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CERN openlab Communications CERN openlab III Board of Sponsors 3rd May 2011 Mélissa Gaillard.

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1 CERN openlab Communications CERN openlab III Board of Sponsors 3rd May 2011 Mélissa Gaillard

2 Major Actions 2  Mechanisms to:  Measure the impact of all communications  Report sponsor specific results  Obtain CERN official approval related to the use of CERN and CERN openlab members’ quotes in sponsor press releases and documents  Permanent liaison with sponsors on communications matters  Registration and creation of dissemination material  Background actions such as:  Quotes repository  Web news (management and technical related news)  Press coverage database  Journalists database  Mailing lists creation and development  Website updates and formatting modifications CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

3 2010 - 2011 CERN Key Events in Figures  Visits Service: 58,000 visitors in 2010 (compared to 40,000 in 2009 and 25,000 in 2008) and still many more requests  New permanent exhibition (‘Universe of Particles’ in the Globe for Science and Innovation): already more than 50,000 visitors since its opening in July 2010  Total of 282 VIP visits (Head of States, Ministers, etc.) in the last two years (2010 and 2011)  Teachers Programme: 984 in 2010 (830 participants in 2009): limit of present capacity...  Possibility to partner with you on the educational activities (e.g. Intel ISEF students came to visit CERN in 2009 and 2010 and will come back this year, possibility to partner on workshops, to organise visits) 3CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

4 May 2010 - April 2011 CERN Key Events Coverage (1/3) 4  31 May 2010: Researchers of the OPERA experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy announced the first direct observation of a tau particle in a muon neutrino beam sent through the Earth from CERN, 130 km away. It follows a 7 years preparation and over 3 years of beam provided by CERN. The observation of neutrino oscillation is a strong evidence for new physics as it implies that they have mass which does not correspond to the standard model actually.  18 June 2010: CERN council opens the door to greater integration: all states shall be eligible for membership, irrespective of their location). Applications for membership from Cyprus, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey have already been received.  26 July 2010: ICHEP conference highlights first results from the LHC: rediscovery of the particles that lie at the heart of the Standard Model. Essential step before moving on to make discoveries.  26 August 2010: AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) experiment takes off for Kennedy Space Centre. This is an experiment to search in space for dark matter, missing matter and antimatter on the International Space Station (ISS).  24 September 2010: European researchers’ night: CERN was one of the 260 European locations involved in this 5 th edition. CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

5 May 2010 - April 2011 CERN Key Events Coverage (2/3) 5  4 November 2010: End of Proton running for 2010 in the LHC (proton-proton collisions). The major target for 2010 which was to reach a luminosity of 10 32 per square centimetre per second was achieved two weeks earlier than expected, enabling the experiments to double the amount of data collected in the space of only few days. WLCG performed very well with peaks of 10 gigabytes per second.  8 November 2010: Start of the lead-ion running. Main objectives: produce tiny quantities of quark-gluon plasma, the matter as it would have been in the first instants of the Universe’s existence, and study its evolution into the kind of matter that makes up the universe today.  17 November 2010: Antihydrogen atoms produced and trapped (for about a tenth of a second) at CERN thanks to an innovative technique for studying antimatter: opens the path to new ways of making detailed measurements, which will in turn allow scientists to compare matter and antimatter.  17 December 2010: Brazil’s candidature for associate membership.  26 November 2010: First direct observation of a phenomenon known as jet quenching made by both ATLAS and CMS collaborations: powerful tool for studying the behaviour of the plasma in detail. CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

6 May 2010 - April 2011 CERN Key Events Coverage (3/3) 6  31 January 2011: Decision to run the LHC through to the end of 2012 with a short technical stop at the end of 2012 to give a good chance of finding new physics in the next two years, before the LHC goes into a long shutdown to prepare for higher energy running starting 2014. The LHC was previously scheduled to run to the end of 2011 but the machine’s excellent performance in its first full year of operation forced a rethink.  April and May 2011: LHC sets new world records beam intensity: on 22 April, the LHC exceeded the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Tevatron collider’s beam luminosity record established in 2010. Since then, new worlds records have been established on a regular basis by the LHC.  30 April 2011: The tram goes to CERN (20 minutes direct trip from Cornavin railway station).  This week: The AMS detector will head for the International Space Station, onboard the very last mission of the space Shuttle Endeavour. CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011 © TPG© NASA

7 Physics World top 10 breakthroughs 2010 Dec 20, 2010: 1.CERN Antihydrogen success ‘It was a tough decision, given all the fantastic physics done in 2010. But we have decided to award the Physics World 2010 Breakthrough of the Year to two international teams of physicists at CERN, who have created new ways of controlling antiatoms of hydrogen.’ 2.Exoplanet's atmosphere is laid bare 3.Quantum effects seen in a visible object 4.Visible-light cloaking of large objects 5.Hail the first sound lasers 6.A Bose–Einstein condensate from light 7.Relativity with a human touch 8.Towards a Star Wars telepresence 9.Proton is smaller than we thought 10.10th place: CERN achieves landmark collisions ‘We couldn't have a top 10 list that does not include the significant breakthroughs in accelerator technology at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In March, LHC physicists achieved the first 7 TeV proton–proton collisions ever achieved in a particle accelerator. And what's more, in November the LHC moved seamlessly into the business of colliding lead ions in a successful bid to recreate the conditions of just after the Big Bang. Both runs generated copious amounts of data that will keep physicists busy until the accelerator starts up again next year.’achieved the first 7 TeV proton–proton collisionscolliding lead ions 7CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

8 1st Article on CERN IT Published by Nature 8, 19 January 2011 CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

9 CERN Related Upcoming Events 9CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011 First communication about ‘real’ science could happen quite soon:  ‘To my mind, there are excellent prospects for Higgs Boson discovery or exclusion in 2011-2012’ CERN DG, Rolf Heuer, 12/01/2011  CERN and partnering labs launched a new media (a blog) this year with frequent updates on this topic:  23 May 2011: The Quark Matter 2011 Conference, Annecy, France. Will focus on lead-ions run results.  6-11 June 2011: Physics at LHC 2011, Perugia, Italy.  21-27 July 2011: Europhysics conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2011), Grenoble, France. Important results may be announced at this conference.  4-9 September 2011: World Engineer Convention, Geneva, Switzerland. CERN stand at this convention. Possibility to meet with customers, etc.  Many education oriented events: CERN’s travelling exhibition currently in Austria at the Hartberg Okopark museum, situated one hundred kilometres from Vienna - ‘dans la peau d’un chercheur’ (June) - researchers night (September) - Science Fest with supraconductivity theme(October) and many more.

10 Intel ISEF award winners visiting CERN  For the second year, 12 Intel ISEF pre-college winners visited CERN in June, hosted by the CERN IT Department.  All of them were finalists of the Intel ISEF fair and presented projects in the five categories related to CERN scientific fields. 166 students applied for the CERN award. The selection, done at the fair by Alberto Pace (CERN) and Jan Iven (CERN), was based on the student’s project, the presentation, the students motivation to go to CERN and the correctness of the replies given to the questionnaire when applying to the award.  This year, the Intel ISEF students who will win the CERN award will also be given the chance to go to visit CERN from 19 to 16 June 2011.  Selection will be done next week (8 to 13 May 2011) at the Intel ISEF fair that takes places in Los Angeles this year. Wolfgang von Rüden and Alberto Pace will be the judges for the CERN award. 10 Full programme of the 2010 event and the students’ profiles are available at: CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

11 Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars  CERN Computing Colloquia present future trends in computing and information technology that are of broad interest to the physics and computing community at CERN. They are generally hold in the main auditorium.  CERN IT Seminars are more technical and generally hold in the IT auditorium as they are targeting computing experts.  We will be glad to help you liaise with CERN IT Department to participate in such colloquia or seminars at CERN: feel free to share your ideas with us 11CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

12 openlab Summer Student Programme  The programme: Exists since 2003. A total of 132 students have participated so far. 15 students from 12 nationalities last summer (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Macedonia, India, Italy, Romania, Spain) This year, 15 students from 12 nationalities will come to CERN (Bulgaria, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, USA) 2-month stay between June and September 2011 A special series of lectures given by CERN experts from mid-July to early August, on advanced CERN-related topics Visits to CERN facilities and Zurich (Open Systems, EPFZ), Switzerland  Communication: Leaflet and poster: Postings on the CERN openlab website, CERN Courier website (job section), Euraxess (European Commission job website for researchers), as well as key technology universities career websites. E-mailing to 130 targeted contacts: the Computer Science Departments, the alumni organizations and the Career Information Officers of 48 key technology universities part of CERN member countries.  The number of applications has been multiplied by more than 13 since 2008 (we received more than 320 applications this year) 12CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

13 openlab Related Press Clippings  Specific coverage follow-up since July 2008:  All the articles can be consulted in the Press Coverage section of CERN openlab website (more than 300 articles since July 2008)  A specific database is available to you (providing details concerning the sponsor(s) quoted in each article, the media, the number of words, etc.)  Feel free to contact Mélissa for any request concerning the specific coverage related to openlab and your company.  Journalists’ database is being built in parallel too 13 CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

14 Overview of 2010 CERN openlab coverage 14 Computing chapter of the CERN annual report 2009  Copies given to Science ministries and Head of States of all CERN member states mentioned in… + Numerous press articles focused on the openlab activities: Detailed tracking done in parallel (details such as sponsors quoted, media, number of words, etc.)  Feel free to contact me for any specific request concerning the specific coverage related to openlab and your company CERN openlab annual report 12 technical reports available at: 23 news published on the website: CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

15 Annual Report May 2010 – May 2011 Validation process:  Draft of the report presented at the annual Board of Sponsors for feedback/modifications (digital version will be sent to each company’s liaison person on 4 May 2011): strictly confidential to you and your communication team at this point  Deadline for your comments: 25 May 2011 Circulation:  World readable: pdf will be accessible to all on the openlab website ( by the end of June  1,300 printed copies ready by the end of June 2011 Distribution:  We will send you copies by the end of June / beginning of July: feel free to tell us to which address(es) you would like us to send the copies 15CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

16 16 Timeline CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011  Feedback for the annual report: 25 May 2011  Next Major Review Meeting: 13 October 2011

17 17 Q & A CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 2011

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