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CONTAINER Terminals Modeling

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1 CONTAINER Terminals Modeling
Nam-Kyu Park Professor Tongmyong University, Department of Logistics Management Branislav Dragović Associate Professor University of Montenegro, Maritime Faculty

2 Necessity of Simulation in Terminal Planning
Container terminal is critical node for logistics flow, but sometimes it does not follow shipping company request like more berths, deep sea, tandem QC, automation and quick administration etc. The crucial terminal management problem is to optimize the balance between the shipowners who request quick service of their ships and economic use of allocated resources. Proper performance measurement of terminal is vital issue in modern container terminal planning Simulation modeling technique widely used in the analysis of port and terminal planning process and container handling system used as an important tool for decision-making in planning a ship-berth linkage design and modeling

3 Table 1: Literature review of a container port and
ship-berth link planning by using simulation Considered problems Approaches References Simulation of container terminals (CT) and ports Modsim III Object oriented programming, C++ ARENA ARENA, SLX Visual SLAM AweSim Witness software Taylor II GPSS/H Extend-version 3.2.2 Scenario generator Gambardella et al., 1998; Yun and Choi, 1999; Tahar and Hussain, 2000; Merkuryeva et al.; Legato and Mazza, 2000; Nam et al., 2002; Demirci, 2003; Shabayek and Yeung, 2002; Kia et al., 2002; Pachakis and Kiremidjian, 2003; Dragovic et. al. (2005a and 2005b); Sgouridis et al., 2003; Hartmann, 2004; Overview concept Quantitative models for various decision problems in CT Logistics processes and operations in CT – optimization methods Vis and Koster, 2003; Steenken, et al., 2004. There are few studies dealing with ship-berth link planning. Researches related to a container port and particularly ship-berth link planning, which use simulation, are summarized in Table 1.

4 Model development approach
The simulation model covers both the quay and CY, thus becoming a integration model between the quay and CY. The operation unit in the quay is a ship, but the operation unit in the CY is a container. Accordingly, author has developed independently both a quay performance analysis model and a CY performance analysis model with ARENA, and then has combined these two models into an integrative simulation model.

5 Figure 1. Operation procedure on ship-berth link
Ship-berth link is complex due to different interarrival times of ships, different dimensions of ships, multiple quays and berths, different capabilities of QC and so on. The modeling of these systems must be divided into several segments, each of which has its own specific input parameters. These segments are closely connected with the stages in ship service presented in Figure 1.

6 Flow of quay simulation model
C/C assignment by berth Ship arrival LPC by ship Berth allocation Loading and unloading CY allocation Ship departure

7 CY Simulation Model 3 types of container cargoes: export container cargo, import container cargo, and transshipment cargo. At the time of ship berthing, first of all, import container cargoes is to be unloaded, and followed by the unloading of transshipment cargoes. If the unloading is over, then loading of export cargoes is to be done, and followed by the loading of transshipment cargoes.

8 Input and Output Variables for Simulation
Items Variables Description Quay Input Vessel Time Interval on Ship Arriving Distribution on Time Interval Amount Distribution on LPC Berth & Time Number of Berth Berths by the port type Working Time Working days and hours Quay Crane Number of allocated crane For each LPC Capability per hour Crane productivity Output Capability Quay Capability Annual throughput Berth Berth occupancy rate Berth Occupying Time/Total Operating Time Ship waiting ratio Berth waiting Time/Total Service Time Time of staying in the port Duration time from arriving to leaving Yard Size TGS TGS by the type of cargo Average stacking height By the type of cargo Period Dwell Time Inbound & Outbound In/Outbound status by the type of cargo Occupancy Yard Density Occupancy against total equipment capacity

9 There is no crane available!
LOGIC OF ALGORITHM FOR SIMULATION MODEL Second come Berths are not available! Wait in queue! First class prioritiy Compare priorities Higher Berth 4 available!!! Berths are not available! Wait in queue! First come Second class prioritiy Cranes are available!!! Service completed There is no crane available! Wait for crane! Service completed Service completed Berth 1 Berth 2 Berth 3 Berth 4

10 (based on total work hour)
Quay Simulation Results Simulation Input Values by Port Type Type Ship’s arrival time Distribution LPC No. of container handling (based on total work hour) No. of berth No. of crane per berth JCT 35*BETA (0.931, 4.75) 20 + WEI (797, 1.58) LOGN (1.07, 0.435) 5 3 SCT * BETA(0.937, 7.67) * BETA(2.16, 1.32) * BETA(0.991, 1.18) 1e * BETA(0.896, 1.33) 1.5e e+003 * BETA(0.946, 2.69) TRIA(1.8,2.6,3.4) 4

11 Container terminal performance (berth)
Type Current performance Recommended Proper capacity Average berth occupancy (%) Throughput per berth (TEU) Optimal throughput No. of crane per ship service time (hr.) Ship’ s Stay time Container Handled per hour per ship berthing ship JCT 50 430,000 62 630,000 3.09 15.1 16.6 84 1,441 SCT 59 510,000 60 520,000 2.94 13.9 15.9 100 1,475

12 Proper throughput calculation table (container yard)
Type Quay CY No of berth Length TGS Occupancy ratio (%) Throughput Occu-pancy(%) JCT 57 490,000 60 470,000 Total: 5 1,447m 10,484 62 530,000 67 580,000 SCT 55 480,000 400,000 Total: 4 berths 1,200m 10,950 520,000 65 567,000 Legend: O - Occupancy ratio (%); T - Throughput (TEU); Nb - No. of berths; L – Length in m; TGS - Total ground slots

13 Economic Implication of Proper Throughput:
Cost strategy analysis The proper service level should be decided by considering the combined costs of both the operating costs of port system and ship’s waiting costs. This leads to a proper throughput calculation. Total Cost Cost Service Cost Waiting Cost Level of Service Optimal Service Minimum

14 Service cost* Service cost items: wages, construction cost of various facilities, additional cost for yard equipment purchase, maintenance cost, depreciation, insurance (other service-related costs) Facilities: the length and number of berth, CY area and TGS, the number of gate access lane, and level of facility. Equipment: the number and capacity of Q/C, the number and capacity of T/C, the number and capacity of Y/T, the degree of equipment automation. Manpower: the number and skill of employees, operator’s ability to make use of resources (management and control capability) * However, cost accounting needs careful calculation, i.e. the idle time in providing services should be considered in the cost analysis. (If the level of service increases, the idle time of both service providers and service facilities is likely to increase.)

15 Waiting Cost It is not easy to exactly calculate how much cost the queuing system causes. Waiting cost items: ship’s waiting cost, cargo backlog cost, and hinterland traffic congestion cost. Costs at the wharf: THC (terminal handling charge), wharfage, dockage, D/O fee, container cleaning fee, tariff, value-added tax, customs clearance charge, carriage, stevedoring fee, forklift fee, ODCY expenses (rehandling fee, shuttling charge) Congestion cost: charge for cargo handling beyond capacity, cost for extended service hours.

16 Minimise: TC (S) = (I x C1) + (W x C2)
Quantitative Model The problem of decision-making (minimization) based on a queuing system hangs on how to balance between the waiting cost and the service level. It can be calculated on the basis of the following formula: Minimise: TC (S) = (I x C1) + (W x C2) where, TC (S) = total system cost based on the service level (S) I = service provider’s total hours during a specific period C1 = cost per unit hour in the hours W = total waiting hours during a specific period C2 = cost per unit hour in the waiting hours

17 Case Study: SCT terminal
If a container terminal throughput > its proper throughput capacity -> increase ship waiting/backlog-related costs and the social costs additional construction of ODCY (off dock container yard) traffic congestion of hinterland roads increasing contamination wages increases stemming from additional deployment of workforce increasing depreciation of various facilities and equipment risk taking coming from overtime or night work Nevertheless, many container terminals sometimes try to pursue growth-oriented management in order to improve their productivity, thus causing the problem of lowered service and quality.

18 Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($)
In case of 400,000 TEU (Waiting ratio: 0.09, LPC ratio: 0.165, product cost: US$17.81) TEU Capital Cost + Fuel ($) No of Ship per Day Weight Waiting Ratio Days No of Cntrs Total Product Cost ($) Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($) 1,000 20,482 4.0 0.13 0.09 365 2,819 50,198 857,483 349,873 2,700 28,487 0.23 13,464 239,792 7,246,996 860,945 4,024 35,614 0.21 18,321 326,303 9,003,993 982,745 5,300 46,851 0.17 19,535 347,911 7,771,633 1,046,557 6,400 55,637 23,589 420,119 9,384,614 1,242,810 8,400 71,263 0.08 14,570 259,485 2,727,708 749,119 9,000 70,856 573 10,214 3,944 27,363 10,000 73,446 159 2,837 274 7,091 Sum 93,030 1,656,859 36,996,645 5,266,504

19 Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($)
In case of 450,000 TEU (Waiting ratio: 0.18, LPC ratio: 0.165, product cost: US$17.81) TEU Capital Cost + Fuel ($) No of Ship per Day Weight Waiting Ratio Days No of Cntrs Total Product Cost ($) Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($) 1,000 20,482 4.0 0.13 0.18 365 5,637 100,396 3,429,930 699,746 2,700 28,487 0.23 26,928 479,584 28,987,985 1,721,890 4,024 35,614 0.21 36,643 652,605 36,015,973 1,965,491 5,300 46,851 0.17 39,069 695,822 31,086,534 2,093,114 6,400 55,637 47,178 840,238 37,538,456 2,485,620 8,400 71,263 0.08 29,139 518,970 10,910,831 1,498,239 9,000 70,856 1,147 20,428 15,778 54,727 10,000 73,446 319 5,675 1,096 14,183 Sum 186,059 3,313,717 147,986,582 10,533,008

20 Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($)
In case of 700,000 TEU (Waiting ratio: 1.8, LPC ratio: 0.165, product cost: US$17.81) TEU Capital Cost + Fuel ($) No of Ship per Day Weight Waiting Ratio Days No of Cntrs Total Product Cost ($) Cargo Congestion Cost ($) Ship Congestion Cost ($) 1,000 20,482 4.0 0.13 1.80 365 56,371 1,003,960 342,993,026 6,997,457 2,700 28,487 0.23 269,278 4,795,842 2,898,798,458 17,218,898 4,024 35,614 0.21 366,426 6,526,051 3,601,597,258 19,654,909 5,300 46,851 0.17 390,692 6,958,218 3,108,653,363 20,931,141 6,400 55,637 471,779 8,402,376 3,753,845,570 24,856,196 8,400 71,263 0.08 291,393 5,189,703 1,091,083,142 14,982,388 9,000 70,856 11,470 204,275 1,577,758 547,267 10,000 73,446 3,186 56,747 109,581 141,827 Sum 1,860,594 33,137,172 14,798,658,156 105,330,082

21 Ship and cargo congestion costs of ‘S’ terminal
Cargoes Handled (TEU) Turnover per berth Total turnover Variable cost Fixed cost Ship congestion cost Cargo congestion cost Total congestion cost Total cost 350,000 22,020,250 88,081,000 3,676,050 84,236,000 2,925,836 11,418,718 14,344,553 102,256,603 400,000 25,166,000 100,664,000 4,201,200 5,266,504 36,996,645 42,263,150 130,700,350 450,000 28,311,750 113,247,000 4,726,350 10,533,008 147,986,582 158,519,590 247,481,940 500,000 31,457,500 125,830,000 5,251,500 15,799,512 332,969,809 348,769,321 438,256,821 550,000 34,603,250 138,413,000 5,776,650 20,480,849 559,517,168 579,998,017 670,010,667 600,000 37,749,000 150,996,000 6,301,800 33,939,693 1,536,502,655 1,570,442,349 1,660,980,149 650,000 40,894,750 163,579,000 6,826,950 51,494,707 3,537,061,999 3,588,556,706 3,679,619,656 700,000 44,040,500 176,162,000 7,352,100 105,330,082 14,798,658,156 14,903,988,238 14,995,576,338

22 Relationship between turnover and ship waiting/backlog-related costs

23 Shippers' cost + Cargo congestion cost
Corporate profit and social costs of ‘S’ terminal TEU Total turnover Total congestion cost Total cost Social gain Terminal gain Shippers' cost Shippers' cost + Cargo congestion cost 350,000 88,081,000 14,344,553 102,256,603 -14,175,603 168,950 99,499,718 400,000 100,664,000 42,263,150 130,700,350 -30,036,350 12,226,800 137,660,645 450,000 113,247,000 158,519,590 247,481,940 -134,234,940 24,284,650 261,233,582 500,000 125,830,000 348,769,321 438,256,821 -312,426,821 36,342,500 458,799,809 550,000 138,413,000 579,998,017 670,010,667 -531,597,667 48,400,350 697,930,168 600,000 150,996,000 1,570,442,349 1,660,980,149 -1,509,984,149 60,458,200 1,687,498,655 650,000 163,579,000 3,588,556,706 3,679,619,656 -3,516,040,656 72,516,050 3,700,640,999 700,000 176,162,000 14,903,988,238 14,995,576,338 -14,819,414,338 84,573,900 14,974,820,156

24 Relationship between corporate profit and social costs of ‘S’ terminal

25 CONCLUSION The obtained results have revealed that simulation modeling is a very effective method to examine the proper throughput of container terminal including berth side and yard side. The proper throughput is to be identified in terms of both operational and economic view In a result, it is necessary to recognize the the capability of infrastructure is dependent on many factors like operation systems, policy, equipment and infrastructure. On the context, the regular check will be needed for improving service and reducing cost, as proper throughput varies on situation.

26 THANK YOU for Listening

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