia Project Meeting for Teachers and Pupils (07/06/2010) Teams established concepts and discussed about pupils’ products, documentation, dissemination and mobilities. Organised pupils’workshops Organised “The School Market Exhibition of pupils’ products Evaluated workshops and the meeting 4. Istanbul Project Meeting for Teachers (27/09/2010) : Teams worked out detailed plans for the second-year teaching modules Discussed progress of first-year activities and results Presented documentation on national educational systems Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CONFERENCES (3) 5. Catania Project Meeting for Teachers and Pupils (21/02/2011): Teams discussed reports, dissemination, documentation, management of tasks Organised pupils’ workshops Organised “The School Market Exhibition” of posters illustrating Children’s Rights to guest/host pupils, staff of host school, parents of host school Participated in Elos Conference held at Catania University and the coordinator held a lecture on the “YOUCIS”concept of “European citizenship of Young People” Evaluated workshops and meeting Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
CONFERENCES (4) 6. Hannover Project Meeting for teachers and Pupils (06/06/2011 Team conducted, discussed, informed, organised concluding managerial project steps Organised pupils’ workshops Presented school market and workshop results Participated in a guided tour to Berlin Parliament. Pupils’ delegates discussed relevant political issues with Mrs. Edelgard Buhlman, former Minister for Education and Science of the FRG Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Italian Team at the German Parliament Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Catania Conference Agenda (Sample) Mornings 8.30-13.00 1) Workshops (teachers and pupils) 2) learning Italian as a Foreign language (teachers) or visits to classrooms and talks with local pupils Afternoons 15.00-18.00 1)Teachers’ Meetings of Sub-groups/plenary 2) Joint City Centre Guided Tour (teachers) 3) Visits to museums/city centre/ half-day excursions (pupils) Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
“YOUCIS” LOGO Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
WORKSHOPS (1) IN KALVARIJA/SOFIA/CATANIA/HANNOVER 1.“Youcis” Video, pupils and teachers interviewed/shot film sequences of their peers while enganged in their workshop activities 2.“Youcis TIMES” Web Magazine (four web magazine editions), pupils and teachers compiled/created/designed/developed magazines, covering information/news/discussions on project-related activities and themes of pupils’ worshops during project meetings Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Hannover “Youcis Times” Team Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
WORKSHOPS (2) IN KALVARIJA/SOFIA/CATANIA/HANNOVER 3. “YOUCIS” Theatrical Activities, pupils and teachers acted/presented/staged/studied a shortened version of “Romeo and Juliet” (Kalvarija/Sofia)and a self-developed play on “Children’s Rights (Catania/Hannover) during workshop meetings 4. “YOUCIS” Sports, teachers and pupils created/developed/practised/presented culturally bridging sports activities to express intercultural affiliation and awareness of children’s rights. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
WORKSHOPS (3) IN KALVARIJA/SOFIA/CATANIA/HANNOVER 5. “YOUCIS” Dance and Music” created/developed/practised/presented dancing and musical activities to express intercultural affliation 6. “YOUCIS” Drawing and Painting”, created/developed/designed/expressed their ideas/themes on the intercultural integration of young people in Europe through the medium of drawings/paintings. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
WORKSHOPS (4) IN KALVARIJA/SOFIA/CATANIA/HANNOVER 7. “YOUCIS” Cultural and Creative Activities”, created/crafted/carved/shaped/produced objects, e.g. the creation of figures/book binding as a culturally bridging element between the various groups of the partnersahip 8. “YOUCIS” Farewell Party”, pupils exhibited/presented workshop results to the host school community to conclude the meetings. Guests of honour (mayors of host towns/leaders of governing authorities/parents’ delegates) and local media were invited Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Activities at the Welcome Parties (1) Teachers’ presentation of the school, exhibition of posters/flags/school magazines/brochures at the Venray Conference Pupils’ presentation of the school, the city of Catania, Sicily, Italy at kalvarija Conference (multimedia presentation) Pupils’ presentation of the Boggio Lera Extracurricular Activities: “Sunday Activities”, “Our Science Week”, “Drama Workshop”, “Making a short video” at Sofia Conference. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Activities at the Welcome Parties (2) Teachers’ presentation of the Italian Education System at Istanbul Conference Pupils’ presentation of Italian best cities, Sicily and its provinces, Catania and its best sights, the Volcano Aetna through videos, powerpoint presentation, show with songs and music at the Catania Conference. Pupils’ presentation of the video on Children’s Rights at Hannover Conference Partner TEAMS: dance/ songs/ poems/ Presentations of their country. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Teaching Visits during Meetings Within the Project Conference Week, cultural tours to places of historical, artistic and political importance were organised for all the teachers and pupils who participated in the Conference: Maastricht Town (teachers) Vilnius City, Trakai Town Plovdiv Town Istanbul City (teachers) Siracusa Town Berlin City Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Evaluation and Progress Monitoring Questionnaires for teachers on the evaluation of teaching processes in the classroom. Questionnaires for teachers on the evaluation of pupils’ online-chat meetings. Questionnaires for teachers on the evaluation on the success of project meetings. Questionnaires for pupils on the evaluation of their online- chat meetings. Questionnaires for pupils on the success of workshops during project meetings Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Dissemination (1) School exhibition: presentation of the project to the school teachers School Markets: held in the partners schools in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany; exhibition of portfolios, posters of pupils’ works, material representing each partner country. Production of six posters with photos featuring the workshops and the activities held in Venray, Kalvarija, Istanbul, Catania, Hannover on permanent exhibition in the school premises. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
School Market - Sofia Conference Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Dissemination (2) Articles published in the local newspaper on the results attained after the participation of teachers and pupils to the Conferences of Kalvarija, Sofia, Catania and Hannover. Article and photos published in the School magazine “Prisma” Upload of circulars on the school website to inform Speeches held to inform the Board of Teachers, the Department of Foreign languages. Meetings with pupils’ parents Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Certificates Designing, editing and producing non-formal Certificates of Attendance for all hosts/guests participant to the Catania Conference as an acknowledgement for their participation to the event. Formal Certificates of Attendance for all hosts/guests participant to the Catania Conference Europass for participant teachers in the Conferences Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
BROCHURES “Youcis” European Recipe Book “Youcis” European Project Book Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Participants involved in the Project Local Community: 154 Pupils 28 Teachers Transnational Mobilities: 14 Pupils 13 Teachers Project Community 795 Pupils 52 Teachers Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
European Added Value This large multilateral school project has: Contributed to improve mutual understanding and spirit of tolerence and respect Increased efforts to develop and enhance cultural strategies of integration Helped to stregthen the ethos of the school Encouraged pupils and teachers to work cooperatively and flexibly deepened the relationship of the school with parents and local community Ensured that intercultural work is a key component of the school curriculum. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Points of strength of the Partnership (1) Increase of pupils’ motivation in the use of lingua franca and of cultural knowledge Enrichment of partner schools’ curricula, i.e. innovative topics, issues. Improvement of cooperative learning implemented in the classroom, then practised in international workshops during project meetings Growth of the number of pupils and staff able to build up new contacts Well defined/scheduled programmes/agendas, e.g. teaching modules, workshops E-platforms Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Points of strength of the Partnership(2) wider intercultural attitudes thanks to exchange visits Excellent contacts among all the partner schools throughout the two-year project period Agreements on new bi-lateral, multilateral projects. Follow-up pupils’ contacts: emails/facebook/exchange of private visits Essential, fundamental the role of the coordinator school Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Points of weakness of the Partnership Great effort for host countries to manage, to organise guest/host pupils, host/guest teachers and school staff ( about 120 people on each Conferences) Demanding the management of two platforms. Difficulties encountered to plan/organise /produce online pupils’ chats Limited number of pupils travelling and visiting host countries, due to the large number of partner schools Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Why a multilateral School Partnership?(1) Updates teaching methodology Increases pupils’ self-confidence /linguistic skills/ learning how to take decision Permits the acquision of a better knowledge of multicultural European environments Helps pupils grow the awareness of being European citizens Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Why a multilateral School Partnership?(2) Helps pupils consider the EU both as a learning environment and as a “large nation” Educates young learners to widen their horizons towards opportunities of study /work in the EU Reinforces the concept of cultural difference as richness in the name of tolerance and respect Consolidates friendship between European peers. Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
Thank you for your attention Giuseppa Lipera Giuseppa Lipera L.S.S.Boggio Lera- Catania
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