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European Capitals - 1 Athens – Greece Belgrade - Serbia Berlin - Germany Bern - Switzerland Bucharest - Romania Budapest - Hungary Helsinki - Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "European Capitals - 1 Athens – Greece Belgrade - Serbia Berlin - Germany Bern - Switzerland Bucharest - Romania Budapest - Hungary Helsinki - Finland."— Presentation transcript:


2 European Capitals - 1 Athens – Greece Belgrade - Serbia Berlin - Germany Bern - Switzerland Bucharest - Romania Budapest - Hungary Helsinki - Finland Kiev - Ukraine Lisbon - Portugal London – United Kingdom Madrid - Spain

3 European Capitals - 2 Minsk - Belarus Nicosia - Cyprus Oslo - Norway Paris - France Prague – Czech Republic Rome - Italy Sofia - Bulgaria Tallinn - Estonia Vienna - Austria Warsaw - Poland Zagreb - Croatia

4 Scales of Measurement Joule – Energy - 28 Yard – Distance - 80 Celsius – Temperature - 92 Mohs – Hardness - 7 Troy ounce – Weight - 31 Beaufort scale – Wind - 41 Decibel – Volume - 88 Curie – Radiation - 18 Ampere – Electric Current - 38 Knot – Speed - 74 Mercalli – Earthquake intensity - 2 Acre – Area - 86

5 Famous Stephens Steve Martin 22 Stephen King 70 Stephen Hawking 52 Stephen Merchant 26 Steve Ovett 14 Steve McQueen 58 Stephen Fry 78 Stephen Hendry 42 Steve Tyler 39 Steve Harper 2 Stephen Twigg 1 Steve Sondheim 38

6 Words ending in “eek” Midweek- 2 Sleek- 18 Tweek- 5 Leek- 80 Geek- 64 Creek- 24 Cheek- 88 Greek- Wrong (Proper noun) Cleek- Pointless Cybergeek- Pointless Fenugreek- Pointless Gleek- Pointless Houseleek- Pointless Overseek- Pointless Pinkseek- Pointless Reseek- Pointless Un'Meek- Pointless Unseek- Pointless Meek- 84 Seek-85

7 Car Manufacturers

8 Bond films Dr. No From Russia with Love Goldfinger Thunderball You Only Live Twice On Her Majesty's Secret Service Diamonds Are Forever Live and Let Die The Man with the Golden Gun The Spy Who Loved Me Moonraker For Your Eyes Only Octopussy A View to a Kill The Living Daylights Licence to Kill GoldenEye Tomorrow Never Dies The World Is Not Enough Die Another Day Casino Royale Quantum of Solace Skyfall

9 North hemisphere African countries * Algeria * Benin * Burkina Faso * Cameroon * Cape Verde * Central African Republic * Chad * Djibouti * Egypt * Equatorial Guinea * Eritrea * Ethiopia * Gambia * Ghana * Guinea-Bissau * Ivory Coast * Kenya * Liberia * Libya * Mali * Mauritania * Morocco * Niger * Nigeria * Senegal * Sierra Leone * Somalia * Sudan * Togo * Tunisia * Uganda * Western Sahara

10 Fruits Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Breadfruit Bilberry Blackberry Blackcurrant Blueberry Boysenberry Cantaloupe Currant Cherry Cherimoya Cloudberry Coconut Cranberry Cucumber Damson Date Dragonfruit Durian Eggplant Elderberry Feijoa Fig Goji berry Gooseberry Grape Raisin Grapefruit Guava Huckleberry Honeydew Jackfruit Jambul Jujube Kiwi fruit Kumquat Lemon Lime Loquat Lychee Mango Melon Canary melon Cantaloupe Honeydew Watermelon Rock melon Mulberry Nectarine Nut Olive Orange Clementine (type of orange) Mandarine Blood Orange Tangerine Pamelo Papaya Passionfruit Peach Pepper Chili Pepper Bell Pepper Pear Williams pear or Bartlett pear Persimmon Physalis Plum/prune (dried plum) Pineapple Pomegranate Pomelo Purple Mangosteen Quince Raspberry Western raspberry (blackcap) Rambutan Redcurrant Salal berry Satsuma Star fruit Strawberry Tamarillo Ugli fruit Watermelon — see melon

11 Human Bones Vertebra - Spine Sternum – Breast bone Skull - Head Mandible - Jaw Scapula – Shoulder blade Humerus - Arm Scaphoid - Wrist Femur - Leg Patella – Knee cap Metatarsal - Foot Metacarpal - Hand

12 Elements H - Hydrogen Li - Lithium C - Carbon O - Oxygen F - Fluorine Na - Sodium Cl - Chlorine Ar - Argon K - Potassium Al - Aluminium Ti - Titanium Fe - Iron Cu - Copper Zn - Zinc Au - Gold Pt - Platinun Sn - Tin Pb - Lead He - Helium Si - Silicon

13 Simpsons characters

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