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EXCRETORY SYSTEM By: Jesse, Jacob and Courtney. Page 3 The Roll of the Excretory System Page 4 Major Organs Page 5 Organs Working Together Page 6 2 Connected.

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Presentation on theme: "EXCRETORY SYSTEM By: Jesse, Jacob and Courtney. Page 3 The Roll of the Excretory System Page 4 Major Organs Page 5 Organs Working Together Page 6 2 Connected."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXCRETORY SYSTEM By: Jesse, Jacob and Courtney

2 Page 3 The Roll of the Excretory System Page 4 Major Organs Page 5 Organs Working Together Page 6 2 Connected Systems (Circulatory system) Page 7 2 Connected Systems (Endocrine system) Page 8 Levels of Organization Page 9-10 Common Diseases and Disorders Page 11 Maintaining a health system Page 12-13 Professions that affect our system Page 14 Fun facts Page 15 References TABLE OF CONTENTS

3 The excretory system gets rid urine that you don’t need. The kidneys act as a filter to produce and get rid of toxic wastes that could hurt you if you didn’t get rid them. The kidneys filter your blood to take out harmful molecules and leave the vitamins and nutrients. The Excretory system balances the amount of water and salt in your body. THE ROLL OF THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM

4 Kidneys: The kidneys are 2 bean shaped organs. They filter your blood and remove the urea and send it to the bladder. Bladder: It’s a sac that holds the urine from the kidneys until you go to the bathroom. Ureter: After the urine is taken from the kidneys and is sent through ureters and brought to the bladder. Urethra: The urine comes threw the ureters from the bladder and is released. MAJOR ORGANS

5 The kidneys filter the blood of wastes then turns it into urine, it drips down the ureters to the bladder and the bladder expands as it fills. After the brain signals the that you have to go. It will then come through the urethra and out of your body. ORGANS WORKING TOGETHER Kidneys Ureters Bladder Urethra

6 1. The circulatory system The excretory system is connected to the circulatory system because the blood passes through one of the two kidneys and is filtered. The kidneys are also tied to the system because the adrenal glands are right on top of the kidneys. 2 CONNECTED SYSTEMS

7 2. The endocrine system The excretory system is connected to the Endocrine system because the Endocrine system is the biggest controller of the Excretory system. If you drink too much water then hormones are released that let more urine to be released and if you are dehydrated not as much urine will be produced because there will be no liquids to release. 2 CONNECTED SYSTEMS

8 LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION Kidney Organ Connective Tissue Connective Cell Excretory system Human organism

9 Urethritis Urethritis is when the urethra gets inflamed because of a bacterial infection. Common symptoms would be signs of blood in the urine or semen and pain and burning during urination. To treat you can use anti-viral medication COMMON DISEASES AND DISORDERS

10 Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is an infection in the urinary tract that is transferred from the bladder or the urethra to the kidneys. Some symptoms would be fever frequent urination and abdominal pain. Oral anti biotics can be taken. If you don’t treat infection immediately it can lead to permanent damage to your kidneys and infections in your blood. COMMON DISEASES AND DISORDERS

11 Make sure to drink enough fluids daily, mostly when its warm outside or you are exercising. Also when you have to go to the bathroom go. Its bad for your urinary tract to hold it for a long time, it could cause an infection or stretch your bladder. If you have a sensitive bladder then avoid drinks that are highly carbonated and caffeinated. MAINTAINING A HEALTH SYSTEM

12 Urologist: A urologist can diagnose problems with the urinary tract as well as treat them. Also a urologist can monitor disorders of your urinary tract. Also they can preform related surgeries. PROFESSIONS THAT AFFECT OUR SYSTEM

13 General Practitioner: A general practitioner can diagnose the problem and recommend you to a specialist or give you the medication needed. PROFESSIONS THAT AFFECT OUR SYSTEM

14 1.In one day you often create about one and a half liters of fluid. of your kidneys is about the size of your fist 3.when you are waiting for a kidney transplant you go through a process called dialysis. You are hooked up to a machine that filters your blood for you. 4.Your bladder is about the size of a walnut and is shaped like a wine glass. 5.If you have half of a cup of urine in your bladder you feel the urge to go but if you have two cups or more get to the bathroom FUN FACTS

15 Kids Konnect-links to other websites on the body! educational/health/337-human-body.html Inner body Biology 4 kids Kids health Beckelman, Laurie. The human body. New York: Readers Digest Children's publishing.,1999 5 tips to keep your urinary system healthy|health enews system-healthy/ Conditions That a Urologist Treats- What Conditions Does a Urologist Treat What Does a General Practitioner Do?|eHow REFERENCES

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