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2 Filing Methods The most common methods of filing are: Alphabetical
Numerical Chronological

3 Alphabetical Most common method of filing
Folders are arranged in alphabetical order (A-Z) Guide cards clearly show the letters of the alphabet More suitable for small or medium sized organisations

4 Alphabetical Advantages Easy to understand
No separate index is required because A is filed under A, B is filed under B etc Disadvantages It may be slow to find a file because of common names Filing staff must know the rules for Mc, Mac etc. Not suitable for large organisations with many customer records Some letters are used a lot and the folders will get full quickly e.g. M

5 Numerical Files are arranged in strict numerical order with each new customer given the next available number More suitable for large organisations and those where customers would have a reference number e.g. banks or insurance companies.

6 Numerical Advantages Files are less likely to be misplaced as customers have a unique number Easy to expand An alphabetical index can be used to find other information e.g. addresses or phone numbers of customers Disadvantages It is an indirect method of filing – it needs to be operated alongside an alphabetical index It is difficult to provide for miscellaneous folders.

7 Chronological Documents are filed in date order Advantages
Useful if dates are crucial to information e.g. a newspaper business Can be used alongside another method of filing e.g. customer order forms in date order of when they were received and then alphabetically

8 Chronological Documents are filed in date order Disadvantages
Not normally suitable as a main method of filing Needs a separate index, as it would impossible to remember the dates for everything filed

9 Manual Filing Original documents are placed in folders by hand and then stored in filing cabinets (vertical or lateral) Advantages Little staff training is required Metal cabinets - can protect documents from damage e.g. fire, wear and tear Clearly marked indexes e.g. A-G, H-Q, R-Z

10 Manual Filing Disadvantages
Difficult to locate documents quickly in large system Space - can take up a lot of space Drawers - must be always be closed for safety Single user - only one person can use at a time No back-up - if the original document is lost there is unlikely to be a back-up copy

11 Electronic Filing Documents are stored via central computers to central storage on a hard drive, floppy disk, CD ROM or DVD

12 Electronic Filing Word Excel Access
Software packages like word processing, spreadsheets and databases are used. Documents are filed within folders with each file being given a unique filename so that it can be found quickly when required. Some documents (e.g. application forms) received can be scanned into the computerised filing system.

13 Electronic Filing Advantages
Saves space – e.g. thousands of documents on one CD ROM Search facility – information can be found quickly using search criteria Multi-user facility – documents can be accessed by many people at the same time Password protection – security codes to restrict access can be set up easily Back-up facility – extra copies can be made e.g. onto floppy disks in case information is lost or damaged. Extracts – information can be arranged according to requirements e.g. lists of names and addresses in a certain order

14 Electronic Filing Disadvantages
Expensive equipment – may not suit smaller organisations Staff training is required and can be expensive Computer problems may occur that can prevent access to information Data Protection Act – this legislation (law) has 8 main rules that must be complied with.

15 How Are Computer Files Stored?
Floppy Disk Inexpensive Useful when transferring from one pc to another Zip disk Large files can be copied from the hard drive to a Zip Holds much more information than a floppy disk Hard Drive Useful for storing programs and computer data CD-ROM Information can be read but cannot be changed Useful for storing videos, graphics and large files DVD Useful for storing sound and vision, e.g. films and videos

16 STORING & SAVING A FILE Select File Select Save As
Select the correct folder Insert an appropriate file name Click on Save For example: C:\MyDocuments\Spreadsheets\TuckshopJan05

17 FILE MANAGEMENT C:\MyDocuments\Spreadsheets\TuckshopJan05
This is the way that computer data is STORED and ORGANISED. If work is not identified easily in files an folders it can be easily mislaid or lost completely We use folders to store similar files together e.g. we should have a separate folder in our area of the network for: WORD PROCESSING, SPREADSHEETS and DATABASES Then, within Word Processing we should have a LETTERS folder, a MEMOS folder, a POSTERS folder etc. Finally, every file should be given a unique name so that it can be identified and retrieved (found again) when required e.g. C:\MyDocuments\Spreadsheets\TuckshopJan05


It can be paper based e.g. a phone book or electronic In this school, we use Microsoft Access (an electronic system) It is like an electronic filing cabinet Examples of common databases are Staff records (HR) Customer records (Sales) and Supplier records (Purchases)

Records can be added/deleted/edited quickly and easily. Data can be searched easily. Data can be sorted in many different ways e.g. all customers based in Glasgow or all staff aged over 50. Multi-user facility – many people can use the same database at the same time. Security – access can be restricted by passwords (including different levels of access). Less wear and tear compared to a paper based system.

A column of data e.g. surname RECORD A row of data e.g. all the information about one employee EDIT To alter information in some way e.g. add or delete information SORT To arrange database records in a chosen order e.g. alphabetically, ascending or descending FIND To look for and show a part of a database e.g. to find a specific customer DATA Any information which is entered in a table e.g. text, numbers FORMATTING Data can be formatted (displayed) in different ways e.g. text, number, date.


23 WHAT IS A SPREADSHEET? A spreadsheet is a computer application which is used to manage numbers and carry out calculations. It contains text, number and formulae which is keyed-in on a grid of CELLS – a cell is the point at which a column and row intersect. To put data into a spreadsheet a cell must be selected and the data keyed in and entered – when a cell is selected it is then known as the ACTIVE CELL.

Calculations are done with total accuracy Formulae enables complex calculations to be carried out Formulae calculations are carried out quickly Formulae are amended automatically when the spreadsheet is amended Text, number and formulae can be REPLICATED (copied) easily and quickly across rows or down columns Numeric data can easily be displayed as graphs or charts.

25 Changing a Spreadsheet
EDITING Text, numbers and formulae can be changed easily – rows and columns can be added or deleted easily FORMATTING The style of numbers can be altered easily e.g. currency, decimal points, whole number FORMULAE To perform calculations, formulae may be inserted. For example, ADD =B2+B3 SUBTRACT =B7-B2 MULTIPLY =D9*D3 etc. REPLICATING FORMULAE Formula can be copied easily by using Fill Down, Fill Right or Edit, Copy Paste MAKING GRAPHS AND CHARTS The information on a spreadsheet can be easily presented by a bar graph, pie chart line graph etc.


27 WHAT IS MICROFILMING? Papers are filmed to reduced them in size and stored on a microfilm e.g. a roll or a microfiche (a sheet of related pictures) Advantages Less storage space required for information Film is more durable (longer lasting) than paper Film is less expensive to send by mail Less risk of losing records Equipment Required A camera – for filming documents A processor – to develop the microfilm A reader (viewer) – to look/view the microfilm

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