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Lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Secondary Head Teacher Briefing e-Learning and Information Management Service Lucinda Searle Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "Lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Secondary Head Teacher Briefing e-Learning and Information Management Service Lucinda Searle Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Secondary Head Teacher Briefing e-Learning and Information Management Service Lucinda Searle Senior ICT Adviser September 2012

2 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage ‘Working in partnership with schools to enable and optimise a technological environment, which will benefit all members of our educational community in Somerset; encompassing safety, efficiency, opportunity and entitlement.’ Working with, and supporting you to lead, learn, protect and engage your school through the use of technology

3 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage



6 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage MIS Support The MIS is a single point-of-record for nearly all school-related data – effective use is therefore vital Dedicated Team helps schools get the most from their MIS Team expertise covers entire MIS breadth Experienced in helping schools to develop fully integrated solutions Guidance developed with an awareness of statutory requirements and school business practices Long-standing working relationships with schools is a major factor in the effectiveness of the service

7 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage MIS Support On-site consultancy for system and process development or re-engineering Guidance distributed via iPost Support delivered by remote connection or face-to-face, as appropriate Hosted/on-site training, twilight and inset sessions Termly MIS update seminars Role-specific user group meetings to foster networking and sharing of best practice between schools

8 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage The MIS Team is constantly looking into new and emerging MIS technologies, sharing the benefits with schools. Recent examples include: Remote working for staff (including MIS) Automated MIS upgrades Backup health monitoring Development and distribution of business reports for the MIS Texting service for communication with parents and staff email@school for parental communication Data analysis techniques using the latest tools Additional MIS Team Services

9 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage email@school

10 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Discover

11 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Some simple Discover analyses... ABSENCE BY SUBJECTACHIEVEMENTS BY YEAR GROUP

12 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage some more elaborate analyses TA LEVEL 5+ in En, Ma and Sc ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE STATUS

13 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Somerset Learning Platform

14 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage


16 Data Audit Recent ‘Data Security in Schools Audit’ of Somerset schools recommended that: ‘Staff should be reminded to ensure all sensitive data is retained within the Somerset Learning Platform and accessed through the SLP email address; either at school or home.’

17 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage SLP Training and Customisation

18 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage 18 Staff Learners Parents Administrators Website Governors School Basic SLP

19 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Student reports

20 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage 20 Shared school calendar

21 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Welcome Events Calendar Notices Newsletters Prospectus ….. Public facing websites

22 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage DfE publication requirements September 2012 In order to provide parents with the information they need at the right time, maintained schools, and academies and Free Schools will be required to publish the following details online: Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment Curriculum provision, content and approach, by academic year and by subject Admission arrangements The school's policy in relation to behaviour, charging, and SEN and disability provision Links to Ofsted reports and to the Department’s achievement and attainment performance data; and details of thee school’s latest Key Stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures.

23 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage SLP School Improvement Planning and Review Tool Development Planning Performance Management Professional Development Self Evaluation Reporting & Analysis

24 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage

25 School Evaluation Dashboard ‘At a Glance’ view of school evaluation

26 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage

27 Preston are into their third year of using the tool

28 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Education Technology

29 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Outstanding grade descriptors for the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school includes; ‘pupils... are fully aware of different forms of bullying, including cyber-bullying...... are highly aware of how to keep themselves and others safe, including in relation to e-safety. Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school includes ‘the promotion of safe practices and a culture of safety, including e-safety. Ofsted’s ‘Inspecting e-safety briefing for inspectors’ highlights the training of staff as part of the key features of good and outstanding practice:  All teaching and non-teaching staff receive regular and up-to-date training.  At least one staff member has accredited training, for example CEOP, EPICT. Ofsted Framework September ‘12

30 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage

31 Programming/Computing

32 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage

33 ICT Helpdesk 01823 355090 eLIM 01823 356832 Keeping up to date iPost - Weekly News Emails Secondary Blog @somersetesafe @ictsomersetsec Somerset eLIM

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