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Rights for for Dads A Non Emotional Outcome Based Approach To Collaborative Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights for for Dads A Non Emotional Outcome Based Approach To Collaborative Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights for for Dads A Non Emotional Outcome Based Approach To Collaborative Business

2 Agenda Procedural Safeguards State Complaint Independent Educational Evaluation Confidentiality and Access to Student Records Informed consent Notice Due Process Complaint Mediation Private Placement Discipline Resources

3 Procedural Safeguards The rules are the tools

4 Procedural safeguards Copy given to you at least once a school year Upon initial referral or request for evaluation In accordance with the discipline procedures when a change in placement occurs Upon receipt of the first State complaint in a school year Upon the receipt of the first request for a due process hearing in a school year Upon your request to receive a copy Right to full explanation of the meaning of each procedural safeguard.


6 Filing a state complaint Only for IDEA procedural violations Must be submitted in writing to the DOE Sixty calendar days time line Opportunity to submit documentation Finding of facts Corrective actions Remedy provisions

7 Independent Educational Evaluation

8 Requesting an IEE At public expense without delay Only after the district evaluation Same or similar test Qualified examiner Same setting Required to provide a list of examiners Do not have to choose from list Grant the IEE and pay or initiate due process Have the person doing the IEE attend the IEP

9 Confidentiality and Access to Student Records

10 Everything in writing FERPA Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Right to review records and restrict access Right to copies Can be charged a fee Right to amend Limit information to facts Can have records purged Anything personally identifiable Exception is teachers personal notes

11 Informed Consent

12 Informed consent Must know what consent is being given for Prior to any evaluation Initial placement in special education Release of information Can be conditional Can be revoked With revocation loss of FAPE including 504

13 Notice

14 When I am notified Prior written notice Establishes clarity and accountability Within reasonable time (10 days) Native language Before meetings Sates purpose and who will be in attendance Where and when to be held.

15 Due Process Complaints

16 Due process complaints Only as a last resort Even when you win you lose. Must exercise all other administrative options Must have resulted in loss of FAPE Prevailing party can recoup attorney's fees Right to appeal

17 Mediation

18 Requesting mediation Non biased mediator Written agreement legally binding Confidential and may not be used as evidence Can be requested at any time. Must be mutually agreed to mediate No cost to parent


20 Private Placement If placed by parents loss of FAPE do not have an individual right to special education and related services Right to evaluation Same proportion of federal dollars Obligation to consult Offer of equitable services Due process and state complaint


22 Discipline and Behavior Standard code of student conduct Student with an IEP Prior knowledge of disability Positive behavioral interventions and support Impedes with learning Ten days suspension Manifestation determination Exception of drugs or weapons Burden of proof on parent Goals under social emotional domain No cessation of services after 10 th day

23 Resources

24 Central Florida Parent Center National Parent Technical Assistance Center Procedural safeguards NICHCY Partners Resource Network videos 7019EC5EC5

25 Wilbur Hawke 239.417.3636wilbur@flafathers.com

26 239 417-3636

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