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Julie Collins Office of Safe Schools Florida Department of Education 2011-12 School Safety &Discipline Data Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Julie Collins Office of Safe Schools Florida Department of Education 2011-12 School Safety &Discipline Data Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie Collins Office of Safe Schools Florida Department of Education 2011-12 School Safety &Discipline Data Reporting

2 Why are SESIR and Discipline Data Important? Provides data: For needs assessment for grant opportunities For measuring progress of intervention For reporting to advisory councils

3 SESIR Key Features Developed 1995 for school staff Based on criminal code but not identical 23 incident categories reported alcohol, bullying, drug, gang, hate-crime, injury or weapon Each incident may have related elements: alcohol, bullying, drug, gang, hate-crime, injury or weapon

4 SESIR Incidents On school grounds, school transportation, or at off-campus school sponsored events related elements The most serious offense is the primary SESIR incident. Secondary offenses can be reported as one or more “related elements”. 365 days/24 hours Student, Non-Student or Unknown Offenders

5 Violent Acts Against Persons Homicide Sexual Battery Robbery Battery Kidnapping Alcohol, Tobacco & Drugs Drug Use/Possession Drug Sales Alcohol Tobacco  Other Non-Violent Sex Offenses Trespassing Other Major Offenses Property Breaking & Entering/Burglary Larceny/Theft/Motor Vehicle Arson Vandalism Harassment Threat/Intimidation Sexual Harassment  Bullying  Harassment  Not Categorized Fighting  Disruption On Campus Weapons Possession

6 SESIR Reporting SESIR incidents are per incident. Report only ONE incident even when there are multiple students involved in the same incident. Discipline actions are per student.

7 School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR)

8 Student Discipline/ Referral Action NEW

9 Federal/State Indicator Status NEW

10 Reporting Periods SESIR and Discipline data must be reported in Surveys 2, 3 and 5. Survey 2: October, 2011 Survey 3: February, 2012 Survey 5: August, 2012

11 Changes & Updates for 2011-12 New Data Elements: School-Related Arrests Expulsion due to Zero Tolerance Policies Students Reported to have been Bullied/Harassed (Basis) Updated Data Elements: Discipline/Resultant Action Code Drug Description Updated Incident Definitions: Alcohol Arson Drug Use/Possession

12 New Data Element: School-Related Arrests A code indicating whether or not the student was arrested for an activity conducted on school grounds, during off-campus school activities (including while taking school transportation), or due to a referral by any school official during this school year. CODEDEFINITION N No, the student was not arrested. Y Yes, the student was arrested. #197230

13 New Data Element: Expulsion due to Zero Tolerance Policies A code indicating whether or not the student was removed from the school setting for an extended length of time with or without continuing education services due to state and local zero-tolerance policies. A zero-tolerance policy is a policy that results in mandatory expulsion of any student who commits one or more specified offenses (for example, offenses involving guns, or other weapons, or violence, or similar factors, or combinations of these factors). A policy is considered “zero tolerance” even if there are some exceptions to the mandatory aspect of the expulsions, such as allowing the chief administering officer of an LEA to modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis. (Y, N or Z) #197231

14 US ED Office for Civil Rights- Students reported to have been Bullied, Harassed on the basis of: Sex Race Disability New Data Elements: Students Reported to have been Bullied/Harassed

15 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed - Sex An indicator of whether the student was reported to have been bullied or harassed on the basis of sex during this school year. Harassment or bullying on the basis of sex is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Harassment or bullying on the basis of sex also includes gender-based, nonsexual harassing conduct, such as harassment based on gender stereotyping. Both male and female students can be victims of sexual harassment, and the harasser and the victim can be of the same sex. #197228

16 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed – Sex (continued) This includes both substantiated and unsubstantiated bullying and harassment. Note: A Y or N code must be used for students who are the object of bullying or harassment coded as SESIR incident types Bullying (BUL), Unsubstantiated Bullying (UBL), or Unsubstantiated Harassment (UHR), Threat/Intimidation (TRE) as defined in Appendix P, or for incidents coded Y (yes) on Incident, Bullying- Related. (Y, N or Z)

17 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed - Race An indicator of whether the student was reported to have been bullied or harassed on the basis of the student’s race, color or national origin during this school year. This includes both substantiated and unsubstantiated bullying and harassment. #197227

18 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed – Race (continued) A Y or N code must be used for students who are the object of bullying or harassment coded as SESIR incident types Bullying (BUL), Harassment (HAR), Unsubstantiated Bullying (UBL), Unsubstantiated Harassment (UHR), Threat/Intimidation (TRE) or Sexual Harassment (SXH) as defined in Appendix P, or for incidents coded Y (yes) on Incident, Bullying- Related. (Y, N or Z)

19 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed - Disability An indicator of whether the student was reported to have been bullied or harassed on the basis of the student’s disability during this school year. This includes both substantiated and unsubstantiated bullying and harassment. #197226

20 New Data Element: Bullied or Harassed – Disability (cont’d.) A Y or N code must be used for students who are the object of bullying or harassment coded as SESIR incident types Bullying (BUL), Harassment (HAR), Unsubstantiated Bullying (UBL), Unsubstantiated Harassment (UHR), Threat/Intimidation (TRE) or Sexual Harassment (SXH) as defined in Appendix P, or for incidents coded Y (yes) on Incident, Bullying- Related. (Y, N or Z)

21 Updated Data Element: Discipline/Resultant Action Code Name-change from “Discipline/Referral Action Code” Inclusion of restraint and seclusion as a “disciplinary action” in 2010-11 Confusion when restraint or seclusion is used to prevent self-injury (not as discipline)

22 Updated Data Element: Drug Description The type of drug involved in a school environmental safety incident. CODE DEFINITION M Marijuana/Hashish/Other Cannabinoids O Other N Not a controlled substance, but used as a drug. Z Not applicable. No drugs were involved in this incident. Also use this code for all incidents of types Unsub- stantiated Bullying (UBL) and Unsubstantiated Harass- ment (UHR).Not Applicable. #115802

23 (Possession, use or sale) Possession, sale, purchase, or use of alcoholic beverages. Use should be reported only if means the person is caught in the act of using, admits to use or is discovered to have used in the course of an investigation. Updated Incident Definition: Alcohol

24 Updated Incident Definition: Arson (Intentionally setting a fire on/with school property) To damage or cause to be damaged, by fire or explosion, any dwelling, structure, or conveyance, whether occupied or not, or its contents. Examples: Student or other deliberately burning school textbooks property (building, fixtures, etc.). Non-Examples: Student or other unintentionally starting a fire. Note: Report only intentionally-set fires to SESIR.

25 (Illegal drug possession or use) The use or possession of any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance or any substance when used for hallucinogenic purposes. Use means the person is caught in the act of using, admits to use or is discovered to have used in the course of an investigation. Updated Incident Definition: Drug Use/Possession

26 Changes Appendix P, Definitions for Incident Reporting SESIR Poster/Definitions and Guidelines Discipline and Federal/State Reporting Formats

27 Reports for Request F62865 - School Environmental Safety Incident Report F70553 - SESIR Incident by Disciplinary Action F71070 - SESIR Weapon Description By School Validation/Exception Reports: F61419 - Discipline F62954 - School Safety (62953) F70623 - School Safety Aggregate Validation Report

28 Web Links Office of Safe Schools Education Information & Accountability Services

29 What Does Accurate SESIR and Discipline Data Depend On? Knowledge of SESIR Definitions Software System design to optimize accuracy Schools Data Review/Correction Process to Update OSS to AP or Expulsion Process for Entering Incidents & Disciplinary Action Student Referral Form Design

30 Common Problems with 2009-10 Data Not all level I incidents were reported to Law Enforcement Many districts reported no Injury-Related incidents Some districts reported no Bullying-Related incidents Incidents involving staff, teachers, and administrators were not reported in SESIR Some districts had a low percentage of schools reporting incidents (less than 50%)

31 Online Training Greatest barrier to accurate data was identified as lack of knowledge of SESIR definitions and reporting process by school administrators. Online SESIR Training Information is available at:

32 Interactive SESIR Poster

33 Got Questions? Contact us: SESIR Program Contact: 850.245.0676 SESIR MIS Contact: 850.245.9054

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