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Making patients’ views count Frequent Feedback Service Regula Dent Marketing Manager Picker Institute 21 April 2009.

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1 Making patients’ views count Frequent Feedback Service Regula Dent Marketing Manager Picker Institute 21 April 2009

2 Making patients’ views count Picker Institute Europe – who we are Independent not-for-profit research and development institute with charitable status, working across Europe Research and evaluate patients’ and staff experience Lead initiative that make improvements happen Build evidence to inform health policy

3 Fr3dom Health – who we are A team of committed professionals Specialists in the provision of mobile data solutions Continually developing new ways of working –Challenging traditional barriers to information such as language and accessibility. Strong emphasis on simplicity of deployment and robust methodology Provider of a fully managed service

4 Making patients’ views count How did the service come about? Increasing emphasis on patient experience and ongoing monitoring Our focus on improvement Trust feedback Ownership of results at ward level Researched different methods Pilot of PDAs Type and length of questionnaire Response rates

5 Questionnaire content Key summary measures – provide the Board and Chief Executive with ‘top level’ performance data Provide clinical staff at individual ward / clinical team with fast feedback Target ‘areas for improvement’ and compare with Trust national data e.g. information on tests Demographic data of respondents to understand who is providing feedback National Survey Admission Hospital and ward Doctors and Nurses Care and treatment Procedures Leaving care Making patients’ views count

6 Survey process During hospital stay / clinic visit Assisted by volunteers (not healthcare staff) who ‘put patients at their ease and help to make completion of the questionnaire trouble- free’ All patients invited to take part Flexible deployment across all care settings Adapted to your local circumstances Making patients’ views count

7 What our solution offers Ease of administration No limit on questionnaire length (ideal 20 – 30) Multiple surveys Infection control protocols Response rates monitored Demographics recorded Alternative languages Making patients’ views count

8 Demo

9 Technical specification Network independent External data security Devices include all technical support, licences, warranties etc plus on-site training Making patients’ views count

10 Reporting examples Comparison with your national survey results Analysis over time Comparison between wards, departments, service areas Benchmarks with other Trusts

11 % patients receiving information about condition and treatment How fast feedback results are used : Making patients’ views count

12 How fast feedback results are used: % patients report that staff gave contradictory information Making patients’ views count

13 Key to success Patient experience is a key corporate objective and supported at board level, ie it is everyone’s business A dedicated project manager within the organisation leading the work Process facilitated by independent helpers, eg volunteers / other means of deployment Strong communications – survey results are visible eg wards, clinical areas

14 What makes our service different? Flexibility –No limit on number of questions –Questionnaires to reflect different care pathways –Choice of languages Tried and tested infection control procedures Respondent profiling with demographic data Reporting tailored to suit your needs, for example –key performance indicators for board level reporting –local ward/unit level measures –benchmarking and trends analysis against national survey results / other Trusts Independent of your internal IT systems Making patients’ views count

15 Further information Visit: E-mail: or Telephone: 01865 208100

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