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Brain Athlete. There are 2 Ways To Memorize The first way is the most basic and simple. You tell a story to memorize a list of items. It is the easiest.

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Athlete. There are 2 Ways To Memorize The first way is the most basic and simple. You tell a story to memorize a list of items. It is the easiest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Athlete

2 There are 2 Ways To Memorize The first way is the most basic and simple. You tell a story to memorize a list of items. It is the easiest but also does not have as many applications.

3 Put items you want to memorize in a story 1. Mountain 9. Trampoline 2. Ice 10. Pillow 3. Tree 11. Airplane 4. Dog 12. Panama 5. Bicycle 13. Julio Iglesias 6. Glass of water 14. $50,000 check 7. Shoe 15. Keys to a Porsche 8. Television 16. Dog 17. Mountain 1. Mountain 9. Trampoline 2. Ice 10. Pillow 3. Tree 11. Airplane 4. Dog 12. Panama 5. Bicycle 13. Julio Iglesias 6. Glass of water 14. $50,000 check 7. Shoe 15. Keys to a Porsche 8. Television 16. Dog 17. Mountain

4 That was FUN! But now for a more advanced memory system

5 Ron White’s Memory Training System 1. Focus 2. File 3. Picture 4. Glue 5. Review Ron White’s Memory Training System 1. Focus 2. File 3. Picture 4. Glue 5. Review

6 Focus FOODS GOOD FOR FOCUS 1. Good nutrition and exercise 2. Omega-3 Fish Oil Pills 3. Acai Berry 4. Spinach 5. Blueberries 6. Water 7. XANGO!!!!!! !! FOODS GOOD FOR FOCUS 1. Good nutrition and exercise 2. Omega-3 Fish Oil Pills 3. Acai Berry 4. Spinach 5. Blueberries 6. Water 7. XANGO!!!!!! !!

7 Bad For Focus -Alcohol -Sleeping Medication -Not Enough Sleep -Stress -Artifical Sweetners -Tobacco -Salt -Depression/Anxiety -Alcohol -Sleeping Medication -Not Enough Sleep -Stress -Artifical Sweetners -Tobacco -Salt -Depression/Anxiety

8 What is his name?

9 Your Brain Needs FILES

10 File

11 Memorize a Map of Your Home

12 Picture 1 = #1 looks like a pencil

13 Picture for #10 Bowling Ball is my Picture for 10 because there are 10 pins

14 Oxygen

15 Mental Clarity

16 Glue = Action/Emotion

17 Review Always Go Back and Review What You Have Memorized to Make it Stronger

18 Brain Athlete

19 Draw Four Boxes Like This

20 NAMES AND FACE 1. Focus 2. File 3. Picture 4. Glue 5. Review 1. Focus 2. File 3. Picture 4. Glue 5. Review

21 What is his name?

22 Select a File On The Face

23 What stands out?

24 What Stands out?

25 What Stand Out?

26 What Stands Out?


28 Next Create Pictures For Name

29 Then Imagine Those Pictures on the unique features or ‘files’ on the face

30 The more ACTION and EMOTION the better you will remember it. This is GLUE for the memory

31 Don’t Let This Be YOU!! Exercise Your Brain

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