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1/ Which sporting organisation has faced several charges of corruption this week? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1/ Which sporting organisation has faced several charges of corruption this week? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/ Which sporting organisation has faced several charges of corruption this week? 1

2 2/ In which African country was a woman mauled to death by a lion at a nature reserve this week? 2

3 3 3/ Bruce Jenner, of Kardashians fame, is now known by which female name after identifying as transgender?

4 4/ The Neverland ranch is up for sale, but which famous singer did it used to belong to before his death in 2009? 4

5 5 5/ What is the name of the dog who won Britain’s Got Talent this week?

6 6/ Which European country has provoked anger by banning 86 senior political figures from travelling there? 6

7 7 7/ Professor Green is set to present a documentary for the charity Calm to raise awareness about what?

8 8/ Which Arsenal footballer, pictured below, was criticised for singing songs mocking their rivals Tottenham Hotspur? 8

9 9/ Which English city has been rated the toughest to pass a driving test in? 9

10 10/ And finally, Turkey’s prime minister has been accused of having a golden what in his presidential palace? 10

11 FIFA 1/ Which sporting organisation has faced several charges of corruption this week? 11

12 South Africa 2/ In which African country was a woman mauled to death by a lion at a nature reserve this week? 12

13 Caitlyn 13 3/ Bruce Jenner, of Kardashians fame, is now known by which female name after identifying as transgender?

14 Michael Jackson 4/ The Neverland ranch is up for sale, but which famous singer did it used to belong to before his death in 2009? 14

15 Matisse 15 5/ What is the name of the dog who won Britain’s Got Talent this week?

16 Russia 6/ Which European country has provoked anger by banning 86 senior political figures from travelling there? 16

17 Suicide 17 7/ Professor Green is set to present a documentary for the charity Calm to raise awareness about what?

18 Jack Wilshere 8/ Which Arsenal footballer, pictured below, was criticised for singing songs mocking their rivals Tottenham Hotspur? 18

19 London 9/ Which English city has been rated the toughest to pass a driving test in? 19

20 Toilet 10/ And finally, Turkey’s prime minister has been accused of having a golden what in his presidential palace? 20

21 Tie Breaker 1/ How many moons does Jupiter have?

22 45 1/ How many moons does Jupiter have?

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