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Personality and Mate Preferences Kali Thomas Tatianna Smith Tatiana Hughes.

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1 Personality and Mate Preferences Kali Thomas Tatianna Smith Tatiana Hughes

2 Video Clip UsDp9DdfY

3 Study Objectives Testing the hypothesis to decipher how the sexes differ in regard to personality dimensions of Conscientiousness and Intellect-Openness To find out what people look for in a long term mate To find out the extent to which couples are matched on specific personality traits To find out if people consciously seek out mates with similar personalities To determine if people’s mates are their original preferences To determine if there is a correlation between a failure to get one’s ideal preference and marital unhappiness

4 Procedures There were a total of 118 undergrads consisting of 59 dating couples. There was a total of 214 individuals consisting of 107 newlyweds. First, participants completed a demographic questionnaire at home In the lab, while separated from their partners, participants answered marital satisfaction questions about their partner and their personal mate preferences. Then the couples were interviewed together. After the interview, the interviewers rated each participant using a bipolar rating scale.

5 Results For both the married and dating couples, there were no significant differences in regard to age, political views, religion, and academic background. Women are more specific about what personality traits they look for in a mate such as extraversion and openness. Couples have low levels of matching in areas such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. Men and women both desire mates with similar personalities.

6 Results continued.. Both men and women select mates who match their preferences. Agreeableness, emotional stability, and openness are correlated with marital happiness. Women tend to look for agreeableness, emotional stability, and openness in mates because they are good predictors of men’s ability to successfully provide. Inability to match up with preferred mate is not a precursor for marital unhappiness.

7 Study Strengths Including both married and dating couples helps to determine differences. They clearly define their objectives.

8 Study Weaknesses Part of the questionnaires were filled out at the participants’ homes, so the environment was not controlled. They don’t specify if they had unmarried couples rate relationship satisfaction. They don’t go into detail about the content of the interview. They don’t mention what the interviewers rated the participants on.

9 Quiz Time!! (YAY!!!) 1.) Which of the following was NOT one of the study’s objectives? A.) to find what people look for in a long term mate B.) to find out if people consciously seek out mates with similar personalities C.) to predict the rate of divorce D.) to determine if people’s mates are their original preferences 2.) Women tend to look for the following in a mate… A.) Extraversion B.)Neuroticism C.) Openness D.) Both A and C 3.) Which of the following is NOT a predictor of men’s ability to successfully provide? A.) Agreeableness B.) Physical Strength C.)Emotional Stability D.) Openness Answers: 1)c 2)d 3)b

10 Almost done… T/F: There were no significant differences in regard to age, political views, religion, and academic background in couples. T/F: Couples have high levels of matching in areas such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. T/F: Only women desire mates with similar personality traits. Answers: 1)T 2)F 3)F

11 References Botwin, D., Buss, D. M., & Shackelford, T.K. (1997). Personality and mate preferences: Five factors in mate selection and marital status. Journal of Personality, 65(1), 107-136.

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