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Lily’s EFS Class Welcome to TAFE! Semester 2, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Lily’s EFS Class Welcome to TAFE! Semester 2, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lily’s EFS Class Welcome to TAFE! Semester 2, 2010

2 Welcome to EFS! ·This is an important semester for you! ·I will give you an introduction to your level and to our classroom. ·If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

3 All About Me ·My Background ·I grew up in Nanjing. ·I attended Air force Primary, No. 34 High School, Canberra University and Warwick University. ·My Experience ·I’ve been teaching English for 32 years. ·I have taught university students, corporate students, but TAFE is my favourite.

4 Tell me ·Why are you doing EFS this term? ·What are your expectancies of this unit? ·What is your plan after EFS?

5 Goals ·To give you the academic tools you need to progress to EAP or other main stream courses in TAFE and universities. ·To provide a supportive learning environment. ·To have fun while we learn. ·To make new friends and discover new interests.

6 Class content and assessment policy 1.We will cover EFS writing unit subjects and topics that the Education Department believes are important for you to learn during your EFS semester. 2.3 assessment tasks ·1 st draft in class ·2 nd draft in word doc ·Mark 2 drafts only ·Must pass at least 2

7 Writing ·The topics we will cover this semester are as follows: 1.Education 2.Health 3.Effectiveness of a political policy

8 Education ·Essay: 700 words ·A comparison and contrast of the education system in Australia and the one in other countries

9 Health ·Information report: 700 words ·Cause and effect of childhood obesity/obesity

10 Effectiveness of an Australian political policy ·Case study: 700 words · Asylum seekers

11 Course approach Teacher ·Description/demonstration ·Facilitation/instruction Student ·Demonstrating ability to write EFS tasks ·Participation in all activities ·Hands-on writing / rewriting -- evidence ·Taking the ownership of your own work

12 House/class rules The most important class rules: ·On time / regular attendance ·No mobile ·Preview lessons ·Review lessons ·Finish your home work on due time ·Complete the course

13 Homework policy ·Read extensively ·Read topic related materials ·Write working outlines ·2 drafts ·Due time

14 Study tool and tardiness policy ·EFS writing course textbook and the answer book: Oshima Alice, & Hogue Ann. Introduction to Academic Writing (third edition), Longman, 2007 ·Note book and writing pad ·Computer password for internet access ·USB ·Word processed drafts · Document your research and referencing notes ·Folder / filing

15 Resources and class communication 1.P drive: EFS writing, semester 2, 2010 2.Class reading wiki 3.Class workshop wiki

16 Q and A ?

17 Let’s Have a Great Semester!

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